God the Father loves the Son of God (John 3:35), Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Son of God loves God the Father (John 14:31), and this communion is in the Holy Spirit of God (1 John 5:6-8)! Perfect Love in one God (John 17:21), Agape! The Father in Heaven's banquet is for His Son, and the purpose of this feast is to celebrate the marriage to His Chosen Bride, and she has the favor of the Father because of the Son (Matthew 22:1-14)! Let us examine His authoritative declaration of His Bride, His Holy Nation (1 Peter 2:9), His Body (1 Corinthians 12:12), the Assembly of God (1 Corinthians 1:2)!
The purpose of this essay compares church to the revealed Word of God. A deep dive into Scripture while concurrently examining Church,, as manifest at various times and various locations around the world, provides a mountaintop perspective . The objective, the target is to seek God's answer in Scripture defining the Assembly of God, the dictates of the Father in heaven for the Bride of His Son!
I AM (Exodus 3:14); YHWH (Genesis 2:4); The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob (Exodus 3:6); God Most High (Genesis 14:18), precisely laid out the Tabernacle, it's courtyard, interaction with it, and it's contents to Moses; it's fiber, form, and factor (Exodus 25-31 as well as elsewhere). Make no mistake, God gave this for the edification of His Holy Nation (1 Corinthians 10:11), the children of God (Matthew 5:9), that now walk by faith by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 5:7, 2 Timothy 1:14, Ezekiel 36:27). God provided precision about the Tabernacle on the Mountain of God. God is the God of peace and orderliness (1 Corinthians 14:33).
Before the foundation of the world, the Holy God of all eternity established His plan in love (Ephesians 1:4, 1 Peter 1:20). The Firstborn was known to Him (Psalm 89:27, Colossians 1:15-16, Colossians 1:18, Hebrews 1:6, Hebrews 1:8). Each child of God was known to Him (Revelation 13:8, Revelation 21:27, Revelation 20:12, Revelation 3:5). This One True God reigns absolute, and no man can ward off His Hand (Daniel 4:35, Jude 1:4, Revelation 21:27, Romans 9:20-21).
In the Old Testament (Septuagint), every occurrence of ecclesia in the Word of God is translated assembly. The actual Greek for ecclesia is εκκλησια (diacritics occur occasionally), and it may have several transliterations such as ecclesia and ekklhsia.
Here are a mere two of the 107 Bible verses in the Septuagint which include the word root of ecclesia, in Nehemiah (13:1) "assembly of God" as well as, interestingly, in Leviticus (8:4) the Word of God reads "congregation was assembled at the doorway" with the word congregation being synagoge and assemble being ecclesia.
The exception to the rule is in the book of Ecclesiastes where the word with the root of ecclesia has not been translated to the word assemble, rather it has been translated ecclesiastic (Solomon referring to himself). Please consider "I an ecclesiastic became king over Israel in Jerusalem." (1:12) and so with several occurrences of ecclesia in Ecclesiastes. In this, we find the nuance of ecclesiastic meaning one of the assembly, that is, Solomon, one of the assembly, became king over Israel. Ecclesia occurs 7 times in Ecclesiastes, and this number is included in the 107 Bible verses mentioned above.
Further, let's examine Acts 19 in the New Testament, which was originally penned in Koine Greek. In each of these verses, Acts 19:32, 19:39, 19:41, we find ecclesia translated assembly. Luke, the author under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, used the word ecclesia to describe the mob of unbelievers in Ephesus! Should the people translating to English have employed "church" as the term for the enraged, lost, unsaved mob in Ephesus? After all, very frequently in the New Testament in the King James Version (KJV), New American Standard Bible (NASB), New International Version (NIV), English Standard Version (ESV), etc, the word ecclesia is translated church.
Paul, the former persecutor of Christians named Saul, provides a definition of ecclesia in 1 Timothy 3:15. First, here is the interlinear for you to read yourself (this does not contain the KJV which has been whited out here on this current page, but a copy of the below image which contains the KJV is available by clicking here, but please carefully read the copy of this page first):
Let us listen to the Master Himself, Our Living and Loving Lord Jesus Christ, as recorded by Matthew the Apostle under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (18:17) "If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the ecclesia; and if he refuses to listen even to the ecclesia, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector." The KJV, NASB, NIV, and ESV all use the word "church" for ecclesia; however, contemporary with Jesus' words, the synagogue was a place where the congregation of Jews assembled. Should the word synagogue have been used in place of ecclesia? That would be inconsistent with the use of ecclesia in the Law (Old Testament - in particular the Septuagint). After all, synagogue was translated congregation as is shown again and again in the Holy Spirit inspired writings of Moses! The word "assembly" fits wonderfully with ecclesia, after all, Jesus and the disciples were people walking and talking in a growing assembly!
The definition of ecclesia is out-called, called out assembly, community, and congregation.
Jesus declared "many are called, but few are chosen" as recorded by Matthew (22:14). Please take special note of the word "called", King Jesus calls people out of the realm of death (Ephesians 2:1), so those with ears opened by the Lord Jesus to hear are His sheep (Mark 7:31-37, Mark 4:9, John 10:27).
An exhaustive analysis of New Testament occurrences of ecclesia is due, so please find it at this link, "Table of Every Occurrence of Ecclesia in the New Testament".
In all this, it is clearly evident that God calls and extracts people out of this world (1 Peter 2:11), and, in a mighty act, God places these citizens into the exclusive dominion of the Kingdom of God (Romans 9:16, Ephesians 2:19). This blessed act of God adds to the Assembly of God, and His Assembly is inclusive as well as impartial (Deuteronomy 10:17, Acts 10:34).
The Assembly of God is the group of people that experience the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ secure in the faith delivered to the saints (Jude 3, Ephesians 2:8-10), including those asleep and living.
"If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:31-32)
But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. (2 Peter 1:20-21)
The sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:15-17 [the word "inspired" literally "God-breathed" and "training" literally "training which is in"])
You have ordained Your precepts,
That we should keep them diligently.
(Psalm 119:4)
How can a young man keep his way pure?
By keeping it according to Your word.
(Psalm 119:9)
Blessed are You, O Lord;
Teach me Your statutes.
(Psalm 119:12)
How sweet are Your words to my taste!
Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
(Psalm 119:103)
From Your precepts I get understanding;
Therefore I hate every false way.
(Psalm 119:104)
Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
(Psalm 119:105)
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. (Genesis 1:1-5 - the first passage of the Word of God)
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John 1:1-5 - the first passage of the Word of God in the Gospel recorded by the Apostle John)
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)
a voice out of the cloud said "This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!' (Matthew 17:5))
"Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? Everyone who comes to Me and hears My words and acts on them, I will show you whom he is like: he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid a foundation on the rock; and when a flood occurred, the torrent burst against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built. But the one who has heard and has not acted accordingly, is like a man who built a house on the ground without any foundation; and the torrent burst against it and immediately it collapsed, and the ruin of that house was great." (Luke 6:46-49)
"It is written, 'MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE, BUT ON EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD." (Matthew 4:4 [take note that Jesus said "EVERY WORD" because words matter])
Yahúwah Yahushua haMashiyach established His ecclesia on the Ledge of Truth, that is, Himself. The entire foundation of this section is founded on the previous statement, so dissecting this statement Scripturally is critical:
Yahúwah | Master, Lord, Controller, Shepherd, Adonai, kyrios/kurio in Greek | 1 Corinthians 12:3 |
Yahushua | Hebrew name of Jesus meaning "YHWH Salvation", Iesou in Greek | Matthew 1:21 |
haMashiyach | Hebrew title meaning "Anointed One", Christos in Greek, Messiah another English rendered form | Mark 8:29 |
established His ecclesia | Jesus' assembled people, His Body of believers | John 15:5 |
on the Ledge | a Ledge is a bed-rock, a solid, massive boulder, Petra in Greek (city of Petra - Wikipedia) | Matthew 16:18 |
of Truth | Jesus said "I am the Truth" and Peter (Petros in Greek, meaning pebble) declared profound Truth when he said "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." | John 14:6, Matthew 16:16 |
that is, Himself | in this passage, the Truth is revealed that the ecclesia would be built on this massive, wonderful Truth | Matthew 16:13-20 |
Here is the declaration of God's Ecclesia before the existence of the Church!
Not unlike Jesus; Who lived, died on the cross, resurrected, and ascended to the right hand of the Father during the time of the Roman Empire; the children of God followed in His steps (1 Peter 2:21) as sheep before the slaughter by Roman persecutors (Romans 8:36), yet these saints were gripped by the deep, deep love and joy of the Author and Perfecter of the faith (2 Corinthians 4:7-15, Hebrews 12:2)!
Furthermore, since the time of Jesus, there were apostate people (fell away from the faith [1 John 2:19, 2 Thessalonians 2:3]), and people that expressed heretical beliefs (some denied Jesus absolute authority and control [Matthew 10:33, 2 Corinthians 5:14]). As incredulous as it may sound, there was a gradual departure from the teachings of Christ Jesus that can be called antichrist. Nevertheless, God continues to preserve a people unto Himself, and one such account of a person is Polycarp, an elder in the assembly of God that was discipled by John (as in the Gospel according to John), is depicted in this excellent movie, Polycarp available on DVD as well as several sources of accounts of his life, and death, that centered on Christ around 150 A.D.
The following indented section is based on assertions from documents and claims made by others about history.
The earliest known reference to the term "pulpit" as it pertains to the church is found in the writing of Cyprian (c. 250 AD), in Epistle XXXIII:When this man, beloved brethren, came to us with such condescension of the Lord, illustrious by the testimony and wonder of the very man who had persecuted him, what else behoved to be done except that he should be placed on the pulpit, that is, on the tribunal of the Church; that, resting on the loftiness of a higher station, and conspicuous to the whole people for the brightness of his honour, he should read the precepts and Gospel of the Lord, which he so bravely and faithfully follows? Let the voice that has confessed the Lord daily be heard in those things which the Lord spoke. Let it be seen whether there is any further degree to which he can be advanced in the Church. There is nothing in which a confessor can do more good to the brethren than that, while the reading of the Gospel is heard from his lips, every one who hears should imitate the faith of the reader.It is claimed that the day before the battle of Milvian Bridge on 28 October 312, that Roman Emperor Constantine had a vision of a symbol about Christ with a voice telling him "In this sign, [you shall] conquer". It is said that this event impacted Constantine's attitude toward Christianity in a positive fashion. Constantine's alleged vision precipitated a transition which occurred with the Edict of Milan in 313 A.D., issued by Constantine, which resulted in the legalization and favor of Christianity.
People in leadership of the Church tacitly approved the role of vicar of Christ to Constantine, or said another way, the pontus of Christos, the pope by act. Constantine insinuated himself as the head of the Church, and Church leadership was complicit, if not explicit in the act as Constantine called for synods and councils over which he presided over the results, such as the Nicene Council.
Later in Constantine's reign, persecution of professing Christians who rejected subscribing to Constantine's beliefs underwent brutal destruction of life. Constantine exercised authority over the Church, and those people that agreed with Constantine had the peace of the world.Roman Emperor Theodosius I, 379-395 A.D., prohibited all forms of pagan worship as recorded in the "Codex Theodosianus", a codification of legislative enactments from the time of Constantine, as sixteen volumes arranged in chronological order. Ambrose, the Church bishop of Milan, exerted extraordinary dominance over Theodosius I, including leveraging the threat of excommunication. The effective result of Theodosius' edict made the Church the state religion of the western empire. While pagan rituals such as burnt offering or the divining of entrails were treasonous, the pagans that venerated a statue or tied a ribbon around a tree just faced loss of property (Codex Theodosianus, XVI.10.12).
At about the same time, the Church also targeted people that they identified as having heretical Christian beliefs, for example "It is Our will that all the peoples who are ruled by the administration of Our Clemency shall practice that religion which the divine Peter the Apostle transmitted to the Romans....The rest, whom We adjudge demented and insane, shall sustain the infamy of heretical dogmas, their meeting places shall not receive the name of churches, and they shall be smitten first by divine vengeance and secondly by the retribution of Our own initiative" (Codex Theodosianus, XVI.1.2).
It was under Theodosius I's successor, Theodosius II, that pagans were denied public employment, that is civil and military administration.
The final edict recorded in the Codex Theodosianus, XV.10.21., forbade sacrifices on penalty of death and ordered the destruction of temples, if any existed.
The tale of the Caesareum church in Alexandria, Egypt.
Part 1 of 3 of this tale identifies dates/times and the associated rulers.
Alexandria, Egypt was founded around a small, ancient Egyptian town c. 331 BC by Alexander the Great, the Greek conqueror of Egypt, The Royal Library of Alexandria was created by Ptolemy I Soter, who (1) was a Macedonian general, (2) the successor of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, and (3) later declared himself Pharaoh of Egypt. The Ptolemaic Kingdom, a Hellenistic (Greek) kingdom based in Egypt, was ruled by the Ptolemaic dynasty which started with Ptolemy I Soter's accession in 323 BC and concluding with the death of Cleopatra VII and the Roman conquest in 30 BC. Cleopatra VII Philopator (69 - August 12, 30 BC), known to history simply as Cleopatra, was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, briefly survived as pharaoh by her son Caesarion. After her reign, Egypt became a province of the recently established Roman Empire. (reference [each of these opens to Wikipedia for history]: Alexandria, Library of Alexandria, Ptolemaic Kingdom, Cleopatra)Part 2 of 3 of this tale identifies a place, the Caesareum.
The Caesareum of Alexandria was a temple in Alexandria, Egypt. It was conceived by Cleopatra VII of the Ptolemaic kingdom, the last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, to honour her dead lover Marc Antony. The edifice was finished by the Roman Emperor Augustus, after he defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra. He destroyed all traces of Antony in Alexandria, and apparently dedicated the temple to his own cult (this is the same Caesar Augustus that issued the decree for the census at the time of Jesus Christ [Luke 2:1]). Hundreds of years later, the Caesareum was converted to a Christian church in the late 4th century. The Caesareum was the headquarters of Cyril of Alexandria, the Patriarch of Alexandria from 412 to 444. (reference: Caesareum of Alexandria [opens to Wikipedia for history])Part 3 of 3 of this very specific tale identifies actions of various peoples.
Hypatia (born c. 350-370; died 415 AD), often called Hypatia of Alexandria, was a Greek mathematician, astronomer, inventor, and philosopher in Egypt, then a part of the Eastern Roman Empire. She was the head of the Neoplatonic school at Alexandria, where she taught philosophy and astronomy. A pagan, Hypatia was murdered by a mob of people identified as Christians after being accused of exacerbating a conflict between two prominent figures in Alexandria: the Prefect, Orestes, and the bishop, Cyril of Alexandria. This is the account of the murder/killing of Hypatia:"There was a woman at Alexandria named Hypatia, daughter of the philosopher Theon, who made such attainments in literature and science, as to far surpass all the philosophers of her own time. Having succeeded to the school of Plato and Plotinus, she explained the principles of philosophy to her auditors, many of whom came from a distance to receive her instructions. On account of the self-possession and ease of manner, which she had acquired in consequence of the cultivation of her mind, she not infrequently appeared in public in presence of the magistrates. Neither did she feel abashed in coming to an assembly of men. For all men on account of her extraordinary dignity and virtue admired her the more. Yet even she fell a victim to the political jealousy which at that time prevailed. For as she had frequent interviews with Orestes, it was calumniously reported among the Christian populace, that it was she who prevented Orestes from being reconciled to the bishop. Some of them therefore, hurried away by a fierce and bigoted zeal, whose ringleader was a reader named Peter, waylaid her returning home, and dragging her from her carriage, they took her to the church called Caesareum, where they completely stripped her, and then murdered her with tiles. After tearing her body in pieces, they took her mangled limbs to a place called Cinaron, and there burnt them. This affair brought not the least opprobrium, not only upon Cyril, but also upon the whole Alexandrian church. And surely nothing can be farther from the spirit of Christianity than the allowance of massacres, fights, and transactions of that sort. This happened in the month of March during Lent, in the fourth year of Cyril's episcopate, under the tenth consulate of Honorius, and the sixth of Theodosius [AD 415]." (Socrates Scholasticus included in the Historia Ecclesiastica [Ecclesiastical History] [VII.15] [opens to uchicago.edu for history])Epilog of this tragic witness and story
- Please see that in part 2, the Caesareum was built as a pagan temple under Cleopatra then later rededicated to cultic practice under Augustus.
- Please see that in part 1, that Cleopatra died 30 years prior to the birth of the Christ.
- Please see that in part 3, the Caesareum is referred to as a "church" about 400 years after the birth of the Christ.
- See in part 3, the church called Caesareum is used as a place for the destruction of a life selfishly sending Hypatia to the place of eternal destruction (see John 3:36, Matthew 24:45-51, Matthew 25:45-46, 2 Thessalonians 7-9). Carnal man's selfishness starkly contrasts against the Christian's love for his or her neighbor (Matthew 22:39, Luke 10:25-37), even the Christian dying while the neighbor is yet a sinner (John 15:13).
- Timeline: about 350 years before Hypatia. A Christian Martyr in Alexadria named John Mark (John Mark [opens to Wikipedia], Encyclopedia of The Bible - John Mark [opens to BibleGateway]). Tradition holds that Mark is the author of the second gospel, "the Gospel According to Mark". Tradition also holds that "the pagans of the city resented his efforts to turn the Alexandrians away from the worship of their traditional gods. In AD 68, they placed a rope around his neck and dragged him through the streets until he was dead" (Mark the Evangelist [opens to Wikipedia], The Gruesome Death of Saint Mark the Evangelist [opens to TaylorMarshall.com]), even a Christian dying while his neighbor is yet a sinner (John 15:13).
Over the subsequent centuries, various groups professing to be Christian arose. The Albingenses (a.k.a. Cathars) appeared in what is now modern day France. The Waldensians were largely in the mountains between Northern Italy, France, and Germany. They disagreed with the Church, and they faced extermination by the Church.
Prior to the 12th century, execution was rare for heresy, rather ecclesiastical proscription or imprisonment were the tools of the Church.
The Church's inquisition initiated in the 13th century under pope Innocent III. The Order of the Dominicans, founded by a Church priest Dominic Guzman, were the pope's chief instrument in the evil inquisition. The Church opposed people possessing a Bible!Dominic said of the Albingeneses, "It is not the display of power and pomp, cavalcades of retainers, and richly-houseled palfreys, or by gorgeous apparel, that the heretics win proselytes; it is by zealous preaching, by apostolic humility, by austerity, by seeming, it is true, but by seeming holiness. Zeal must be met by zeal, humility by humility, false sanctity by real sanctity, preaching falsehood by preaching truth."
At the Colloquy of Montreal of 1207 A.D., Dominic clearly lost the debate with the Albingenses. In humiliation at his failure, Dominic claimed to speak on behalf of Christ when he promised slavery and death to his opponents. Two years later, after the formation of the Order of the Dominicans, pope Innocent III ordered the crusade against the Albingenses. The popes relished in their conquests.
In 1233 A.D. pope Gregory IX established the inquisition as official Church doctrine. The popes outlawed possession, translation, and reading of the Bible.About the year 1384, John Wycliffe translated the Bible from Latin into Middle English, so people could read the Scriptures! About 50 years after John's death, the Church exhumed his decaying body, smashed it, and burned the bones for heresy.
In 1526, William Tyndale completed the translation of the New Testament based on Greek text "compiled by Erasmus from several manuscripts older and more authoritative than the Latin Vulgate" of Jerome (A.D. c.340-420), and the New Testament in English was published (utilizing the newly introduced metal movable type printing presses Printing press [opens to Wikipedia for history]) and distributed. At that time, the leaders of the churches opposed the publication of the Bible in the common language of the land; in other words, the clergy only wanted the Bible in Latin to be produced, anywhere! By the way, Koine Greek is the common language Greek as opposed to Majuscule. In the course of a dispute with a promminent clergyman who disparaged this proposal to translate the Scriptures into English, there is a keen statement by William. The priest said "We are better to be without God's laws than the pope", to which William replied "I defy the pope and all his laws. If God spare my life ere many years, I will cause the boy that drives the plow to know more of the scriptures than you!" In 1536, William's prayer standing on the pyre of his execution (the Church executed him in Belgium for opposing their doctrine of works righteousness because William declared that Children of God are saved by grace through faith that not of ourselves but it is the gift of God, yet he was arrested when it was discovered by the government when informed of his work locally on the English translation), his last, dying audible words "Lord, open the king of England's eyes." William had been vigorously hunted by men of renown, the Roman Catholic Church clergy as well as King Henry VIII, who became the head of the Church of England during this time, and those under Henry's authority.About one year later, King Henry VIII ordered that each Church of England display the largest book of the Bible.
Contemporary with William was Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, and Menno Simmons.Martin, John, Huldrych, and Menno all started Churches.
Martin acknowledged being saved by faith, and no "free will" in that. Martin posted the 95 Theses on the Church of Wittenberg doors, a normal practice for announcements. In the 95 Theses, Martin denounced Roman Catholic Church practices, including indulgences, as Martin wrote that only God can forgive sin. Martin worked for a time under the protectorate of the House of Wettin starting with Prince Frederick III who appointed Martin to the University of Wittenberg as well as the wisking off of Martin as he approached Wittenberg by means of a counterfiet kidnapping by masked highway robbers after the Diet of Worms due to Charles V's Edict of Worms that declared Martin outlaw with permission to kill Martin without legal consequence. Martin enjoyed further protection to continue his work under the successors of Frederick the Wise. John the Steadfast, Frederick's successor, gifted a former monastery as a wedding gift to Martin and Katharina.
Menno acknowledged adult baptism, peacefulness at all costs to oneself, separation from civil government, and human perfectability as attainable after conversion meanwhile John stressed an Augustinian theology of human depravity. Menno was vigorously hunted by men of renown, yet he died at the age of 65 - that apparently not of execution; nonetheless, Menno suffered much in life for his declarations.
There was conflict among the Churches. John's Church in Geneva burned Michael Servetus (opens to Wikipedia), a Spanish theologian with whom John disagreed about the doctrine of the Trinity as well as anti-paedobaptism (anti-infant baptism); in turn, Martin's friend and authority in the Church sent a letter of congratulation to John for executing a heretic (History of the Christian Church, Volume VIII: Modern Christianity. The Swiss Reformation. § 137. Calvin and Servetus., 13th paragraph, quote noted by 994)! John was involved with the brutal death of Michael approximately 20 years after "Calvin was suddenly converted to recognizing the Lordship of Christ -- around the age of twenty-four -- he saw this as his own yielding to the Triune God Who had previously sealed him at his infant baptism many years earlier in 1509. It was only in 1533 that he underwent the internal crisis of sudden conversion to Christ. That was followed, three years later, by the first edition of his great work: The Institutes of the Christian Religion" (The Sacraments of the New Testament - The Anabaptists and their Stepchildren [opens to Reformed.org]). Huldrych's Church in Zurich drowned people from the immediate precursor to Menno's Church. Felix Manz (opens to Wikipedia), a professing Christian, was the first of the Anabaptists to be drowned under the Zürich council's authority; furthermore, the Zürich council and Huldrych's church were cooperative, unified in control, integrated, and symbiotic entities with the civil government of Zürich carrying out Huldrych's church desires, for example, executions for the "crime" of adult baptism, and Huldrych's church carrying out the Zürich council's desires, for example, Huldrych using the carnal sword weapon for fighting in battle (Beneficial Note: a Christian's weapons are not carnal/fleshly, see 2 Corinthians 10:4). Huldrych died in battle between his Church and another Church (the one with a pope). Martin rejoiced over the death of Huldrych (Martin Luther [opens to Wikiquote] then search the page for Zwingli), of whom, Martin wrote of Huldrych "We are not of the same spirit" after the Colloquy at Marburg (ZWINGLI AND LUTHER: THE GIANT VS. HERCULES [opens to ChristianHistoryInstitute.org]).
The men, of what is termed the Reformation, is where this short exercise nearly stops. It was a theme found among the reformers to identify the Roman Catholic Church as the "Whore of Babylon" based on "and on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, 'BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.'" written in Revelation (Revelation 17:5) (Whore of Babylon: Reformation view [opens to Wikipedia]).
With this, the churches of today include (these links are all to Wikipedia):
- Eastern Orthodox Church
- Oriental Orthodox Churches
- Roman Catholic Church
King Henry VIII Church of England (Anglican) Martin Luther Lutheran Church Menno Simons Mennonite Church John Calvin
- Congregational Churches
- Reformed Churches (such as Reformed Baptist)
- Presbyterian Churches
Huldrych Zwingli Reformed Churches John Knox Presbyterian Churches John Wesley
Also involved:
- Charles Wesley
- George Whitefield
(some call his beliefs Calvinistic)
- Methodist
- Wesleyan Church
- Pentecostal Church/Holiness Movement
Charles Fox Parham Pentecostal Church
While it is difficult to place a specific timeframe on the Roman Catholic Church's nearly unchecked reign, we can deduce that it was about 1,200 years (roughly 300 A.D. until 1500 A.D. either end could be subject to a century or more of adjustment, but this roughly demonstrates the duration of the Roman Catholic Church exerting dominance).
Definitions are important, without them, we are each left to our own devices, and misunderstanding is almost certain to ensue.
And, now, to the dictionaries:
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/church
- a building for public Christian worship.
- a religious service in a church.
- (cap.)
- the whole body of Christian believers; Christendom.
- any major division of this body; a Christian denomination.
- a Christian congregation.
- organized religion as distinguished from the state.
- (cap.) the Christian Church before the Reformation.
- the profession of an ecclesiastic.
8. to perform a church service for (a woman after childbirth).
[before 900; Middle English chir(i)che, Old English cir(i)ce « Greek kȳri(a)kón (doma) the Lord's (house); akin to Dutch kerk, German Kirche, Old Norse kirkja. See kirk]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/kirk
[1150-1200; Middle English (north and Scots) < Old Norse kirkja church]
- Chiefly Scot. a church.
- the Kirk, the Church of Scotland (Presbyterian), as distinguished from the Church of England or the Scottish Episcopal Church.
kirk'man, n., pl. -men.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
- http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=church (etymology)
Old English cirice, circe "church, public place of worship; Christians collectively," from Proto-Germanic *kirika (cognates: Old Saxon kirika, Old Norse kirkja, Old Frisian zerke, Middle Dutch kerke, Dutch kerk, Old High German kirihha, German Kirche), probably [see note in OED] from Greek kyriake (oikia), kyriakon doma "Lord's (house)," from kyrios "ruler, lord," from PIE root *keue- "to swell" ("swollen," hence "strong, powerful"); see cumulus. Phonetic spelling from c. 1200, established by 16c. For vowel evolution, see bury. As an adjective from 1570s.
Greek kyriakon (adj.) "of the Lord" was used of houses of Christian worship since c.300, especially in the East, though it was less common in this sense than ekklesia or basilike. An example of the direct Greek-to-Germanic progress of many Christian words, via the Goths; it probably was used by West Germanic people in their pre-Christian period.
Also picked up by Slavic, probably via Germanic (Old Church Slavonic criky, Russian cerkov). Finnish kirkko, Estonian kirrik are from Scandinavian. Romance and Celtic languages use variants of Latin ecclesia (such as French église, 11c.).
Church-bell was in late Old English. Church-goer is from 1680s. Church key is early 14c.; slang use for "can or bottle opener" is by 1954, probably originally U.S. college student slang. Church-mouse, proverbial in many languages for its poverty, is 1731 in English.
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/circean
n. Greek Mythology
A goddess who turned Odysseus's men temporarily into swine but later gave him directions for their journey home.
Cir′ce·an (sûr′sē-ən, sər-sē′ən) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
- http://www.theoi.com/Titan/Kirke.html
Greek Mythology >> Greek Gods >> Sky Gods >> Circe (Kirke)
CIRCE (Kirke), a mythical sorceress, whom Homer calls a fair-locked goddess, a daughter of Helios by the Oceanid Perse, and a sister of Aeetes. (Od. x. 135.) She lived in the island of Aeaea; and when Odysseus on his wanderings came to her island, Circe, after having changed several of his companions into pigs, became so much attached to the unfortunate hero, that he was induced to remain a whole year with her.
A QUOTE FROM HOMER'S ODYSSEY: She gave each one of them a potion of cheese, honey, barley-groats, and wine, into which she had mixed a drug. When they had drunk it, with a touch of her wand she changed them into different shapes, some into wolves, some pigs, some asses, and some into lions.
- http://dictionary.sensagent.com/kirkos/el-el/
(also kirk-os)Copyright © 2012 sensagent Corporation: Online Encyclopedia, Thesaurus, Dictionary definitions and more. All rights reserved.Kaakkoismurteet
... : n ja i : n ) kato kirkos ' kirkossa ', yhten päivän ' yhtenä päivänä ', puol ...Sirkus
... Rooma Sanan alkujuuret ovat kreikan kielessä , jossa kirkos merkitsee pyöreää . Sana sirkus nykyisessä merkityksessään on peräisin latinan ...Circle
... word " circle " derives from the Greek , kirkos " a circle ," from the base ker - which ...Circus
... The Latin word circus comes from the Greek word kirkos , meaning " circle " or " ring ".[ 1 ...Circus
... The Latin word circus comes from the Greek word kirkos , meaning " circle " or " ring ".[ 1 ...Circus
... The Latin word circus comes from the Greek word kirkos , meaning " circle " or " ring ".[ 1 ...Circus
... which is the romanization of the Greek κίρκος ( kirkos ), itself a metathesis of the Homeric Greek κρίκος ( ...Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta
... :// www . asa - art . com / kirkos . html . Retrieved 2008 - 06 - 25 . •^ " ...List of Greek words with English derivatives (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Greek_words_with_English_derivatives)
... psychokinesis , kinetic energy , kinesis • κίρκος • kirkos • κιρκο - • kirko - • ring , circle • circus ...Uranocircit
... Robert Scott : A Greek - English Lexicon - kirkos •↑ Hans Lüschen : Die Namen der Steine . Das ...
- If God Almighty wanted a "local" anything, then He Who knows all things would have used a Greek word meaning "local" such as the Greek word "topikos", but topikos is NOT in the New Testament! Two words that are near "local" are εγτοπιος (entopios) and τόπος (topos). Entopios occurs once in the New Testament, and it is translated place in Acts 21:12, "they of that place, besought him not to go". Topos is used 92 times, and it is never translated "local", rather place (80x), room (5x), quarter (2x), licence (1x), coast (1x), where (1x), plain (with pedinos/level plain) (1x), rock (with trachys/rough rocky) (1x); moreover, none have any relation to a "local church".
One occurrence of topos/local/place is in close enough proximity to ecclesia to bring up here, but it does not point at "local church". It is 1 Corinthians 1:2.
To the church of God which is at Corinth, to those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, saints by calling, with all who in every place call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours: NASB
to the assembly of God that is in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called saints, with all those calling upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in every place -- both theirs and ours: YLT
A quick note about a convention used in this essay...
WHAT: New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation WHERE: left hand column. WHO: The Lockman's were rich farm landowners in California, U.S.A. who spent their fortune on the NASB translation. WHY: It is claimed by many to be one of the most literal translations of the Bible. Details can be found at American Bible Sales. It is important to read both columns in each of these boxes throughout this essay in order to get a clear view.
WHAT: Young's Literal Translation (YLT) by Public Domain WHERE: right hand column. WHO: Young's Literal Translation (YLT) (opens to Wikipedia) is a translation of the Bible into English, published in 1862. The translation was made by Robert Young (opens to Wikipedia), compiler of Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible and Concise Critical Comments on the New Testament. Young used the Textus Receptus (TR) and the Majority Text (MT) as the basis for his translation. Robert Young, LL.D., F.E.S.L. (10 September 1822 – 14 October 1888) was a Scottish publisher who was self-taught and proficient in various oriental languages. WHY: This translation contains important words, such as assembly instead of church. Also, the word bishop is not used in the YLT.
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/local
- pertaining to or characterized by place or position in space; spatial.
- pertaining to, characteristic of, or restricted to a particular place: a local custom.
- pertaining to a city, town, or small district rather than an entire state or country: local transportation.
- stopping at most or all stations: a local train.
- pertaining to or affecting a particular part or particular parts, as of a physical system or organism: a local disease.
- (of anesthesia or an anesthetic) affecting only a particular part or area of the body without concomitant loss of consciousness.
- a local train, bus, etc.
- a newspaper item of local interest.
- a local branch of a union, fraternity, etc.
- a local anesthetic.
- Often, locals.
- a local person or resident.
- a local athletic team.
[1400–50; late Middle English < Late Latin locālis. See locus, -al1]
lo′cal•ly, adv.
lo′cal•ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Let us seek the Word of God for the definition of Elder/Overseer.
- First, it is a choosing of the Lord Jesus Christ:
As Jesus went on from there, He saw a man called Matthew, sitting in the tax collector's booth; and He said to him, "Follow Me!" And he got up and followed Him. NASB
And Jesus passing by thence, saw a man sitting at the tax-office, named Matthew, and saith to him, 'Be following me,' and he, having risen, did follow him. YLT
Why two columns? A convention reminder. - Second, notice that it is Fruit of the Spirit oriented:
It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do. An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money. He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity (but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?), and not a new convert, so that he will not become conceited and fall into the condemnation incurred by the devil. And he must have a good reputation with those outside the church, so that he will not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. NASB
Stedfast [is] the word: If any one the oversight doth long for, a right work he desireth; it behoveth, therefore, the overseer to be blameless, of one wife a husband, vigilant, sober, decent, a friend of strangers, apt to teach, not given to wine, not a striker, not given to filthy lucre, but gentle, not contentious, not a lover of money, his own house leading well, having children in subjection with all gravity, (and if any one his own house [how] to lead hath not known, how an assembly of God shall he take care of?) not a new convert, lest having been puffed up he may fall to a judgment of the devil; and it behoveth him also to have a good testimony from those without, that he may not fall into reproach and a snare of the devil. YLT
Why two columns? A convention reminder. - Paul, the Apostle, was addressing the elders of Ephesus, and words for elder are used twice in this single passage of Acts 20:17 and Acts 20:28. In verse 17, the word for elder is presbuterous, and in verse 28, the word for overseer is episkopous (and it's bishop in some English translations for Acts 20:28, and in the KJV's 1 Timothy 3:1 it is bishop). In this we see that these Greek words are nearly interchangeable because the same group of elders are being addressed. Elders that are overseers, or said another way overseers that are elders. These words are used frequently throughout Scripture. In the Old Testament (Septuagint) presbuterous (presbyt) is found referring to elders while episkopous is not. I performed an exhaustive examination all occurrences of "episk" case insensitive in the Old Testament, and here are some examples:
- Exodus 3:16 Episkope is the word indeed, as in referencing the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob having Moses say "I am indeed concerned about you and what has been done to you in Egypt." (NASB, but The Apostolic Bible Polyglot [Septuagint interlinear] contains this word for word translation: "In overseeing, I have watched you, and as much as has come to pass to you in Egypt" with Episkope being "in overseeing")
- 2 Kings 12:11 episkopon is the "who had the oversight" is "And they gave the silver which was weighed out into the hands of those who did the work, who had the oversight of the house of YHWH; and they paid it out to the carpenters and to the builders who worked on the house of YHWH;"
- Esther 2:11 episkopon is "overseeing" in "by the courtyard feminie overseeing would come to pass with" (Septuagint) which is the last part of this verse "And Mordecai walked every day in front of the court of the house of the women to know Esther's welfare and what would be done to her."
- 2 Chronicles 34:10 hoi kathestamenoi is "who had the oversight" and episkeuasai is "repair" in "And they gave it into the hand of the doers of work who had the oversight of the house of YHWH, and they gave it to the doers of work that wrought in the house of YHWH to repair and to strengthen the house."
- 2 Chronicles 34:12 episkopoi is "were appointed" and episkopein is "oversee" in "And the men did the work faithfully and over them were appointed Jahath and Obadiah, the Levites of the sons of Merari, Zechariah and Meshullam of the sons of the Kohathites to oversee, and the Levites, all who were skilled in instruments of song."
- 2 Chronicles 34:17 episkopon is "overseers" in "And they have emptied out the money which was found in the house of YHWH, and have delivered it into the hand of the overseers and into the hand of the doers of the work."
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/elder
adj. a compar. of old with eldest as superl.
- of greater age; older.
- of higher rank; senior.
- of former times; earlier.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English eldra, comp. of eald old]
- an older person: a boy who respects his elders.
- an aged person.
- an older, influential member of a tribe or community, often a chief or ruler.
- a presbyter.
- (in certain Protestant churches) a lay member who is a governing officer, often assisting the pastor in services.
any shrub or tree of the genus Sambucus, of the honeysuckle family, having divided leaves and clusters of small red, black, or yellow berries.[before 900; Middle English eldre, elrene, Old English ellaern]Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
- http://biblehub.com/greek/1985.htm
- overseer - Strong's Concordance
Short Definition: overseer, supervisor, ruler
Definition: (used as an official title in civil life), overseer, supervisor, ruler, especially used with reference to the supervising function exercised by an elder or presbyter of a church or congregation.
- overseer - HELPS Word-studies
1985 epískopos (a masculine noun, derived from 1909 /epí, "on/fitting contact," which intensifies 4649 /skopós, "look intently," like at an end-marker concluding a race) – properly, an overseer; a man called by God to literally "keep an eye on" His flock (the Church, the body of Christ), i.e. to provide personalized (first hand) care and protection (note the epi, "on").
"Though in some contexts 1985 (epískopos) has been regarded traditionally as a position of authority, in reality the focus is upon the responsibility for caring for others" (L & N, 1, 35.40).
copyright © 1987, 2011 by Helps Ministries, Inc. http://helpsbible.com/
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/overseer
- a person who oversees others, esp workmen Also called (less commonly): overlooker
- (Historical Terms) history Brit short for overseer of the poor; a minor official of a parish attached to the workhouse or poorhouse
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
- http://biblehub.com/greek/2012.htm
- epitropos (steward G2012) - Strong's Concordance
an administrator (one having authority)
Definition: (a) (procurator) a steward, (b) (tutor) a guardian (appointed for an infant [under 14 perhaps] by the father or by a magistrate).
- https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G2012
- epitropos (steward G2012) - Outline of Biblical Usage
- one to whose care or honour anything has been instructed
- a curator, a guardian
- a steward or manager of a household, or of lands
- overseer
- one who has the care and tutelage of children, either where the father is dead (a guardian of minors), or where the father is still alive
- epitropos (steward G2012) - Concordance Results
3 occurrences in the Holy Bible.
Mat 20:8 So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, G2012 Call the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. Luk 8:3 And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, G2012 and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance. Gal 4:2 But is under tutors G2012 and governors until the time appointed of the father.
- http://biblehub.com/greek/3623.htm
- oikonomos (steward G3623) - HELPS Word-studies
Cognate: 3623 oikonómos (from 3624 /oíkos, "house, household" and nemō, "to allot, apportion") – properly, a steward (literally, "household-manager"). See 3622 (oikonomia).
[3623 /oikonómos ("manager") often functioned as the "steward" of a household, and was generally a freedman – i.e. a slave released from forced, legal servitude (J. Thayer).]
- https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G3623
- oikonomos (steward G3623) - Outline of Biblical Usage
- the manager of household or of household affairs
- esp. a steward, manager, superintendent (whether free-born or as was usually the case, a freed-man or a slave) to whom the head of the house or proprietor has intrusted the management of his affairs, the care of receipts and expenditures, and the duty of dealing out the proper portion to every servant and even to the children not yet of age
- the manager of a farm or landed estate, an overseer
- the superintendent of the city's finances, the treasurer of a city (or of treasurers or quaestors of kings)
- metaph. the apostles and other Christian teachers and bishops and overseers
- oikonomos (steward G3623) - Concordance Results
10 occurrences in the Holy Bible (showing 4 occurrences here, all are at blueletterbible.org).
Luk 12:42 And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, G3623 whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season? Gal 4:2 But is under tutors and governors G3623 until the time appointed of the father. Tit 1:7 For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward G3623 of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre; 1Pe 4:10 As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards G3623 of the manifold grace of God.
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/steward
- steward
- One who manages another's property, finances, or other affairs.
- One who is in charge of the household affairs of a large estate, club, hotel, or resort.
- A ship's officer who is in charge of provisions and dining arrangements.
- An attendant on a ship or airplane.
- An official who supervises or helps to manage an event.
- A shop steward.
- A wine steward.
intr. & tr.v. stew·ard·ed, stew·ard·ing, stew·ards
To serve as a steward or as the steward of.[Middle English, from Old English stigweard, stīward : stig, stī, hall + weard, keeper; see wer- in Indo-European roots.]
stew′ard·ship′ n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
- steward
- (Professions) a person who administers the property, house, finances, etc, of another
- (Professions) a person who manages the eating arrangements, staff, or service at a club, hotel, etc
- (Nautical Terms) a person who attends to passengers on an aircraft, ship, or train
- (Aeronautics) a person who attends to passengers on an aircraft, ship, or train
- (Military) a mess attendant in a naval mess afloat or ashore
- (Professions) a person who helps to supervise some event or proceedings in an official capacity
- (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) short for shop steward
to act or serve as a steward (of something)[Old English stigweard, from stig hall (see sty) + weard ward]
ˈstewardˌship n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/janitor
- janitor
- One who attends to the maintenance or cleaning of a building.
- A doorman.
[Latin iānitor, doorkeeper, from iānua, door, from iānus, archway; see ei- in Indo-European roots.]
jan′i·to′ri·al adj.
Word History: In Latin iānus was the word for "archway, gateway, or covered passage" and also for the god of gates, doorways, and beginnings in general, known in English as Janus. Our month January—a month of beginnings—is named for the god. Latin iānitor, the source of our word janitor and ultimately also from iānus, meant "doorkeeper or gatekeeper." Probably because iānitor was common in Latin records and documents, it was adopted into English. In an early quotation Saint Peter is called "the Janitor of heaven." The term can still mean "doorkeeper," but in Scots usage janitor also referred to a minor school official. Apparently this position at times involved maintenance duties and doorkeeping, and the maintenance duties took over the more exalted tasks, giving us the position of janitor as we know it today.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
- Thesaurus: janitor
- Noun 1. janitor - someone employed to clean and maintain a building
custodian, keeper, steward - one having charge of buildings or grounds or animals© 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
- noun caretaker, porter, custodian, concierge, doorkeeper My mother was the janitor in the town school.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
- http://biblehub.com/greek/3594.htm
- hodēgeō (guide G3594) - Strong's Concordance
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to lead, guide, teach
- https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G3594
- hodēgeō (guide G3594) - Concordance Results
5 occurrences in the Holy Bible
Mat 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead G3594 the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Luk 6:39 And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead G3594 the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch? Jhn 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide G3594 you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. Act 8:31 And he said, How can I, except some man should guide G3594 me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him. Rev 7:17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead G3594 them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
- http://biblehub.com/greek/3595.htm
- hodégos (guide G3595) - Strong's Concordance
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a leader, guide; met: an instructor, teacher.
- https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G3595
- hodégos (guide G3595) - Concordance Results
5 occurrences in the Holy Bible
Mat 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders G3595 of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Mat 23:16 Woe unto you, ye blind guides, G3595 which say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor! Mat 23:24 Ye blind guides, G3595 which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. Act 1:16 Men and brethren, this scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas, which was guide G3595 to them that took Jesus. Rom 2:19 And art confident that thou thyself art a guide G3595 of the blind, a light of them which are in darkness,
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/guide
- One who shows the way by leading, directing, or advising.
- One who serves as a model for others, as in a course of conduct.
- A person employed to conduct others, as through a museum, and give information about points of interest encountered.
- Something, such as a pamphlet, that offers basic information or instruction: a shopper's guide.
- A guidebook.
- Something that serves to direct or indicate.
- A device, such as a ruler, tab, or bar, that serves as an indicator or acts to regulate a motion or operation.
- A soldier stationed at the right or left of a column of marchers to control alignment, show direction, or mark the point of pivot.
v. guid·ed, guid·ing, guides
- To serve as a guide for; conduct.
- To direct the course of; steer: guide a ship through a channel.
- To exert control or influence over; direct: guided the nation through the crisis.
- To supervise the training or education of.
To serve as a guide.[Middle English, from Old French, from Old Provençal guida, from guidar, to guide, of Germanic origin; see weid- in Indo-European roots.]
guid′a·ble adj.
guid′er n.
Synonyms: guide, lead1, pilot, shepherd, steer1, usherAmerican Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
These verbs mean to conduct on or direct to the way: guided me to my seat; led the troops into battle; a teacher piloting students through the zoo; shepherding tourists to the bus; steered the applicant to the third floor; ushering a visitor out.
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/pastor
pastor n,
- a minister or priest in charge of a church.
- a person having spiritual care of a number of persons.
[1325–75; Middle English pastour (< Anglo-French) < Latin pāstor shepherd =pās-, base of pāscere to put to pasture, feed + -tor -tor]
pas′tor•like`, pas′tor•ly, adj.
pas′tor•ship`, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
- http://etymonline.com/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=pastor
pastor (n.)
late 14c. (mid-13c. as a surname), "shepherd," also "spiritual guide, shepherd of souls," from Old French pastor, pastur "herdsman, shepherd" (12c.), from Latin pastorem (nominative pastor) "shepherd," from pastus, past participle of pascere "to lead to pasture, set to grazing, cause to eat," from PIE root *pa- "to tend, keep, pasture, feed, guard, protect" (see food). The spiritual sense was in Church Latin (e.g. Gregory's "Cura Pastoralis"). The verb in the Christian sense is from 1872.pastoral (adj.)
"of or pertaining to shepherds," early 15c., from Old French pastoral (13c.), from Latin pastoralis "of herdsmen, of shepherds," from pastor (see pastor (n.)). The noun sense of "poem dealing with country life generally," usually dealing with it in an idealized form and emphasizing the purity and happiness of it, is from 1580s.pastern (n.)
late 13c., "shackle fixed on the foot of a horse or other beast," from Old French pasturon (Modern French paturon), diminutive of pasture "shackle for a horse in pasture," from Vulgar Latin *pastoria, noun use of fem. of Latin pastorius "of herdsmen," from pastor "shepherd" (see pastor). Metathesis of -r- and following vowel occurred 1500s. Sense extended (1520s) to part of the leg to which the tether was attached.pasture (n.)
c. 1300, "grass eaten by cattle," from Old French pasture "fodder, grass eaten by cattle" (12c., Modern French pâture), from Late Latin pastura "a feeding, grazing," from Latin pastus, past participle of pascere "to feed, graze" (see pastor). Meaning "land covered with vegetation suitable for grazing" is from early 14c. To be out to pasture "retired" is from 1945, from what was done (ideally) to horses after the active working life.food (n.)
Middle English foode, fode, from Old English foda "food, nourishment; fuel," also figurative, from Proto-Germanic *fodon (cognates: Swedish föda, Danish föde, Gothic fodeins), from Germanic *fod- "food," from PIE *pat-, extended form of root *pa- "to tend, keep, pasture, to protect, to guard, to feed" (cognates: Greek pateisthai "to feed;" Latin pabulum "food, fodder," panis "bread," pasci "to feed," pascare "to graze, pasture, feed," pastor "shepherd," literally "feeder;" Avestan pitu- "food;" Old Church Slavonic pasti "feed cattle, pasture;" Russian pishcha "food").Food-chain is from 1917. Food-poisoning attested by 1864; food-processor in the kitchen appliance sense from 1973; food-stamp (n.) is from 1962.
clergywoman (n.)
1670s, a nun, from clergy + man (n.). Not seriously as "woman pastor" until 1871; in between it was used humorously for "old woman" or "domineering wife of a clergyman." Compare clergyman.flock (n.1)
Old English flocc "a group of persons, company, troop," related to Old Norse flokkr "crowd, troop, band," Middle Low German vlocke "crowd, flock (of sheep);" of unknown origin, not found in other Germanic languages; perhaps related to folc "people," but the metathesis would have been unusual for Old English. In Old English of humans only; extended c. 1200 to "a number of animals of one kind moving or feeding together;" of domestic animals c. 1300. The special reference to birds is recent (19c.). Transferred to bodies of Christians, in relation to Christ or their pastor, from mid-14c.
- https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G968
- pulpit - Strong's Concordance
Greek word: bēma
The KJV translates Strongs G968 in the following manner:
- judgment seat (10 times)
- throne (1 time)
- to set (one's) foot on (with G4128) (1 time)
Examples as used in Holy Scripture:
- Mat 27:19 When he was set down on the judgment seat, G968 his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him.
- Jhn 19:13 When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he brought Jesus forth, and sat down in the judgment seat G968 in a place that is called the Pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha.
- Act 7:5 And he gave him none inheritance in it, no, not so much as to set G968 his foot on: G968 yet he promised that he would give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him, when as yet he had no child.
- Act 12:21 And upon a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, G968 and made an oration unto them.
- http://biblehub.com/greek/968.htm
- pulpit - Strong's Concordance
Short Definition: the space covered by a step of the foot, a tribunal
Definition: an elevated place ascended by steps, a throne, tribunal.
- pulpit - HELPS Word-studies
968 bḗma (from bainō, "to step, ascend") – properly, a platform to which someone walked up to receive judgment; (figuratively) the administration of justice – literally, given from "a tribunal-chair" (throne) where rewards and punishments are meted out.
- pulpit - NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin: from the same as basis (basis is Strong's http://biblehub.com/greek/939.htm)
Definition: a step, raised place, by impl. a tribunal
NASB Translation:
- ground (1)
- judgment seat (7)
- rostrum (1)
- tribunal (3)
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/pulpit
[1300–50; Middle English < Late Latin pulpitum pulpit, Latin: platform, stage]
- a platform or raised structure in a church, from which the sermon is delivered or the service is conducted.
- the pulpit, the clerical profession; ministry.
- (in small craft)
- a safety rail rising from the deck near the bow and extending around it.
- a similar rail at the stern.
- an elevated control booth in a factory.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
- From classical Latin pulpitum, "platform, stage."
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ambo
Ambo n, pl ambos or ambones
[C17: from Medieval Latin, from Greek ambōn raised rim, pulpit]
- (Ecclesiastical Terms) either of two raised pulpits from which the gospels and epistles were read in early Christian churches
n, pl ambos
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
- an ambulance driver
- an ambulance
- https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G1378
- dogma - Strong's Definitions
Greek word: dogma
from the base of G1380 (dokeō); a law (civil, ceremonial or ecclesiastical):—decree, ordinance.
- https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G1380
- dokeō (G1380)- Strong's Definitions
Greek word: dokeō
- to be of opinion, think, suppose
- to seem, to be accounted, reputed
- it seems to me
- I think, judge: thus in question
- it seems good to, pleased me, I determined
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/dogma
n. pl. dog·mas or dog·ma·ta (-mə-tə)
[Latin, from Greek, opinion, belief, from dokein, to seem, think; see dek- in Indo-European roots.]
- A doctrine or a corpus of doctrines relating to matters such as morality and faith, set forth in an authoritative manner by a religion.
- A principle or statement of ideas, or a group of such principles or statements, especially when considered to be authoritative or accepted uncritically: "Much education consists in the instilling of unfounded dogmas in place of a spirit of inquiry" (Bertrand Russell).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/decree
Decree n.
- An authoritative order having the force of law.
- Law
- The judgment of a court of equity.
- The judgment of a court.
- Roman Catholic Church
- A doctrinal or disciplinary act of an ecclesiastical authority.
- An administrative act applying or interpreting articles of canon law.
v. de·creed, de·cree·ing, de·crees
To order, establish, or decide by decree: decreed that the two kingdoms would be united.v.intr.
To issue a decree.[Middle English decre, from Old French decret, from Latin dēcrētum, principle, decision, from neuter past participle of dēcernere, to decide : dē-, de- + cernere, to sift; see krei- in Indo-European roots.]
de·cree′a·ble adj.
de·cre′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
- https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G2639
- katalegō - Root Word (Etymology)
Greek word: katalegō
- from the base of G2596 (κατα kata); down from, through out, according to, toward, along
- from the base of G3004 (λεγω legō); to say, to speak, affirm over, maintain, to teach, to exhort, advise, to command, direct, to point out with words, intend, mean, mean to say, to call by name, to call, name, to speak out, speak of, mention
- katalegō - Occurrences in the New Testament
- one in 1 Timothy 5:9 is katalegesthO
- katalegō - Outline of Biblical Usage
- to lay down, to lie down
- to narrate at length, recount, set forth
- to set down in a list or register, to enrol
- of soldiers
- of those widows who held a prominent place in the church and exercised a certain superintendence over the rest of the women, and had charge of the widows and orphans supported at the public expense
- https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G2596
- κατα (kata)- Outline of Biblical Usage
Greek word: κατα
- down from, through out
- according to, toward, along
- https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G3004
- λεγω (legō, lego) - Outline of Biblical Usage
Greek word: λεγω
- to say, to speak
- affirm over, maintain
- to teach
- to exhort, advise, to command, direct
- to point out with words, intend, mean, mean to say
- to call by name, to call, name
- to speak out, speak of, mention
- https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G3056
- λογος (logos) - Root Word (Etymology)
Greek word: λογος (logos)
- from the base of G3004 (λεγω legō); to say, to speak, affirm over, maintain, to teach, to exhort, advise, to command, direct, to point out with words, intend, mean, mean to say, to call by name, to call, name, to speak out, speak of, mention
- λογος (logos) - Outline of Biblical Usage
Greek word: λογος (logos)
- of speech
- a word, uttered by a living voice, embodies a conception or idea
- what someone has said
- a word
- the sayings of God
- decree, mandate or order
- of the moral precepts given by God
- Old Testament prophecy given by the prophets
- what is declared, a thought, declaration, aphorism, a weighty saying, a dictum, a maxim
- discourse
- the act of speaking, speech
- the faculty of speech, skill and practice in speaking
- a kind or style of speaking
- a continuous speaking discourse - instruction
- doctrine, teaching
- anything reported in speech; a narration, narrative
- matter under discussion, thing spoken of, affair, a matter in dispute, case, suit at law
- the thing spoken of or talked about; event, deed
- its use as respect to the MIND alone
- reason, the mental faculty of thinking, meditating, reasoning, calculating
- account, i.e. regard, consideration
- account, i.e. reckoning, score
- account, i.e. answer or explanation in reference to judgment
- relation, i.e. with whom as judge we stand in relation
- reason would
- reason, cause, ground
- In John, denotes the essential Word of God, Jesus Christ, the personal wisdom and power in union with God, his minister in creation and government of the universe, the cause of all the world's life both physical and ethical, which for the procurement of man's salvation put on human nature in the person of Jesus the Messiah, the second person in the Godhead, and shone forth conspicuously from His words and deeds.
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/catalog
catalog or catalogue
v. cataloged, cataloging, catalogs or catalogued or cataloguing or catalogues
- A list or itemized display, as of titles, course offerings, or articles for exhibition or sale, usually including descriptive information or illustrations.
- A publication, such as a book or pamphlet, containing such a list or display: a catalog of fall fashions; a seed catalog.
- A list or enumeration: a catalog of complaints.
- A card catalog.
- To make an itemized list of: catalog a record collection.
- To list or include in a catalog.
- To classify (a book or publication, for example) according to a categorical system.
[Middle English cathaloge, list, register, from Old French catalogue, from Late Latin catalogus, from Greek katalogos, from katalegein, to list : kata-, down, off; see cata- + legein, to count; see leg- in Indo-European roots.]
- To make a catalog.
- To be listed in a catalog: an item that catalogs for 200 dollars.
cataloger, cataloguer n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/authority
n. pl. au·thor·i·ties
[Middle English auctorite, from Old French autorite, from Latin auctōritās, auctōritāt-, from auctor, creator; see author.]
- The power to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge.
- One that is invested with this power, especially a government or body of government officials: land titles issued by the civil authority.
- Power assigned to another; authorization: Deputies were given authority to make arrests.
- A public agency or corporation with administrative powers in a specified field: a city transit authority.
- An accepted source of expert information or advice: a noted authority on birds; a reference book often cited as an authority.
- A quotation or citation from such a source: biblical authorities for a moral argument.
- Justification; grounds: On what authority do you make such a claim?
- A conclusive statement or decision that may be taken as a guide or precedent.
- Power to influence or persuade resulting from knowledge or experience: political observers who acquire authority with age.
- Confidence derived from experience or practice; firm self-assurance: played the sonata with authority.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/author
author n.
- The writer of a book, article, or other text.
- One who practices writing as a profession.
- One who writes or constructs an electronic document or system, such as a website.
- An originator or creator, as of a theory or plan.
- Author God.
tr.v. au·thored, au·thor·ing, au·thors
[Alteration (influenced by authentic, authoritative, and other technical terms of Greek origin spelled with th) of Middle English auctour, autor, from Old French auctur, autor, from Latin auctor, creator, from auctus, past participle of augēre, to create; see aug- in Indo-European roots.]
- Usage Problem To write or be the author of (a published text).
- To write or construct (an electronic document or system): authored the company's website.
au·thor′i·al adj.
Usage Note: The verb author has been criticized for its transitive use as an unnecessary or pretentious synonym of write, though note that it typically refers to the writing of material that has been published—and not to unpublished texts such as love letters or diaries. So the two words are not exact synonyms. The Usage Panel has tended to sympathize with the traditional view, but this sympathy has been slowly eroding over the decades. In 1964, 81 percent of the Panel found the verb unacceptable in writing. In our 1988 survey, 74 percent rejected it in the sentence He has authored a dozen books on the subject. In 2001, the proportion of Panelists who rejected this same sentence fell to 60 percent. · Journalists frequently use the verb author to apply to the creation or sponsoring of legislative acts, as in The senator authored a bill limiting uses of desert lands in California. In these cases the lawmaker may not have actually written the bill that bears his or her name but rather promoted its idea and passage. While the Panelists were a bit more tolerant of this legislative usage, the nays still have the slightest edge, with 51 percent rejecting the previously quoted sentence in 2001, down from 64 percent in 1988. This suggests that the verb will eventually be accepted by most people.American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Now, let's take a snapshot of history and how different languages and cultures affected the English language...
From http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/anglo_saxons/saxons.shtml:And, we need to take a little snippet from an Encyclopedia:The term Anglo-Saxon is a relatively modern one. It refers to settlers from the German regions of Angeln and Saxony, who made their way over to Britain after the fall of the Roman Empire around AD 410.
The Roman armies withdrew from Britain early in the fifth century because they were needed back home to defend the crumbling centre of the Empire. Britain was considered a far-flung outpost of little value.
At this time, the Jutes and the Frisians from Denmark were also settling in the British Isles, but the Anglo-Saxon settlers were effectively their own masters in a new land and they did little to keep the legacy of the Romans alive. They replaced the Roman stone buildings with their own wooden ones, and spoke their own language, which gave rise to the English spoken today.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norse_activity_in_the_British_Isles
Viking raids: 793-850 A.D., Norsemen sack monasteries
Invasion and Danelaw: 865-896 A.D. the Vikings invade England then captured lands; furthermore, the people in England capitulated other lands to the Scandinavians. The Danes law was over part of England.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_conquest_of_England
The Norman conquest of England was the 11th-century invasion and occupation of England by an army of Norman, Breton, and French soldiers led by Duke William II of Normandy, later William the Conqueror. Much influence of French can be found in the English language, with this period being that of "Old English".
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circe (and can be found on http://www.reference.com/browse/circe?s=t)In Greek mythology, Circe (/ˈsɜrsiː/; Greek Κίρκη Kírkē pronounced [kírkɛ͜ɛ]) is a goddess of magic (or sometimes a nymph, witch, enchantress or sorceress). By most accounts, Circe was the daughter of Helios, the god of the sun, and Perse, an Oceanid. Her brothers were Aeetes, the keeper of the Golden Fleece, and Perses. Her sister was Pasiphaë, the wife of King Minos and mother of the Minotaur. Other accounts make her the daughter of Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft herself.
Circe was renowned for her vast knowledge of potions and herbs. Through the use of magical potions and a wand or a staff, she transformed her enemies, or those who offended her, into animals. Some say she was exiled to the solitary island of Aeaea by her subjects and her father for ending the life of her husband, the prince of Colchis. Later traditions tell of her leaving or even destroying the island and moving to Italy, where she was identified with Cape Circeo.
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulpit#OriginsOrigins
The Ancient Greek bema (βῆμα) means both ‘platform’ and ‘step’, and was used for a variety of secular raised speaking platforms in ancient Greece and Rome, and from those times to today for the central raised platform in Jewish synagogues. Modern synagougue bemas are often similar in form to centrally-placed pulpits in Evangelical churches.
The use of a bema carried over from Judaism into early Christian church architecture. It was originally a raised platform, often large, with a lectern and seats for the clergy, from which lessons from the Scriptures were read and the sermon was delivered. In Western Christianity the bema developed over time into the sanctuary and chancel (or presbytery).
The next development was the ambo, from a Greek word meaning an elevation. This was originally a raised platform from which the Epistle and Gospel would be read, and was an option to be used as a preacher's platform for homilies, though there were others. Saint John Chrysostom (died 407) is recorded as preaching from the ambo, but this was probably uncommon at this date. In cathedrals early bishops seem often to have preached from their chair in the apse, echoing the position of magistrates in the secular basilicas whose general form most large early churches adopted. Often there were two ambos, one to each side, one used more as a platform on which the choir sang; sometimes the gospel was read, chanted or sung from one side and the epistle from the other. The location of the ambo within the church varied, with about the same range of places as modern pulpits. In ancient Syrian churches it was often placed in the centre of the nave (on both axes). Gradually the ambo came to resemble the modern pulpit in both form and function, though early examples in large churches are often large enough to accommodate several people. The steps up to the pulpit almost invariably approach it from the side or behind, and are often curved. The typical design of the Islamic minbar, where a straight flight of steps leads to the front of the pulpit, is very different.
The Ambon of Henry II, an Imperial gift of 1014 to Aachen Cathedral, was originally installed centrally, but later moved to the side. It is richly decorated with sheets of gold, ivory, and gems, probably emulating Justinian's lost pulpit of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, of which a description by Paul the Silentiary survives. In churches where there is only one speaker's stand at the front of the church, it serves the functions of both lectern and pulpit and may be called the ambo, which is still the official Catholic term for the place the gospel is read from.
In the definition of "church", under the etymology, we find the striking appearance of circe repeatedly. The evolution of the word circe through Greek, Latin, and English languages are very revealing about it's deeper meaning. It is conclusive that circe is germane to this topic at hand.
The mother "Church" (circe) starts to take form as the evidence is considered (Revelation 17:5).
As we have at this link, the "Table of Every Occurrence of Ecclesia in the New Testament", we know that the word "church" does not exist in the original manuscripts! The word "church" includes the primary meaning of a building (as in the DEFINITION above); however, the ecclesia does not include structures built by men, for example, the corner church building is not the ecclesia. The definition of ecclesia is not "church". The ecclesia is the entire Assembly of God that includes the saints that have gone to sleep and the saints that live! The saints are in the world, but not of the world. For example, a saint living in China and a saint living in Angola are both in one ecclesia, even though the two saints never met, never communicated with one another, nor set foot on the same continent as the other.
We can most certainly rule out that the word "church" derives from the Greek word kuriakon as indicated per the definition above. Ecclesia has been translated to "church" in the KJV, NASB, ESV, and NIV; meanwhile, the only instances of "kuria" in ALL of the New Testament are two, yet neither refer to "church". Here are the verses:The ecclesia of God which is at Corinth, the ecclesia of Thessalonica, ecclesia in Philadelphia, in every place in every ecclesia (as in Universal or Local - It Makes a Difference 1 Corinthians 4:17, this would be an enumeration, like the first 3 in this sentence, the word "every" in Acts 14:23 can be discarded because the word "every" does not occur in the Greek manuscript). It is terribly important to notice that the possessive form is NEVER used; in other words, it is never Corinthian ecclesia (implicating that the ecclesia is Corinth's), rather it is ecclesia of God which is at Corinth. There are two instances of highly suspect/questionable verses that use the possessive form, yet I do not count those two verses because the verses (1) do not appear in some manuscripts, (2) the language deviates from the flow, (3) the verses appear AFTER the end of the passage concluded by AMHN (amen) that indicates the conclusion of the passage, and (4) the markings in the KJV column of the Scripture4All.org manuscripts demonstrate the inconclusiveness of the verses. The ecclesia of God which is at Corinth is that portion of God's Ecclesia that gathers in Corinth. Corinth is a place, and a gathering occurred there, yet the ecclesia exists in God's Ecclesia.
Another point to distinguish is that when referring to an ecclesia in a particular region, the preposition "in" has been "of" in some instances of the New Testament translations, and in some instances the preposition is absent in the Greek. For example "ecclesia Thessalonica" in Greek has been translated "ecclesia of Thessalonica", yet the absence of a city as a possessive noun remains intact because the word "of" is NOT in the Greek writings!
The God of all creation owns His ecclesia, not constrained by place, locale, nor region. We simple people are constrained by place. Recall Jesus' words in John 4:21 and Matthew 16:18, about the worship of the Living God being independent of place and time (He used the future verb "will" to cover all time coming), and His possession of His Assembly (not churches). Every occurrence of ecclesia refers to the assembly being Christ's Bride whole and set apart, sometimes in a particular place or locale, sometimes in the 1st century, and today sometimes in the 21st century, yet a careful examination of the Word of God reveals that the ecclesia is not termed a "local" anything, rather the children of God gathered in some place, but the universal Body nonetheless.
Something strange happens in the KJV and some English translations just prior to the stoning of Stephen, during his discourse to the Jews. In Acts 7:38, we find ecclesia translated to church; however, Stephen, a man described as full of the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:5, Acts 7:55), was speaking about Moses' encounter with God on Mount Sinai and the twelve tribes of Israel which occurred about one thousand, five hundred years before Jesus was conceived in the virgin's womb by the power of the Holy Spirit! This means, that according to the KJV's translation, the nation of Israel in the Old Testament can be called "church", and even more disturbing, it follows logically from the KJV translation that Israel can be referred to as "church" before the incarnate Christ arrived.
There are people tempted by the lust of power and money.
The King James Version of the Bible (opens to Wikipedia for history) was authorized by King James I of England (opens to Wikipedia for history). It is absolutely KEY to recognize that King James was a king, and he had an interest in exercising and maintaining power over people.
King James I gave instructions to the fifty-four Hebrew and Greek scholars commissioned to create the KJV "Authorized Version" of the Bible (thus implying all other versions to be unauthorized), and we need to pay particular notice to rule number 3 "The old Ecclesiastical Words are to be kept; i.e.,the word Church not to be translated congregation or community, etc." The king appointed Richard Bancroft, soon to be made the Archbishop of Canterbury, as chairman and "chief overseer" of this committee in 1604.
It appears that King James I maintained a method to "control" his subjects; furthermore, the KJV translation conventions pleased the institutional Church and it's ruling officers/clergy, such as bishops, deacons, etc. The discussion about the office of bishop, deacon, and overseer are reserved for the next section, Authority in the Ecclesia Defined - By the Word of God.
The "church" has been fashioned by men into a powerful force that dictates it's "truth" to people, and it wields that ecclesiastical sword as a powerful weapon for it's own advantage. The clergy of the Church rule by their own authority (Jeremiah 5:31). The "church" imposes itself as mediator between man and God making obedience to it an absolute necessity, without which there is no salvation (contrast with 1 Timothy 2:5). In my possession is an email from a "local church pastor" in 2015, this year, in which he attempts to use fear of either loss of salvation or never having had salvation to coerce local church membership, and in the very same email he indicated that he needs to be paid by the "local church" by way of tithes which is sordid gain (1 Peter 5:2) that the Apostle Paul did not draw from an assembly for himself as he worked in the tent making trade (Acts 20:33-35; 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12), yet Paul did receive funding from outside the assembly that he was serving though the funding was not drawn from the assembly Paul was serving (2 Corinthians 11:8, the funding was an offering for God's Kingdom by other believers). The "local church pastor" claims are a far cry from the recorded words of Justin Martyr who lived in the 2nd century, when asked where he assembled, he answered "Where each one chooses and can; do you suppose that we all are accustomed to meet together in one place? Quite otherwise, for the God of the Christians is not confined by place, but being invisible, He fills the heaven and the earth, and the faithful everywhere adore Him and sing His praise."
The arrangement of "church" services into pews or rows with a monologue by a "church pastor" rather than a dialogue or discourse defies the Word of God's layout of gathering of the holy ones for worship, encouragement, edification, exhortation, breaking of bread, and prayer by the Will of God! Once again, we must examine the Scriptures very carefully, and the particular passage lies in Acts 20:7-12 detailing the account of Paul's dialogue with the saints in Troas in a third story room that the youth Eutychus fell asleep and out the window to the ground below where he died, and God raised the lad when Paul fell upon him. Let us focus on verses 7, 9, and 11, where in many English translations the word "preach" is used where dialogue should have been used, verse 11 uses a different Greek word, so it's included for completeness sake:
7 | dielegeto | preached | KJV | Acts 20:7 |
9 | dialegomenou | preaching | KJV | Acts 20:9 |
11 | homilEsas | talked | KJV | Acts 20:11 |
It is as if someone involved in the English translation, primarily the KJV, wanted to set the stage for a dictatorship... See the Greek word in the table sure looks like dialog, that is, a conversation/dialog NOT a monologue. Please note, that third word, homilEsas looks a lot like the English word homily which has it's roots from "Greek: discourse, from homilein to converse with, from homilos crowd, from homou together + ilē crowd" in the Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003.
Our Father Who are in heaven Whose Name is Holy, Pure, and Clean details His plan for the gathering of His holy people. Listen to the the words of Jesus' instruction on prayer "Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:9-13). A dissection of this part of the prayer is quite telling... Where is God's will done? In heaven. On earth as it is in heaven. One assembly in reverence to God Almighty. As God's will is in heaven, so be it on earth. The Lord Jesus, the Master Orator, tells us about His plan for His ecclesia right there! God's plan includes the saints speaking as led by the Spirit, praying, prophesying, praising, and singing, all to God's glory (1 Corinthians 14 please see for example verse 29). The saints raising hands high in adoration (1 Timothy 2:8)! All this is accomplished orderly by, for, and through God (1 Corinthians 14:40). At the leading of the Spirit someone may prophesy, that is speak, for some length of time for the edification of the saints. A prophecy is a word from God. It can be a Word of Remembrance of God's promises and commandments from the past, a Word of Instruction or Commandment for the present, or a Word of Foresight for the future. As it is written, "And prophets -- let two or three speak, and let the others discern," (1 Corinthians 14:29). And from the Old Testament, "your sons and daughters will prophesy" (Joel 2:28). And, again, from the New Testament, "the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy" (Revelation 19:10). No prophecy that is of God will contradict the Word of God (Revelation 22:18-19, Deuteronomy 4:2).
Proclaiming the Gospel of Grace in Christ Jesus to the unsaved is certainly Scriptural, and a labor of love (Romans 10:14 the word translated to "preach" in English is kErussontos which more accurately is herald or proclaim).
A herald is a messenger that carries news, but completely eclipsing the world's definition, we saints herald the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to judge the living and the dead! Where is the blessed message to be proclaimed? To the saved? We know that the saved share in dialogue, so it's not the saved (that would be exhortation, lest we rebellious people forget). The target for the message are the dead, that God Himself form sinews and flesh on their dead, dry bones (Ezekiel 37:1-14), that God Himself remove the heart of stone from the unbelieving and put in a heart of flesh and fill with His Holy Spirit (John 3:3-5, Ezekiel 36:26).
Where is the "church member" on Sunday? By the decree of the "church pastor", being "orderly", that is, sitting silently except when told to sing, in the climate-controlled church's seat receiving preaching with walls between the "church member" and the world, yet Jesus said that He left us saints in the world (John 17:15-17). Is this seeking the lost as described by Master Jesus (Matthew 18:12-14; Luke 15:1-7)? The lost are eating, drinking, buying, selling, building, planting, marrying, and giving in marriage (Matthew 24:37-39, Luke 17:28-30). The exercise of preaching (lecturing) on Sunday's in the "local churches" is NOT Scriptural. Is the "church member" held hostage by the "church pastor" who tempts the "church member" to question the member's salvation if the member is not at "church" on Sunday? Even intimidating the "church member" to give tithes to the "local church pastor" treasury? The Holy One of Israel needs neither us nor our money, yet He permits His unworthy slaves to participate in His joy (Luke 17:10, Matthew 25:23)! If you are a "local church member", see the Truth in the Word of God, for this One True God is the only One capable of setting you free from bondage to the "church building" and it's "edifices" (clergy). In addition to the surrounding context of anyone or anything coming into contact with unclean carcasses, God told Moses and Aaron "If a part of their carcass falls on any seed for sowing which is to be sown, it is clean" (Leviticus 11:37), so could it be that God has a second intent for this statement as a picture/figure of coming out from where people try to mix lies with the Truth. Repent and turn to God. Take comfort in the fact that God finds pleasure in setting free!!!
Please examine these two opposing columns of phrases to discern which honors the King of Glory:
The rows are not equivalent terms. For example, in the left column we have "bring someone new to church" and "invite to church" which have no grounds in Holy Scripture; however, in the right column, we have "go to someone's home" and "invite to home" referring to going to the home of the ones receiving the proclamation of the Gospel, also dialoging about the Gospel, as it is written in Matthew 8:14 (Peter's Home), Mark 14:3 (Simon the leper's house), Luke 7:36 (Simon the Pharisee's house), Luke 19:5 (Zacchaeus' house), Acts 16:15 (Lydia's house), and Acts 16:34 (Jailor's house). Thus the right column contains verbiage that stands on the solid foundation of the Word of God!
"go to church" "gather in the Name of Jesus Christ" "attend church" "commune with the Father in Christ Jesus" "attend church" "fellowship in the Prince of Peace" "church family" "family" "church family" "brothers and sisters" "church body" "Body of Christ" "church member" "Christian" "church life" "a life conforming to Jesus" "church life" "life in Christ" "I need to talk to my pastor" "I need to ask my Lord Jesus" "church planting" "evangelization" "bring someone new to church" "go to someone's home" "invite to church" "invite to home" "local church" "God's Assembly" "church" "Bride of Christ"
Lord Jesus propounded "My house shall be called a house of prayer" (Isaiah 56:7, Jeremiah 7:11, Matthew 21:13, Mark 11:17). In this sentence spoken by the Son of God, Jesus speaks using the future tense (around 30 AD), and Prophet Jesus prophesied the destruction of the temple (Matthew 24:2) (prophesy around 30 AD and fulfillment around 70 AD [destruction of temple occured about forty years after Jesus' resurrection from the dead {Second Temple [opens to Wikipedia], The Destruction of the Second Holy Temple [opens to chabad.org]}]). The same Jesus that predicted the temple building radical stone displacement is the same Jesus that declared the "My house" sentence clearly speaking of His Own House, His Own People. Jesus did not say that His house would be church buildings all around the cities, some church buildings even next door to each other! King Jesus said "a house of prayer"! If you doubt that Pastor Jesus was talking about Himself, a mere 3 verses later, the Apostle Matthew records the indignant chief priests and scribes complaint aimed at Jesus Christ "Do You hear what these [children] are saying?" to which Creator Jesus replied "Yes; have you never read, 'Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies You have prepared praise for Yourself'?" (Matthew 21:16).
for it is written,
Jesus, my God and my Savior answered and said, "Do not put the Lord your God to the test."
This passage can be found in Luke 4:9-12, and Jesus referred to Deuteronomy 6:16.
Do not put the Lord to the test by abusing the liberty that exists in the Lord Jesus Christ alone (1 Corinthians 15:2). The word "church" carries much troublesome connotation and denotation as carefully outlined throughout this essay, so the evidence presented proves the meaning of "church" carries a dangerous concept.
And, further, Matthew records the words of Jesus (6:5):
The Lord Jesus did not say to serve God in seclusion nor to practice righteousness without people knowing it. The Lord Jesus also commands "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven" as recorded by Matthew (5:16). Humility, serving, following in His Steps that people may benefit to the Glory of God is the treasure. Attempting to be noticed by men for personal honor is the warning and the condemnation for those who fall into the prideful sin, their reward is on earth. A wrong heart is deadly serious in the eyes of the Lord!
“The apostles and the brethren who are elders, to the brethren in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia who are from the Gentiles, greetings.
“Since we have heard that some of our number to whom we gave no instruction have disturbed you with their words, unsettling your souls, it seemed good to us, having become of one mind, to select men to send to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Therefore we have sent Judas and Silas, who themselves will also report the same things by word of mouth. “For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these essentials: that you abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication; if you keep yourselves free from such things, you will do well. Farewell.”
The apostles and elders and brothers in Jerusalem warned the brothers in Antioch, and Syria, and Cilicia of some men's false doctrine that encroached in Antioch, and Syria, and Cilicia. These men, we might call wolves, came down from Judea; however, those in Jerusalem wrote "some of our number to whom we gave no instruction have disturbed you with their words, unsettling your souls". These men had told the brothers in Antioch, and Syria, and Cilicia that they needed circumcision. The above letter was the result of a gathering of the apostles and elders and brothers in Jerusalem. Does this sound like a decree, like something with the "force of law"? The apostles and elders and brothers in Jerusalem wrote "lay upon you no greater burden than these essentials", see there "essentials" which matches with belief (again, see the definition in the "Other Essential Definitions" section for dogma in thefreedictionary.com "Latin, from Greek, opinion, belief, from dokein, to seem, think;" after all the apostles and elders and brothers wrote "it seemed good to us" in the letter), and "if you keep yourselves free from such things, you will do well.", and finally, they told them to fare well!
The word "decree" sounds very authoritative, yet it is wrong for the denotation and connotation of the passages. We can see the fingerprint in the word "decree" of someone seeking false authority!
A directly significant factor shines forth as an ommission from the message's essentials, as recorded in Act 15:23-29. The message omits a dogma to build churches to meet corporately as the apostolically approved form of gathering, or, more mundanely, a so-called "early-church" governance approved "decree" outlining church services. Neither does the message mention the hiring of a church pastor for the purpose of corraling God's Assembly in order to (1) issue a weekly monologue nor (2) protect the assembly from other people with strange doctrines antithetical to Pastor Jesus' teachings. It seems that the message would have been an opportune moment to establish such a thing - if such a thing were to exist as part of God's Assembly. The absence of such a thing is conspicuous!
The traditions of men, with "church", goes beyond power and greed. It is divisive.
God knows the degree to which any church exhibits any of these maladies. We pray for the churches.
Clearly, The Village Church leadership hypocritically expected Karen to submit to their "supposed" authority; however, The Village Church leadership did not fully heed SIM's council (later admitted by the Village Church pastor Matt Chandler)!
The hired hands among the Village Church leadership failed to notify the congregation immediately of the wolf among them; rather, church leaders enouraged the congregants to spend time with Jordan!
The Village Church leadership attempted to coerce Karen to submit to their unscriptural and illegitimate authority by intrusively manipulating Karen's friends, family, and supporters - people that could help her recover from the habitation separation from Jordan and the marriage annulment she sought, yet the Village Church leadership opposed!
Karen was to be crushed under the weight of church leadership authority - at all costs to her!
The Village Church was being secretive about the matter - until light pierced their darkness.
Only two pastors sat down with Karen to apologize in person - where were all the other leaders?
Under the guise of prohibiting gossip, men like the Village Church leaders squelch people. Are they really changed? They still call themselves church leaders in opposition to the very Word of God.
In September 2017 Chritianity Today reported that the Village Church leadership plans to separate it's six campuses into six autonomous churches over the course of the next five years, pending a member vote. A key point of the article is that "the churches will roll out new names". This begs the huge question - despite the statements of the article - what does an organization do with a tainted brand name? The answer: the organization either (1) drops the brand, (2) integrates the brand into another brand, (3) changes the name of the brand, and/or (4) claims improvements to the brand (Matt Chandler's Village Church Ends Multisite Era [opens to ChristianityToday.com] by Kate Shellnutt posted on September 28, 2017).
Lies and secrecy stoke confusion
Money carrot: Mars Hill Church leaders used severance pay as well as medical/dental/long-term disability/vision benefits as a barter tool in exchange for silence from the church employees.
In a purely illegal and unethical move under California and US law, the pastors attempt to exert restricted speech against the spouse of the church employee in the "Confidential Information" would be punishable by the courts of the land.
The "Confidential Information" section claims control over "inventions", "improvements", "financial information", "marketing", "donor lists", "personnel", "concepts", "members and church guests", and so many other points of information. If they "invented" some fantastic "concept" of "marketing" (method of outreach), then they try to withhold it from other churches... What kind of church are they then?
The pastors even threaten the church employees with paying for the legal eagles that Mars Hill Church leaders would use to sue the church employees. More money in the mix - this time as scare tactics.
The pastors even try to bind the spouse of the church employee in the "Non-Disparagement" such that even speaking negatively about Mars Hill business practices is punishable - by the courts of the land.
Hiding something?
The date of the letter, November 2, 2014, comes after the intense exposures of August 2014 letters (below). This brings me to a question: Why did the church leader signatories fo the letter wait until the walls of Mars Hill Church were crumbling around them to issue an apology?
The letter was issued about seven years AFTER the events described in the letter, so those men drew their salaries from the Mars Hill Church coffers - the church's corporate account - and they had their soft pillows to lay their heads at night. For 7 years.
On September 30th 2007, you were both terminated from your employment as pastors at Mars Hill Church. Your status as elders of the church was suspended, according to the church's bylaws at the time, pending an investigation of your qualification for eldership. It's hard to imagine just how disorienting and painful this experience must have been for you. That night, Bent, you called Mike Wilkerson, your direct supervisor, to let him know that you'd been terminated. Within hours, Paul, you emailed all of the elders to notify us of what had happened to you that night. We had the opportunity and the responsibility to intervene, to care, to listen to you, and to make sure that any harmful treatment against you was corrected. Instead, we allowed the process of your investigation and trial to continue unimpeded and we participated in it. By failing to intervene and by participating in that process without protest, we implied to the members of Mars Hill Church, to each other, and to you and your families that your termination was above reproach. We stood by as it happened, and that was wrong.
We now believe that you were grievously sinned against in that termination. We believe that the termination meeting's content and tone was abrupt, one sided, and threatening. Hearing each of you recount your experiences of this meeting is shocking and sad. By failing to intervene, we enabled a growing trend of misuses and abuses of power and authority that would be feared and tolerated by the rest of the church's eldership. We now understand that these sorts of overpowering actions against elders were some of the very concerns that you had each expressed regarding some of the pending proposed changes to the bylaws. It is tragic that you were proved right by your own experiences. The harm permitted by our failure to protect you has had a devastating and lasting impact on you, your families, Mars Hill Church, and the watching world.
Paul, On October 15, 2007, all twenty-three elders at the time-including most of us signers of this letter-voted that you were in violation of the biblical qualifications of eldership. The alleged violations included a "lack of trust and respect for spiritual authority". All but two of the elders then voted to remove you from eldership based on these perceived violations.
We now believe our decisions were invalid and wrong. The entire investigation and trial process was skewed by the implication that your termination was above reproach and for just cause. If there had been sin in your life that might have warranted a warning about possible disqualification from eldership, we should have patiently, carefully, and directly addressed it with you before the matter became so extremely escalated. By reporting our wrongheaded assessment to the church, we put doubt about your character in the minds of church members, though you had done nothing to warrant such embarrassment and scrutiny. By doing this, we misled the whole church, harmed your reputation, and damaged the unity of the body of Christ.
Bent, On October 29, 2007, all twenty-three elders at the time-including most of us signers of this letter-agreed that you were guilty of "displaying an unhealthy lack of trust in, and respect for, the senior leadership of Mars Hill Church". We also unanimously approved that, based on your repentance, you would remain an elder of the church on probation.
Bent, we were wrong to have called you guilty of lacking trust and respect for the senior leadership of the church when you had good reasons for challenging the church's senior leadership. We were wrong to have insisted that you repent of this lacking trust as a condition of your continued eldership, because it was not sinful on your part in the first place.
Bent and Paul, you each had every right as an elder to openly express your strong concerns about the bylaws and to influence our thinking so that we might have made the most informed decision possible. You also had good reason to contact the church's attorney about those bylaws. These were not sinful acts of mistrust on your part, but reasonable acts of due diligence. We needed to learn from you at that time and we should have trusted you and respected your spiritual authority as elders of the church to educate us about potential problems with those bylaws. Instead, we silenced your voices through our complicity in your terminations and our decisions to remove Paul as an elder and keep Bent on probation instead of examining the issues more closely.
Paul, On December 5th, 2007 those of us who were elders at the time voted to instruct the members of Mars Hill Church to treat you as an unrepentant believer under church discipline after you had resigned your membership from the church. This treatment was to have included "rejection and disassociation" in the hope that you would "come to an acknowledgment of [your] sin and repent." This instruction was given with the weight of all twenty-seven elders at the time. This disciplinary rejection led to great loss to your family in extreme financial hardship, sudden loss of long standing friendships, spiritual and emotional trauma to your family, and the public shaming of your character. We share responsibility for those losses due to our participation in the vote.
A church disciplinary act of this magnitude is extreme. It's perhaps the most powerful that can be enacted upon a pastor. We now think that motion was hasty and harmful. We should have challenged the motion rather than approving it. Instead, we used our voting power as elders in a way that resulted in further harm to you. Further, we brought disrepute on the Church and its responsibility to exercise church discipline in a godly, loving and redemptive way. We failed to love you as a fellow elder and brother in Christ.
Confessing our sins against you has been a process that has taken us some time. We have engaged in self-examination, challenged our memories of what happened by reviewing the documents and interviewing one another, and spent time listening to you and your wives tell your heartbreaking stories. Many of us have met personally with each of you over the years to confess our sin and to seek forgiveness for our sinful actions and inaction. We don't intend to convey by this letter that we are the only elders or former elders who've come to similar conclusions, and we hope that in time, the others will join us in public confession. Our desire is to clear the reproach from your names.
We hope that our confession also brings healing to the many past and present members of Mars Hill Church whose hearts were broken for you and your families as a result of our sin. As part of our commitment to walk in repentance, we invite anyone who has been impacted by our sins against you to contact any of us so we can continue to walk in repentance by listening, confessing, and asking for forgiveness.
Paul and Bent, we are sorry for our sinful behavior toward you, for harming you, and for bringing shame to Christ's church. We hope that you will forgive us. May the peace and grace of our Lord heal our hearts.
The Board of Acts 29 did not stop with the firing of Mark Driscoll, but the Board of Acts 29 removed Mars Hill Church from the Acts 29 membership.
The Board of Acts 29 clearly indicates a "plan of reconciliation" existed for Mars Hill.
The Board of Acts 29 explicitly states that it does not have faith that Mars Hill Church leaders were capable of executing the "plan of reconciliation".
As the Board of Acts 29, we are grateful to God for the leadership, courage, and generosity of both you and Mars Hill in not only founding the network but also sustaining it through the transition to this board three years ago. The very act of giving away your authority over the network was one of humility and grace, and for that we are grateful.
Over the past three years, our board and network have been the recipients of countless shots and dozens of fires directly linked to you and what we consider ungodly and disqualifying behavior. We have both publicly and internally tried to support and give you the benefit of the doubt, even when multiple pastors in our network confirmed this behavior. In response, we leaned on the Mars Hill Board of Advisors & Accountability to take the lead in dealing with this matter. But we no longer believe the BoAA is able to execute the plan of reconciliation originally laid out. Ample time has been given for repentance, change, and restitution, with none forthcoming.
We now have to take another course of action. Based on the totality of the circumstances, we are now asking you to please step down from ministry for an extended time and seek help. Consequently, we also feel that we have no alternative but to remove you and Mars Hill from membership in Acts 29. Because you are the founder of Acts 29 and a member, we are naturally associated with you and feel that this association discredits the network and is a major distraction.
We tell you this out of love for you, Mars Hill, Acts 29, and most significantly, the cause of Christ, and we would be irresponsible and deeply unloving not to do so in a clear and unequivocal manner. Again, we want you to know that we are eternally thankful for what you as a man and Mars Hill as a church have meant to our network. However, that cannot dissuade us from action. Instead, it gives added significance and importance to our decision.
We hope and pray that you see this decision as the action of men who love you deeply and want you to walk in the light-for your good, the good of your family, and the honor of your Savior. Shortly after sending this, we will be informing the members of Acts 29, your Board of Advisors and Accountability, and your elders, as well as putting out a public statement on the Acts 29 website. It brings us no joy to move forward in this direction, and we trust that the Lord will be at work in all of this.
In sorrow and with hope, The Board of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network
It is with deep sorrow that the Acts 29 Network announces its decision to remove Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill Church from membership in the network. Mark and the Elders of Mars Hill have been informed of the decision, along with the reasons for removal. It is our conviction that the nature of the accusations against Mark, most of which have been confirmed by him, make it untenable and unhelpful to keep Mark and Mars Hill in our network. In taking this action, our prayer is that it will encourage the leadership of Mars Hill to respond in a distinctive and godly manner so that the name of Christ will not continue to be dishonored.
The Board of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network
According to Warren Throckmorton, (1) only the two remaining independent members of the BOAA signed this letter, (2) the other two independent members, Paul Tripp and James MacDonald recently resigned (unclear when they resigned), and (3) the "executive elders" did not sign the letter despite the executive elders being on the BOAA.
Earlier today our board chairman, as well as many of our other pastors, received a letter from Matt Chandler, the president of Acts 29. The letter notified us that the board of Acts 29 has removed Pastor Mark and Mars Hill from membership in the Acts 29 church planting network. Our board responded to the letter with the following update to our elders, and we wanted to share it with you as well.
I told the lead pastors at the recent annual retreat that we are making real progress in addressing the serious reconciliation and unhealthy culture issues that have been a part of Mars Hill Church for way too long. And we are. I also told them that more opposition would undoubtedly be coming, and it has. Friendly fire always hurts the most.
I have never in my life spoken with Matt Chandler or any of the A29 board members for that matter (except Darrin Patrick, once about 4 years ago as part of Pastor Mark's employment review process which he used to be a part of). In addition, no one from Acts 29 contacted Larry Osborne of our board prior to this decision. And perhaps most significantly, Pastor Mark was not personally contacted by the A29 board prior to receiving this announcement.
So I am not quite sure what Matt means by "leaning on the board to take the lead in dealing with this matter".
Be assured of this, the formal charges that were filed were serious, were taken seriously and were not dismissed by the board lightly. There is clear evidence that the attitudes and behaviors attributed to Mark in the charges are not a part and have not been a part of Mark's life for some time now.
Our board's decision is final regarding these charges, although will no doubt continue to be played out in the courts of public opinion. Again, I am deeply saddened that the A29 board would make such a decisive and divisive conclusion without speaking directly to the board or Mark prior to their public announcement.
My counsel to you is to not become bitter or angry. Continue to pray for all involved. Continue to love and lead the people God has brought to your churches. They need a pastor right now and God has given them you!
Michael Van Skaik
Larry Osborne
These twenty-one former Mars Hill Church pastor's letter in this current item seems to directly contradict assertions made by church leaders in the item number 10 letter.
In paragraph six, the pastors state "We are convicted that as we are all elders, pastors, shepherds, we equally share the responsibility for the care of the people God has entrusted to us", yet the Lord Jesus said "they will become on flock with One Pastor" (John 10:16).
The date of Mars Hill Church dissolution was June 30, 2016. On August 7, 2016, the new Trinity Church launched under the executive senior pastorship of Mark Driscoll.
Mark Driscoll does what he does with the help from other men called church leaders.
The intense power struggle for authority and money outlined above has kinship to the Papal Schism which occurred when John Wycliffe was around (Western Schism [opens to Wikipedia]).
The HUGE POINT of this entire exercise of examining the 8 year ordeal of the sin at Mars Hill Church and the 8 month ordeal of the oppressive sin at The Village Church, both megachurces, is to point out that man is incapable of being in authority in the Assembly of God. Lord Jesus, our God, Who knows what is in man (John 2:25), knew exactly what He was doing when withheld authority to Himself (Matthew 23:8-10).
According to various sources, including the Charlotte Observer, Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC US uses an NDA. The massive Elevation Church lead pastor Steven Furtick is the founder of the church; moreover, Chunks Corbett, Elevation Church Chief Financial Officer, is one of the founding families beinf leader of Finance, Technology, Legal, TV, and Events Teams. As of this writing in early 2018, Elevation Church remains in operation. The point of this mention of Elevation Church's NDA is to make the point that Mars HIll Church's NDA was not an aberration.
The evil within SBC is not just a SBC scandal, it is not just a SBC church leadership cover-up, it is SIN. The evil is men that sin, even those men holding unauthorized positions of authority for those evil men hold on to power reserved by Christ unto Christ (Matthew 23:8-10, Matthew 20:25-28, John 10:16)! While on Earth, those evil men have/had access to the Bible - the Word of God reveals the Way (John 14:6) for they are in churches which tend to have Bibles at every pew. The Word of God reveals the Way of God, the Way of Life, the Way of Righteousness, the Way of kindness, the Way of gentleness, the Way of Love, the humble Way, the Narrow Way (Matthew 7:13-14 and John 10:7).
The Southern Baptist Church Leaders (false prophets) left their Church Members to ravenous wolves (Matthew 7:15-27).
Married non-pastor Dickie Amyx, a proven adulterer according to his own testimony, claims he never threatened Debbie. Not only Dickie, but Dickie's SBC church employer, an employer that was not Dickie's employer at the time that Dickie molested the child Debbie, claimed that Dickie never threatened Debbie! A little leaven leavens the whole loaf - Dickie's leaven is his adultery AND Dickie's illegitimate authority!
"whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of [its] stumbling blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to that man through whom the stumbling block comes!" Jesus Christ ~33AD (Matthew 18:6-7)
SBC President J.D. Greear indicates removal of evil, but the newspapers document SBC harboring evil.
A Voice Silenced Against the Wolf.
4 different girls were not treated with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, discipline/self-control by Leslie Mason who is a local church pastor in the SBC - BEFORE and DURING and AFTER he sexually immorally molested the girls!
Evil SBC leaders exhibit fruit of evil, licentiousness, wickedness, and unrighteousness - fruit of their father the devil (John 8:42-45).
The list of 8 sexually immoral SBC church leaders was produced about a decade before the newspapers published their articles - a long interim timeframe!
do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor [the] covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
The SBC local church pastors claim to be Christ's anointed.
"For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will.
Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.
Then if anyone says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ,' or 'There [He is],' do not believe [him].
For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.
Behold, I have told you in advance.
So if they say to you, 'Behold, He is in the wilderness,' do not go out, [or], 'Behold, He is in the inner rooms,' do not believe [them]." Jesus Christ ~33AD (Matthew 24:21-26)
Where is the inner room? Hint: look for the room at the local church that has a pulpit.
The evil within Independent Fundamental Baptist church (IFB) is not just a IFB corruption apart from the SBC corruption, it is not just a IFB church leadership cover-up, it is SIN. The evil is men that sin, even those men scratching and clawing at unauthorized positions of authority for those evil men clasp to power reserved by Christ unto Christ (Matthew 23:8-10, Matthew 20:25-28, John 10:16)! Do not be deceived, those evil men are destroyers, and access to the Bible is in their churches - the Word of God reveals the Way (John 14:6).
The evil within the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) is not just a RCC scandal, it is not just a RC church leadership cover-up, it is SIN and it is evil. That clergy clawing at unauthorized positions of authority - power reserved by Christ unto Christ (Matthew 23:8-10, Matthew 20:25-28, John 10:16)!
The Psalmist wrote "Those who hate the Lord would pretend obedience to Him, And their time of punishment would be forever" (Psalm 81:15). There is much diversion from suffering, from carrying the cross, among the churches as illustrated by the below. The Christ, the Son of the Living God said "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me" (Luke 9:23)
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
"Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
"Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
"Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."
That word "Blessed" that Jesus used includes properous and joyous! Look at that "poor in spirit" a sense of humble not pride in conquest, "those who mourn" a sense of grieving, lamenting i.e. over sin - i.e. over the lost souls, "the gentle" even meek which is not weakness but rather refers to exercising God's strength under His control (4239. praus/gentle), "those who hunger and thirst for righteousness" desire earnestly and dehydrated for the Righteousness One Who is the Living Water, "the merciful" full of pity and compassionate - God promises to return mercy - this is starkly opposed by the T&T director announcing that head shots OK for dodgeball to children between the ages of 8 and 13 making for attrocious behavior, "the pure in heart" without admixture - what is separated (purged), hence "clean" (pure) because unmixed (without undesirable elements) - spiritually clean because purged (purified by God), i.e. free from the contaminating (soiling) influences of sin (2513. katharos/pure) this down to the very core of one's being, "the peacemakers" "make peace" - properly, a peacemaker, bravely declares God's terms which makes someone whole - used only in Matthew 5:9 (1518. eirénopoios/peacemakers) - and the T&T director failed to do such week after week not only in violence but also in the teaching of drawing on the inner strengh of the mortal man rather than appealing to God for strength - begging God for the Spirit of the Living God to dwell greatly in His temple - the T&T director taught how to be warmakers against man and God, "those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness" the word "persecuted" is properly to aggressively chase, like a hunter pursuing a catch (prize) - can be used positively ("earnestly pursue") and negatively ("zealously persecute, hunt down") - in each case, it means to pursue with all haste ("chasing" after), earnestly desiring to overtake (apprehend) (1377. diókó/pursue) which begs the question of whether Jesus is telling us that blessed are those pursued by God (which would be the positive sense of the Greek word used for the English word persecuted - this meaning is completely concealed by using the word persecuted instead of pursued), "you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me" Jesus used the same Greek word for persecute here (v.11) as He did immediately previous (v.10) - was He using a contradistinction (the stark contrast between God's loving pursuit versus to highlight man's destructive persecution of God's children) or was He repeating the persecution point (for greater emphasis and impact) or was the Master Orator doing both.
In a demonstration about persecuted Christians, the previously mentioned AWANA director had a life size dummy (a manequin he made) in a praying position kneeling on a chair in the corner of the room. Near the conclusion of the council time to 25 boys, ages 8-13 years old, about persecution, the director grabbed the dummy and smacked it down to the floor. At this, all except about 4 boys, jumped to their feet, many thrusting their fists in the air, and yelling various violent words including "give him a right hook" and "stomp on his head". Then the AWANA director drew the boys in deeper by his invitation, "come on guys, help me persecute him!" The ensuing horror as those boys clamored to the front of the room to mob around the dummy, punching it mercilessly, driving their fists into it's body, dog piling on it, was a horrific embrace of violence against a representation of a persecuted Christian. The T&T boy's secretary stepped into the room as the mayhem was underway to ask an unrelated question as the dummy rammed into the wall behind her with a floor shaking thud (it was thrown across the room). The poor woman nearly jumped out of her skin. What did most of those boys leave with in their hearts? A prayer for the tortured for the sake of Christ, or a lot of hooting and hollering about the proper method to beat someone?
In Sunday Schools, of which most if not all, of the boys in the council time had likely heard of Noah and the flood, they were probably told that those people were bad. Let's get specific here, in the Law it is recorded that God said to Noah, "The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence because of them; and behold, I am about to destroy them with the earth" (Genesis 6:13). Clearly, God abhors violence to such a degree that He destroyed the earth once already, and, make no mistake, He is going to destroy it again. What fruit was displayed at that T&T club that night? Meditate on these words of Jesus: "whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." (Matthew 18:6). When this episode was brought to the "local church" commander of AWANA's attention, he said that the AWANA T&T boy's director actions attract the boys into the club ("brings them in" were his precise words); nonetheless, the commander said he would talk to him. Assimilating the culture is answering a fool according to his folly, hear the Proverb "Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him. Answer a fool as his folly [deserves], That he not be wise in his own eyes" (Proverbs 26:4-5).
As recorded by the Apostle Peter, "he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it." (1 Peter 3:10-11 [see also Psalm 34:12-13]). That word "eschew" is the Greek word ekklinó (BibleHub, Strong's 1578) which is literally "OUT-BEND" or incline away from or make a line out away from.
Youth group seeking fun in snow trips (a "local church" did this and the leader reported raucous and unmentionable behavior) and missions to other countries where the children enter businesses to thank the proprietor for serving the community (a youth group leader at a nearby "local church" did this, not proclaiming the Lord Jesus Christ, this was told to me by the "local church pastor's" wife). Grouping youth with a "leader" that is barely older than the members is NOT Scriptural, not to mention unwise. If the "leader" had attained maturity, then the "leader" would know that taking the child on such folly is NOT Scriptural. According to a Christian research group, the Barna Group research indicates that most young Christians are as sexually active as their non-Christian peers, even though they are more conservative in their attitudes about sexuality - from www.Barna.org. A secular study: a livescience article titled "Teen Birth Rates Higher in Highly Religious States" presents information about a data analysis/survey produced by Joseph Strayhorn of Drexel University College of Medicine and University of Pittsburgh - from www.livescience.com. Placing a group of young boys and girls in confined quarters or traveling any distance with other young people ("leaders") for loving pleasure/entertainment, loving self, or friendship with the world (James 4:4) instead of being still to commune with God in love (2 Timothy 3:2, Psalm 46:10) opposes the very Word of God (Proverbs 13:20). The Word of God tells us that parents are the ones that God gave the children to raise in the fear and admonition of the Lord (Colossians 3:20-21, Deuteronomy 6:4-7, Proverbs 22:6, Deuteronomy 16:9-14; Joshua 8:34-35; Ezra 10:1; 2 Chronicles 20:13; Nehemiah 12:43; Joel 2:15-16).
Women's Ministries: weekend retreats, leave the children with the husband because he's been gone all week working anyway, so the woman can get some "relaxation" away from the children. What is the retreat from? Is the Christian wife preparing things in order for her Christian husband to evangelize? Is the bride, the picture of Jesus' Bride, preparing the way for her bridegroom? Where is she?
Based on the Word of God, practitioners of yoga attempt to "join" or "union" with demons, and only wicked and evil people engage such activity. All forms of Eastern Religous practices, including yoga and meditation, oppose the Ancient of Days (Daniel 7:22). Anyone that is the temple of the Holy Spirit rejects such practice.
Yoga defined (from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/yoga):
Let's take a look at a few more actual use case examples for the "church building", which the church clergy and laity mistake for the house of God. It is disturbing how people use what they call the Lord's house, these edifices that they claim are dedicated to the glory of God.
My son discussed the sovereignty of God versus the free will of man with one of the debate league students at the marketplace. Their discourse was based on the Word of God. The debate student failed to defend his position of free will, and he said it was the hardest debate he ever engaged. The debate student had already been in the league for about one year. The debate class is intented to help children "defend the faith", yet they are trained to defend the faith without mentioning the Scripture. In fact, according to the debate student that once when the debate student, with whom my son conversed, mentioned a Bible verse in debate league, he was sharply reprimanded; therefore, the children are trained to debate without absolute truth, in other words, relative morality.
Paul the Apostle was in jail for the sake of Christ when Paul was traveling around Asia. He was severely beaten, and ill treated in the jail. Paul proclaimed the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to the jailer, Paul and Silas explained the Word of the Lord to the jailer's whole house, and everyone in the house was immersed in the name of Jesus. The man of the house, the jailer, was the first of his house to hear the Gospel (Acts 16:22-34).
Those "local churches" are spending great sums of money and expending much time in travel; however, they could go to Hayward, CA or Oakland, CA where the Gospel is desperately needed. Oh, but wait, there is danger there in Oakland (Crime in Oakland, California [opens to Wikipedia]) even though it is only about a 30 minute drive from here, and, closer, Hayward can be hostile terrain, too. It may seem romantic to fly halfway around the world to some exotic location, but a person can hop on the freeway to be at an Oakland destination to evangelize within 30 minutes. What about men evangelizing to men, that some in those households might be saved? Over the years, we interacted with many "local churches". We are aware of 6 local "local churches" (8 "local churches" if counting the non-local "local churches") that engaged in some form of outreach activity to men, women, and children locally, yet there are 80 "local churches" locally. In all the years at one marketplace (the marketplaces are explained below, in God's Plan), we've witnessed 2 "local churches" visit separately on 3 occasions. One "local church" handed out a postcard about their "local church". The second "local church" came to give out free water on their first visit, then about a year later to tell the Gospel as well as distribute free food and fluid. At another marketplace, no "local churches" over the years with the sad exception that we see the Jehovah's Witnesses nearly weekly attempting to recruit to their society. Oh Magnificent and Majestic God, please increase laborers in Your harvest (Matthew 9:37-38)!
It sure is easy to tell children to sit down, to tell children to bow their head to pray, to tell children to play some games, to tell children some of the account of Joseph the son of Jacob, to ask if there are any children who want to accept Jesus, to tell children to eat a snack, to tell children to do a craft/decorative project. This is no joke because I was present at a "local church" that did this in a VBS where they told some of the account about Joseph. They did not mention Jesus until a teenaged boy finished explaining some of the account about Joseph then asked to see hands of who wanted to accept Jesus. The "local church leadership" allowed the VBS to continue going when they were told about the situation.
God's sanctifying work is the hallmark of members of the Body of Christ, being made holy by our loving Father in the communion of the Son of God (Hebrews 2:11); on the other hand, the world is profane with members that love the ways of destruction and death (James 4:4).
Jesus did NOT say that He would build a church and He did not do such a thing (Matthew 16:18)! The ecclesia of Christ is NOT a church! All churches are the works and creations of men. Jesus did not set up a religious institution nor a 501(c)3 business organization of any kind.
The email from the "local church pastor" reads:
Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are members of His Ecclesia upon baptism in the Holy Spirit (John 3:3-8).
That pastor nearly equates church to ministry, and that the church needs the finances of the church members. The "church member" tithes go to the "local church" bank account for the "local church pastor" salary as well as for the church building rent or mortgage (there is NO Scriptural basis for the church building [more on this below, including the Construct A Building Request Made to Jesus sidebar]).
It bears repeating, the "local church pastor" indicated that he needs to be paid by the "local church" by way of tithes and offerings which is sordid gain (1 Peter 5:2) that the Apostle Paul did not draw for himself the funding from the assembly of God that he served Acts 20:33-35; 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12, 2 Corinthians 11:8. Also, Judas Iscariot was given 30 pieces of silver for the Word (Matthew 26:15), and Judas' end was horrid (Matthew 27:5 and Acts 1:16-19)!
Several relevant points emerge from Paul's letter to the Philippians (4:15-16).
You yourselves also know, Philippians, that at the first preaching of the gospel, after I left Macedonia, no church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving but you alone;
for even in Thessalonica you sent [a gift] more than once for my needs.
Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account.
and ye have known, even ye Philippians, that in the beginning of the good news when I went forth from Macedonia, no assembly did communicate with me in regard to giving and receiving except ye only;
because also in Thessalonica, both once and again to my need ye sent;
not that I seek after the gift, but I seek after the fruit that is overflowing to your account;
Has the Spirit of God ever made your heart cry for someone in need? Someone that would be out on the street without shelter if that person did not get some money right away? Did you give the money in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, out loud? Did the person glorify God upon receipt of the money? This is ministry, my friend. This is walking by faith. Have you ever heard of Open Doors (opens to opendoors.org)? Where do you believe God wants His finances?
In Matthew 25:31-46, King Jesus provides the glorious and the terrifying explanation about those helping the poor and those not helping the poor. Incredibly important, Our Lord Jesus said "Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me." Do you hear Him say "the least of them"? Lord Jesus said "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:3). We, believers on the Lord Jesus Christ, are poor in the world, but rich in Jesus' eternity, and we help one another while here on earth regardless of "church building" perimeter. Sometimes, it may mean living one paycheck to the next. Where the Holy Spirit leads, that is where the believer goes!
In Matthew 19:21, Christ Jesus said "If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." Who was the man told to "give to"? The poor, not the "local church pastor" nor his "church building".
In 1 Timothy 5:8, the Apostle Paul explains that "if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." Providing for one's family is rather critical! We are ALL poor, and we inherit riches from the Lord Jesus. A picture is developing here. Let's continue.
In Isaiah 58:7, it is written "Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry And bring the homeless poor into the house; When you see the naked, to cover him; And not to hide yourself from your own flesh?"
In Ephesians 4:28, it is written "He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with one who has need." We are all thieves (Exodus 20:15, we have all tried to steal the glory of God by idolizing ourselves (Exodus 20:3 and Exodus 20:4). Not only that, Paul wrote to "share with one who has need." Does that sound like the poor?
Let's make no mistake, to teach people to be responsible is to teach theft of the Fruit of the Spirit of the Living God. It is stealing. This is a very serious matter as YHWH wrote with His Finger, after He delivered the Israelites from bondage in Egypt, "You shall not steal" (Exodus 20:15); furthermore, Our Lord Jesus said "Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven" Matthew 5:19). Teaching wrongfully is adding to Scripture which carries dire consequences (Revelation 22:18-19, Deuteronomy 4).
Let's look at Job 42:11-12 where his brothers and sisters not only consoled and comforted him, but gave him money and a ring of gold so that YHWH blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning.
The email from the "local church pastor" reads:
To neglect-or to refuse-to join a church as a formal member, however, reflects a misunderstanding of the believer's responsibility to the body of Christ. And it also cuts one off from the many blessings and opportunities that flow from this commitment. It is essential for every Christian to understand what church membership is and why it matters.
Please pay particular attention to the "local church pastor" implying pride in his "refuse-to join" statement in red. He asserts it is prideful not to submit to the authority of man in the "local church". Please recall, Jesus said the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, but not so with Jesus' people where the greatest becomes least (Matthew 20:25-28).
The Word of God will decide who is proud, the "local church pastor" or the child of God who gathers in homes for worship. The "local church pastors" have used the accusation of pride and rebellion to subdue and oppress people for centuries. Peter, my dear brother in the Lord, wrote "You younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble." (1 Peter 5:5) Pride is not the refusal to "place yourself under" some church official. Rather pride is the desire to rise above others. Look at (1) the clause "all of you" (2) followed by the exhortation to clothe in humility toward one another (3) followed by God opposes the proud. This pride of which Peter writes is to EVERYONE in the ecclesia, Jesus' Assembly. Peter is not subordinating a laity (within God's Ecclesia, "lay person" does not exist in the New Testament) that must submit to an office holder (within God's Ecclesia, "office" does not exist in the New Testament).
Have you ever met someone, even just walked past on the street, and the Spirit just lights up? Did you know that you were in the presence of a Spirit filled believer? Did the two of you exalt the Living God, spontaneously? These are serious questions, because walking by faith leads to these encounters. Have you been led by the Spirit to help someone? Has the Spirit sent someone to help you? More Godly questions here. These are blessings that the "local church pastor" seems to discount unless a person is a member of the "local church". He certainly discounts the gathering of the saints in a house or at the park as insufficient, and it is evident in a different email he wrote concerning, "The command to not neglect the gathering is a corporate gathering. So the first step in obedience is corporate worship. The [cell groups] are designed more to help us carry out the one-another commands in Scripture that are to be carried out through local church fellowship." His "cell groups" meet in homes and in rooms at the church building, and the people from all these different "cell groups" must gather in the Sanctuary room of the church once a week to listen to the "local church pastor" preach to them. Not only is there a hierarchy of people, but it appears there is a hierarchy of rooms, too. I asked him what he meant by corporate, to wit he replied "It's a term meaning.. When the local church gathers together to worship Christ." The word "corporate" has been used for things "church". While corporate is related to corporeal, that is, a body united, the primary definition of corporate is "business entity". Corporate is the United States I.R.S. 501(c)3 tax exempt status related to "church". Did God use the phrase "corporate worship" or "corporate prayer" to describe His Holy Nation's doings? Jesus said "where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." (Matthew 18:18) as well as "Pray, then, in this way" (Matthew 6:9). The local church pastor has made it into something different and uncomfortable. God uses crisp and clear language. The wise theologians love their long words and tangled prose to impress people. In whose eyes are the "local church leaders" and theologians wise?
Let's seque to a related theme, exemplified by a local church and it's pastor from a few thousand miles from here.
Church is a business, for profit, like Coca-Cola, Walmart (including Sam's Club), and Universal Studios. Coca-Cola has it's flagship product, the Coca-Cola soft drink. Walmart is a merchandiser that distributes the products of other manufacturers, such as Coca-Cola, or Walmart's own products, the Great Value brand, and Walmart provides services, such as tire installation. Universal Studios produces movies, distributes movies, promotes movies, and Universal Studios promotes actors, celebrity actors, even, at times, unknown actors that the stakeholders speculate have potential value.
They have customers, they have members (Sam's Club), they have boards of directors or elders or trustees, they have employees, they have equity holders (physical assets are owned by someone whether proprietors or shareholders). They are all businesses. They advertise, some straightforward campaigns, some sophisticated marketing campaigns.
Like Coca-Cola, church has it's flagship product that varies by church - sometimes it's the building, sometimes it's the pastor. Like Walmart, churches merchandises, yet in this case it's things like books and videos that purport to be Bible studies, some pastors produce their own Bible studies, and churches provide services with the attendant collection of money during the services. There are even stakeholders of churches that contribute money, cars, even houses to church, but there are even times when disputing churches have to buy buildings from opposing churches (for example, when a nearby Presbyterian Church broke from it central council, that central council of Presbyterian churches agreed with the membership of that local Presbyterian church for the central council to be the recipient of a special tithe/contribution, a very large sum, in exchange for that local Presbyterian church membership to obtain the title deed for the local Presbyterian church property and buildings - I am aware of this playing out at a few different "local churches"). Like Universal Studios, church has it's celebrities in pastors, and the church promotes those pastors that the board or eldership speculate have potential value.
If you say, "oh, but wait, they are godly men", then I say to you, take a look at another example in this picture, that man's image on the bus is a pastor on that very prominent position on that local church bus. As folks board the bus, whose image is present right there at the door? That sure is a nice and shiny bus, expensive, too. The side of a bus is a prime spot to .... advertise. And hear the resounding words of the Eternal God, Lord Jesus Christ as recorded by John the Apostle (10:16), "they will become one flock with one pastor".
Jesus said sell everything then give it all away to the poor (Matthew 19:21, Luke 18:22, Mark 10:21). Jesus said "poor" repeatedly, yet Jesus did not say "church". A Godly endeavor can certainly receive funding from Holy Spirit moved saints for the Bible is replete with examples of people moved to give; on the other hand; church turned away from God by taking - the keyword is "taking" - including women's homes. God made it clear that men fail (Psalm 146:3), we do, we are all helpless, lost, and dead meat without the Mighty Redeemer of our Salvation, Jesus Christ, yet it is my prayer that the failure fail, and in preparation for that day of Lord Jesus' return, may the Almighty God bless men to declare the truth, that Jesus Christ is Lord and the One Pastor alone, no other!
We that are in Christ are a peculiar people, and we do not look like the world!
The email from the "local church pastor" reads:
When an individual is saved, he becomes a member of the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13). Because he is united to Christ and the other members of the body in this way, he is therefore qualified to become member of a local expression of that body.
To become a member of a church is to formally commit oneself to an identifiable, local body of believers who have joined together for specific, divinely ordained purposes. These purposes include receiving instruction from God's Word (1 Tim. 4:13; 2 Tim. 4:2), serving and edifying one another through the proper use of spiritual gifts (Rom. 12:3-8; 1 Cor. 12:4-31; 1 Pet. 4:10-11), participating in the ordinances (Luke 22:19; Acts 2:38-42), and proclaiming the gospel to those who are lost (Matt. 28:18- 20). In addition, when one becomes a member of a church, he submits himself to the care and the authority of the biblically qualified elders that God has placed in that assembly.
"All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth" are the words of the Eternal Lord Jesus Christ! He said "All authority"! This is recorded in Matthew 28:18 at the ascension of Jesus Christ to the right hand of the Father in heaven, and the "local church pastor" makes reference to it in the green section. Let's rewind to before Jesus said "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth", to when Jesus sent out the twelve as recorded in Luke 9:1, when Jesus gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. Full stop (on that point). Again, Jesus gave authority when he sent out the seventy as recorded in Luke 10:19, Jesus said upon the disciples return, "Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you." Jesus' instruction and commands to the seventy as He was sending them out included for them to "heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, 'The kingdom of God has come near to you'" (Luke 10:9). Full stop (on that point).
In sequential order, we have Jesus giving the disciples authority over all demons, to cure diseases, to tread on serpents and scorpions, over all the power of the enemy, and declare the Kingdom of God. After that, Jesus declares that all authority has been given to Him.
In no sense does Jesus declare that one disciple has authority over another disciple.
In the green section, the "local church pastor" just described a member of the Body of Christ moved by the Will of God, and the believer gathers according to the Will of God. The "local church pastor" explains in no uncertain terms that the "local church membership" is required for the responsible believer to participate in divinely ordained purposes, and that without joining in "local church membership" the believer cannot participate in divinely ordained purposes because according to him the believer is really not a believer in the first place. The "local church pastor" did not mention these words of King Jesus, "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13).
The wicked claim in the red section identifies his lust for power and authority THAT BELONGS TO GOD ALONE!
Take note of "biblically qualified elders that God has placed" in the red section, there is the "local church pastor" claim to being God's duly ordained authority thus demanding submission by people to a mere man. Woe to you, pharisee! Repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Precise and detailed information about this is further below in the Authority in the Ecclesia Defined - By the Word of God section's Integrity of Greek to English Translation of Hebrews 13:17 heading, but please be careful about jumping ahead since there is still much very important ground to cover.
God ordains ALL Spirit filled men to address rebellion and sin appropriately. For example, the Apostle Paul exposed the wrong of Peter "in the presence of all" (Galatians 11:14), again, Paul instructs Timothy (after taking witnesses to the offender) to rebuke "in the presence of all" (1 Timothy 5:20). What would happen if a "church member" stands during a sermon to point out a Scriptural conflict with something the "local church pastor" claims?
Moving on to the very next full section of the email from the "local church pastor":
Although Scripture does not contain an explicit command to formally join a local church, the biblical foundation for church membership permeates the New Testament. This biblical basis can be seen most clearly in (1) the example of the early church, (2) the existence of church government, (3) the exercise of church discipline, and (4) the exhortation to mutual edification.
The "local church pastor" explains each of his 4 points in the email...
Continuing with the very next section of the email from the "local church pastor":
In the early church, coming to Christ was coming to the church. The idea of experiencing salvation without belonging to a local church is foreign to the New Testament. When individuals repented and believed in Christ, they were baptized and added to the church (Acts 2:41, 47; 5:14; 16:5). More than simply living out a private commitment to Christ, this meant joining together formally with other believers in a local assembly and devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer (Acts 2:42).
The epistles of the New Testament were written to churches. In the case of the few written to individuals-such as Philemon, Timothy and Titus-these individuals were leaders in churches. The New Testament epistles themselves demonstrate that the Lord assumed that believers would be committed to a local assembly. There is also evidence in the New Testament that just as there was a list of widows eligible for financial support (1 Tim. 5:9), there may also have been a list of members that grew as people were saved (cf. Acts 2:41, 47; 5:14; 16:5). In fact, when a believer moved to another city, his church often wrote a letter of commendation to his new church (Acts 18:27; Rom. 16:1; Col. 4:10; cf. 2 Cor. 3:1-2).
The idea of experiencing salvation
In the book of Acts, much of the terminology fits only with the concept of formal church membership. Phrases such as "the whole congregation" (6:5), "the church in Jerusalem" (8:1), "the disciples" in Jerusalem (9:26), "in every church" (14:23), "the whole church" (15:17), and "the elders of the church" in Ephesus (20:17), all suggest recognizable church membership with well-defined boundaries (also see 1 Cor. 5:4; 14:23; and Heb. 10:25).
Twice the "local church pastor" asserts there is no salvation without belonging to a "local church" in the sections in yellow and red. Specifically, he is saying salvation without belonging to a local church is not in Scripture in the red, so the statement can read the New Testament requires belonging to a local church for the experiencing of salvation. No matter how it is stated, it is false; in other words, it is a lie that perpetuates bondage to a "local church pastor" as opposed to the Mighty One of Israel that sets men, women, and children free!
The "local church pastor" quoted Scripture. It must be examined in Godly Light, that is by the Word of God.
Why would anyone take the tertiary's secondary meaning (III.B.)? Why are all the other definitions so short, yet the widows is so very long? Did the Greek people suddenly have a word with a very long definition among a multitude of words with short definitions?
The primary definition could be to establish, not necessarily written down.
The secondary definition is to narrate and recount. In a time of severe persecution, would you commit the names of women to memory or write them down for those who oppose the Gospel of Jesus Christ to grab the list to round up the women?
In Acts 9:26, Saul (also known as Paul) tried to join with the disciples (no mention of joining a church there); furthermore, the NASB uses the word associate instead of join.
In Acts 15:17, there is no mention of "the whole church", but there is in the KJV Acts 15:22. In Acts 15:22 the assembly, not church, is clearly the Assembly of God as assembled in Jerusalem and in Antioch, and the Father in heaven moved them to action for their edification and encouragement. God did NOT divide His people, because Jesus is God and Jesus said the greatest would become least.
Not a single one of these convey formal church membership as exists today, unless someone has ulterior motives. The Holy Scripture does not say it nor convey it.
A distinguishing point with Hebrews 10:25 lies with Hebrews 3:13 where it is written "exhort one another daily". In Hebrews 10:25 we read "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching". Both these passages addressing the exhorting of one another. Going to church is a Sunday thing, maybe a Wednesday thing in addition (I've seen the highly diminished attendance on Wednesday evenings compared to Sunday mornings). How do believers exhort one another daily when meeting once a week on Sunday? Some a second day on Wednesday? Assembling together daily is essential for the Christian. This occurs house to house (Acts 2:46).
In the section he talks about personal. The relationship with Jesus Christ is personal (Matthew 16:15-17), and He joins His Child to His Family (Luke 8:21), so in the section, if the word formal were struck, then it would be Scriptural and accurate! Jesus joins the babe to Himself.
In the section, the letters were written to the assemblies in certain places, and these are the Assembly of God, this fact resonates in that the epistles are relevant today in the assembly in Fremont, CA. The letters are to be shared among the Body of Christ.
In the section, it mixes with Church Government, so that is addressed in detail below.
In the section, the "local church pastor" attempts to put words in the Lord Jesus' mouth, and the Lord Jesus is the master communicator, and I would certainly NOT want to challenge Him, much less try to put words in His mouth (Deuteronomy 13).
In the section and the section, we examined, a few paragraphs back, that it was a time of severe persecution, of which the Apostle Paul was acutely aware. These people had the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16), so they had clarity of thought. Memorizing who is who without writing a list would not have been a problem.
Not breaking continuity, the email from the "local church pastor" reads:
The consistent pattern throughout the New Testament is that a plurality of elders is to oversee each local body of believers. The specific duties given to these elders presuppose a clearly defined group of church members who are under their care.
Among other things, these godly men are responsible to shepherd God's people (Acts 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:2), to labor diligently among them (1 Thess. 5:12), to have charge over them (1 Thess. 5:12; 1 Tim. 5:17), and to keep watch over their souls (Heb. 13:17). Scripture teaches that the elders will give an account to God for the individuals allotted to their charge (Heb. 13:17; 1 Pet. 5:3). [Kermos], I am not responsible for believers outside of my local church that I serve. I love them and care for them by urging them to join a local church so that they have an under-shepherd, a pastor to care for them.
Those responsibilities require that there be a distinguishable, mutually understood membership in the local church. Elders can shepherd the people and give an account to God for their spiritual well-being only if they know who they are; they can provide oversight only if they know those for whom they are responsible; and they can fulfill their duty to shepherd the flock only if they know who is part of the flock and who is not.
The elders of a church are not responsible for the spiritual well-being of every individual who visits the church or who attends sporadically. Rather, they are primarily responsible to shepherd those who have submitted themselves to the care and the authority of the elders, and this is done through church membership.
Conversely, Scripture teaches that believers are to submit to their elders. Hebrews 13:17 says, "Obey your leaders, and submit to them." The question for each believer is, "Who are your leaders?" The one who has refused to join a local church and entrust himself to the care and the authority of the elders has no leaders. For that person, obedience to Hebrews 13:17 is impossible. To put it simply, this verse implies that every believer knows to whom he must submit, which, in turn, assumes clearly defined church membership.
Jesus Christ said not to be called leaders because One is the ecclesia's Leader, and that is Christ (Matthew 23:10). This is the same God that said our family is brothers and sisters with one Head, and that is Christ the God (Matthew 20:25-28). The "local church pastor" wants to be a head height above the rest (1 Samuel 9:2), and he wants to be called leader. Why would Jesus say not to be called leader? Could it be that He Who knows all things (John 21:17) knows something about His creatures and pride, arrogance, and dominance?
The "local church pastor's" statement of "I am not responsible for believers outside of my local church" is very telling. He uses the word "my" in the possessive. Make no mistake, the "local church pastor" thinks he owns the church, he thinks he owns his office (the actual structure with a desk and chair in it - do you doubt this, see the Wed Dec 23 14:36:48 PST 2015 Comment at the bottom of this essay), his people (each and every single one of his "local church members" because "local church" means the people to him - by his own admission), his building (because "local church" means the building to him, too).
The deception of a person's responsibility has already been addressed; nonetheless, the implication of the "local church pastor" assuming the responsibility for "local church" people means that there is some degree of ownership. I sincerely fear for the "local church pastor's" soul because there is a picture in the Old Testament about a man that arranged to kill a queen and her family. In the account, at the revelation of the plot to kill his wife, the earthly king was furious that someone would presume in his heart to harm the king's queen (Esther 7:5). Do not forget that Jesus is the King of kings! King Jesus said "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." (Matthew 6:24), and, again, "He who is not with Me is against Me" (Matthew 12:30), yet again, "The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three pecks of flour until it was all leavened" (Matthew 13:33), and the Apostle Paul wrote "Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough?" (1 Corinthians 5:6), so good leaven consumes all for good, and contrarily, bad leaven consumes all for bad. A person is either for Jesus or against Jesus, there is NO inbetween. Lord Jesus is my Master, alone, no other; on the contrary, the "local church" people have a master in the "local church pastor" (leaven). My Lord Jesus is my Great Defender and Strong Deliverer in all things! To the "local church" congregants, I write, repent, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, fear no more of the things "church", and accompany us on the solid foundation that is the Lord Jesus Christ alone!
Oversee does not equate to rule over; moreover, overlord would equal rule over, and "cruel overseer" would equal rule over oppressively. According to God for His Son's body, the one who oversees is NOT in authority over his brothers and sisters, as expressed above in both HELPS Word-studies (in the Other Essential Definitions section) as well as the picture in Esther 2:11 where Mordecai had NO authority "in the court of the house of the women" (mentioned verbatim in the Other Essential Definitions section under "DEFINITION: Elder"), yet Mordecai oversaw Esther's welfare. A careful examination of the New Testament reveals that the overseer is humble and kind when in Christ Jesus. Oversee is much more to be the older, mature Christian (1 Corinthians 3:2, Hebrews 5:14, Hebrews 6:1). Please recall the meaning of elder and older. The deeds of the elder who oversees include these:
There is a Greek verb word that meets the definition of "to rule", and that word is archó, Strong's 757. Let us consider the use of archó in God's Word:
The words "as rulers" and "to rule" are both archein in the above passage. This passage also contains the Greek word katakurieuousin, Strong's 2634b, which is translated "lord it over" and "do exercise lordship over". Yet another Greek word bearing dominance by definition that occurs in this passage is katexousiazousin, Strong's 2715, which is translated "exercise authority over" and "do exercise authority upon".
Here we see "TO RULE" and "to rule" are the Greek word archein. The powerful and precious Word tells us that it is all about our treasured Lord Jesus Christ!
Now that we considered archó, let's consider a related Greek noun word, arché, Strong's 746, which means properly, from the beginning (temporal sense), i.e. "the initial (starting) point"; (figuratively) what comes first and therefore is chief (foremost), i.e. has the priority because ahead of the rest ("preeminent") (HELPS Word-studies).
Archas is the Greek word for "the rulers" in the above passage; furthermore, we also find exousias, Strong's 1849, which is "the authorities".
Clearly, God has the vocabulary to declare the reign, or the rule, but it is NOT applied within the Assembly of God between brothers and sisters apart from Pastor Jesus alone!
Man created corporate organizational charts to help negotiate the complexity of man's creation.
There it is, a side by side view of a corporate org chart and an actual church organizational chart (with the people's names redacted). Do you see who is at the top of the hierarchy? Do you still doubt where the clergy sees themselves? Where the clergy sees the members/laymen? Here are four more org charts, three are from actual churches (the single org chart that mentions God is from a book that includes a section explaining church governance):
In the very colorful chart, the "church pastor" ("executive pastor"?) is dead center with a "buffer" between him and everything else except his inner circle. The bottom two charts do not mention God. One has the congregation at the top of the chart, and the other has the pastor at the top of the chart. Are these just abstractions, or are they concrete representations?
When the pharisees and scribes asked Jesus why His disciples do not do like everyone else that the pharisees and scribes were accustomed to associating, Jesus gave a powerful and telling response that applies TODAY:
and in vain do they worship Me, teaching teachings, commands of men;
for, having put away the command of God, ye hold the tradition of men, baptisms of pots and cups; and many other such like things ye do.
But, Jesus was not done, He had more to say about the traditions of men, and it is clear that "church" is a tradition of men:
Remember, babes drink in the pure milk that is the Word (Hebrews 5:12-13), and the mature people are on solid food that is the Word and deed by the Will of God (Hebrews 5:14; Hebrews 6:1; Luke 6:46).
Consistently moving along the email from the "local church pastor" reads:
In Matthew 18:15-17, Jesus outlines the way the church is to seek the restoration of a believer who has fallen into sin-a four-step process commonly known as church discipline. First, when a brother sins, he is to be confronted privately by a single individual (v. 15). If he refuses to repent, that individual is to take one or two other believers along to confront him again (v. 16). If the sinning brother refuses to listen to the two or three, they are then to tell it to the church (v. 17). If there is still no repentance, the final step is to put the person out of the assembly (v. 17; cf. 1 Cor. 5:1-13).
The exercise of church discipline according to Matthew 18 and other passages (1 Cor. 5:1-13; 1 Tim. 5:20; Titus 3:10-11) presupposes that the elders of a church know who their members are. For example, the elders of [Mega Church] have neither the responsibility nor the authority to discipline a member of the church down the street. Sadly, the widespread lack of understanding of church membership has made it necessary for our elders to discipline not only formal members but also those who regularly fellowship at [Mega Church]. However, the Bible's teaching on church discipline assumes church membership.
In the yellow, the "local church pastor" assumes that it is the elders alone that exercise discipline. There is more to that passage in Matthew 18 in verses 18-35. Immediately Jesus explains that whatever the believer binds on earth is bound in heaven, then He explains that whatever is asked in Jesus' name the Father will grant. Then He continues with "where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." First, even two gathered is an assembly. Second, beware, when assembled in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, do not call what is evil good nor good evil because the King of kings is present. Third, immediately after Jesus commands forgiveness for trespasses, not 7 times but 7 times 70. Going back to whatever is bound, could this be binding unforgiveness upon the one planning discipline, that is the disciplinor? Look at Matthew 18:35. Could this be a warning about the "ban" or "shun"? Think of it, Jesus said take "two or three with you", and what if the "two or three" say that there really is no problem here, then it is evident that the false accuser has sinned. Jesus can say one set of words, yet He can mean multiple things. Forgiveness is a wonderful thing, and Grace is a beautiful thing.
Back to his interpretion that it is the elder's authority and responsibility to exercise discipline down on the people in the pews. The heading in the NASB at Matthew 18:15 is Discipline and Prayer with the word "church" instead of assembly. Thus, the stage for the delusion of deception (recall from Jeremiah) is set. See how the accumulation of words that are NOT in Scripture being put in Scripture distorts. The discerning eye is granted by Christ Himself (Hebrews 5:14), because He opens the eyes of the blind (Matthew 9:30). Neither 1 Timothy 5:20 nor Titus 3:10-11 make any indication of "church discipline", yet there is some indication of the alarm of a wolf approaching.
Notice, in the words of Jesus as recorded by Matthew (18:15-17), He, God incarnate, does NOT say bring it to the "local church pastor" NOR does King Jesus of the Kindom of God say take it to the "elders". My God said "brothers" and "assembly".
Church Discipline or Bride's Purity: in reality, it is about purity within the Bride of Christ. Of course, if we children of God see a brother or siser sinning, we want that sibling to know the power and deep joy of Jesus, so we tell that sibling, in the Name of Jesus Christ be purified by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross shedding His Precious Blood for the sin of the world! We children of God pray for that sinning sibling as it is our hope that our sibling commune in full joy in the Spirit! The bridal purity is about the love of Christ. And this love overflows among the brothers and sisters. In this way, the Bride of Jesus Christ be pure for the Bridegroom!
Church Government, in the context that the "local church pastor" presents, does not exist. In opposition to that "Church Government" is the Kingdom of God that is composed of King Jesus and His subjects. Period.
The "local church pastor" mentions "responsibility" again. In the context of "church", I suppose that he and his friends can make up whatever rules and "in their own strength" concepts as God allows (2 Thessalonians 2:11). Oh God, my God, I beg of you, please, please forgive them and grant them sight unto repentance and salvation in Christ Jesus, that their joy may be full and your Glories proclaimed! My heart is heavy, and merely typing is scaring me, Oh Father!
The email from the "local church pastor" reads:
The New Testament teaches that the church is the body of Christ, and that God has called every member to a life devoted to the growth of the body. In other words, Scripture exhorts all believers to edify the other members by practicing the "one-anothers" of the New Testament (e.g., Heb. 10:24-25) and exercising their spiritual gifts (Rom. 12:6-8; 1 Cor. 12:4-7; 1 Pet. 4:10-11). Mutual edification can only take place in the context of the corporate body of Christ. Exhortations to this kind of ministry presuppose that believers have committed themselves to other believers in a specific local assembly. Church membership is simply the formal way to make that commitment.
So much of this has already been proven unscriptural, such as "church" and "corporate", but there are two important points to be made:
Here is a link to each and every occurrence of the Greek word "poimen" in the New Testament, all 18 of the occurrences (available at this link, 32 with related roots of poim).
This leads to another key point, the verb form, "shepherding", contains the base of poima in Greek. Elders most certainly shepherd (verb), and this is repeated again and again in the Word of God, that the flock of God will joyfully follow in the steps of the elder who is following in the steps of Christ Jesus. The elder is humble, the elder is watching for wolves, the elder would die for God's sheep because he is not a hired hand. A hired hand seeks sordid gain, that is, being paid for the office of pastor in the local church, recall the Scripture that states the one who does not work will not eat (2 Thessalonians 3:10). In Christ, the act of shepherding legitimately represents feeding the flock, watching for wolves, and being an example.
All occurrences of the noun Greek word poimenas, in the New Testament, were translated to shepherds with the single exception of Ephesians 4:11 where the unique, single occuring English word pastor was utilized. This anomalous and arbitrary translation of poimenas to pastor results in man creating an entire hierarchy of authority with an office, yet no indication of hierarchy of authority nor "office of" exists in Ephesians 4:11. In Christ, elders carry out the act of shepherding, yet the current connotation of pastor is superlative to the Christian denotation of elder, in that pastor carries a deep seated sense of authority. Around the year 590, pope Gregory I wrote Liber Regulae Pastoralis or Regula Pastoralis (The Book of the Pastoral Rule, commonly known in English as Pastoral Care, a translation of the alternative Latin title Cura Pastoralis), a treatise on the responsibilities of the clergy (Pastoral Care (opens to WikiPedia). The heritage of the Roman Catholic Church is clear in these descriptions of the Latin treatise:
Elders live and move in God, in deed (INDEED). Paul, an Apostle of Christ Jesus, changed the format of the enumeration in Ephesians 4:11 when he got to "shepherds and teachers" (pastors and teachers). Let's see the word for word translation for the Greek/English interlinear, "AND SAME GIVES THE INDEED [apostles] THE YET BEFORE-AVERers THE YET WELL-MESSENGERS THE YET SHEPHERDS AND TEACHers". This "SHEPHERDS AND TEACHers" rings back to:
God laid out an enumeration of gifts, apostles (ONES-SENT), prophets (BEFORE-AVERers), evangelists (WELL-MESSENGERS), and shepherds and teachers (SHEPHERDS AND TEACHers) in Ephesians 4:11. We find another passage that contains "And God has appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues" (1 Corinthians 12:28 according to Thayer the "administrations" word ["governments" in KJV] should be rendered "wise counsels" [kybernēsis - administrations - G2941 (opens to BlueLetterBible.org)] and the word church should be the word assembly or congregation). Notice the absence of evangelists and shepherds from the 12:28 passage. Also worth noting, in 1 Corinthians 14:1, Paul wrote "Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy." Notice "prophesy" in 14:1 is related to "prophets" in 12:28 and in Ephesians 4:11. Paul clearly states that you may especially desire to prophesy, yet prophets is second in both the 1 Corinthians 12:28 and the Ephesians 4:11 lists. Is it significant? God clearly, crucially states that these are not ordered lists; in other words, the desire for the gift of being an apostle (occurring first in both lists) is not raised above desiring that gift of being a prophet. Desiring to be an elder is a good work (1 Timothy 3:1), yet prophecy is regarded for stronger desire. Clearly, these are not rank, rather, these gifts of God are movement in maturity in the knowledge of Christ established by God as a work of the Holy Spirit.
The elder in the Assembly of God says "the Lord Jesus is worthy of all praise", and, humbly, "I am of no account".
When Ephesians chapter 4 is read in context to 4:11, we see earlier in chapter 4, "humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love", "preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace", "one body", "one Spirit", "one hope", "one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all", and "He gave gifts to men". In this chapter, we see so very much. One Spirit And One Heart In God, see here that God is "over all", "through all", and "in all", see here His fruit will be evident in the believer because the Father is in the believer! See more, Christ is the giver of gifts, and it is a continual feeding to His children. Look at all the references to "one" not multiple "local churches". See the reference to the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23. This is significant because of the condemning fruits of factions (divisiveness, "local pastor pastor" desires to grow "his congregation", many denominations/churches in dispute), idolatry (the "local church pastor" views himself pridefully, how he calls it "his congregation"), envying (I heard a "local pastor pastor" say that he looks at other larger churches lustfully), outlined in the passage before (Galatians 5:18-21).
In the New Testament, Master Jesus never called another person shepherd/poimen. This fact is exposed clearly in the table of every occurrence of the Greek word "poimen" in the New Testament. When Master Jesus told Peter to "graze my sheep", He did not call Peter a shepherd (John 21:15-17). There is the act of shepherding, but not a shepherd except for Jesus, the Great Shepherd, the Chief Elder, the Firstborn from the dead (Colossians 1:18).
Certainly no pastor is indicated, as we see from the Ephesians 4:11 mistranslated word that is shepherd in all other instances of the English translations. As we examine the four books that people call the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; these records of Jesus are devoid of Master Jesus referencing the noun "shepherd" as a mere man.
Master Jesus said here that God sent "prophets and wise men and scribes" and "prophets, and apostles", yet this is not the list from Ephesians 4:11. There are commonalities between Jesus' lists and Paul's lists, yet Paul's lists contains shepherds/pastors and teachers. In the immediately above passages, Master Jesus was addressing the multitude and His disciples (Matthew 23:1) as well as pharisees, so it is entirely plausable that Jesus pointed at the disciples saying "behold, I am sending you prophets and wise men and scribes" then immediately swung His finger to point at the pharisees saying "some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city".
Master Jesus said not to be called rabbi (rabbi means teacher as defined in John 1:38 - this opens to the Table Examining the Words for Teacher in Scripture) because Master Jesus is our One Teacher, and we are all brothers! The Apostle Paul mentioned "pastors and teachers" in Ephesians 4:11, yet Jesus said "ye may not be called Rabbi". A point not worth making, yet should be made for the sake of argument, is that the Greek word for "teachers" in Ephesians 4:11 is didaskalous (G1320) while the Greek word for "Teacher" in Matthew 23:8 is kathEgEtEs (G2519); however, both of the Greek words contain "a teacher" and "a master" as components of the definitions; therefore, the Greek words seem to be synonyms. Most importantly, the context of both passages clearly refers to a teacher.
What of the Apostle Paul's writing, using the word shepherd in Ephesians 4:11? What about the word teachers in Ephesians 4:11? I must walk in the Way with the Master Jesus' words, as I abide the words of the Lord Jesus.
That which the Apostle Paul wrote appears to be identifiers of people that were given as gifts from God recorded in Ephesians 4:11, but I can not reconcile Paul's words here back to Jesus' words as a present tense nor future tense. Also, these appear to be fruits of the Holy Spirit manifested in a mere man. These are to the glory of God in the temple of God, but I can not reconcile Paul's words as present tense nor future tense in Ephesians 4:11 back to Jesus' words respecting pastors and teachers.
Jesus is God manifest in the flesh. Either God is correct or Paul is correct. Lord Jesus, being fully God, said one poimen, yet Paul wrote of poimen in the plural. The popular interpretation of Ephesians 4:11 of under-sheperds or local pastors leads to the terminal eviseration of the words of Jesus which the Apostle John recorded of King Jesus, God incarnate, saying "they will become one flock with one shepherd" (John 10:16). Both can not be true simultaneously. If we use the terminology of pastor consistently, then either a person has a Pastor that is Jesus or a person has a pastor that is a man. Many people claim that Jesus delegated or specified a man to occupy a pastoral office, but that fails when the Word of God speaks, saying "One Pastor", and the word office is not in the Greek manuscripts. Let us not forget that the synoptic gospels (the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke written by 50 A.D.) as well as Paul's letters (completed by 64 A.D.) were written prior to the writings of John written after 80 A.D.), according to tradition, so Jesus spoke of sending apostles, prophets, scribes, and wise men before Paul's conversion (on the road to Damascus); moreover, John wrote after Paul's death. Further examination of the mathematical implication of the doctrine of "office of pastor" dictates that if one claims that a man is a pastor or shepherd AND that Jesus is a pastor or shepherd, then you have two pastors, a clear violation of Lord Jesus' words, and I would have to say that such a claim rivals idolatry (Exodus 20:4). And, to consider another one of Paul's writings, do not be decieved, idolaters will not inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
Look carefully at the verb tense of Ephesians 4:11, "And He gave some", it is past tense, not "has been giving" nor "will give", but rather "gave". Consider that timeline where I mentioned Paul's death, in the previous paragraph. Now, when a pastor, teacher, or doctor states there are no more apostles, no more prophets, but there are evangelists, are pastors, are teachers, it leads one to wonder why that pastor/teacher/doctor selectively discounts two of the five gifts mentioned in Ephesians 4:11, particularly when my Lord Jesus Himself gave lists that include apostles and prophets yet not plural of shepherds/pastors in those lists. Rather, Lord Jesus said beware of those that come in My Name (Luke 21:8), and, again, He said watch fruits for there are ravenous wolves disguised as sheep (Matthew 7:15-20). Lord Jesus reserved the title of shepherd/pastor to Himself alone, as clearly recorded in John 10:16.
This issue of shepherd is so very relevant to each and every eternal life destination. There is One Shepherd, and His Name is Jesus, my God and my Savior. I am a follower of my Lord Jesus Christ. Period.
Lord Jesus emphatically stated "Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven" as recored in Matthew 23:9. Does the "local church pastor" call an Anglican priest "father" or how about the Roman Catholic pope? Three consecutive verses in the book recorded by Matthew.
Lord Jesus conveyed intensity by repeating about spiritual leadership three times as recorded in the passage Matthew 23:8-10. The Jews emphasized crucial points by repeating the concept, and here King Jesus repeated Himself not just twice, but three times!
Where is the "local church pastor" in all of this? Look in his "local church building" in the "pastoral office" taking pains to avoid offending the sources of his ill-gotten gains... Because you won't find the "local church pastor" in Scripture, in fact, in most cases, you will find something quite different in Scripture and God's Ecclesia, after all, Jesus said "He who is not with Me is against Me" (Matthew 12:30).
I include my reply to the local church pastor from earlier this year for completeness sake. I strongly wanted to meet with the local church pastor face to face, and I invited him to my home for both of our families to break bread together, twice in earlier email exchanges. He did not reply to the email I present in this paragraph, and we have not conversed since. It was this exchange that God used to drive me to examine "church" more deeply as well as to type this essay, so while I used the word "church" in the email as a synonym for ecclesia, I now emphatically state that church is NOT a synonym of ecclesia. While God's Ecclesia may be at a church, the Church is not the Ecclesia.
The abuse within positions of power in leadership can include any of the following (as evidenced by the above):
Whether intentional or inadvertent, all human inventions that corrupt the purity of worshiping the True and Living YHWH God is an idol. The act of adding to and subtracting from God's revealed Word in the Holy Bible to accommodate man's rituals breaches the Second Commandment! God commands and approves His ordained form of worship, yet anything else is sacrilege and blasphemy. False worship and well intentioned idolatry bring the Wrath of God and death. Think about it for a moment. All men are guilty before the Just Judge. None, not one, is righteous, except Jesus! And there it is, the man, Jesus, knew no sin, but became sin for our sake carrying the crime of the world on the cross, and when He said "it is finished" the veil of the temple was torn, and every believer in the blameless One worships in Spirit and Truth. The God, Jesus, resurrected to sit at the right hand of the Father, and we worship the One true God, alone! Every moment, worshiping the Father in Christ Jesus by the Spirit, praying always (Luke 18:1-8, Matthew 26:41). Communing with the very Creator of the heavens and earth.
This paragraph is a special note for the "local church pastor". Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved. I write this out of love for you and the people that you lead. God's Word is the vital treasure that is good unto salvation. As of this writing, you attempt to elevate yourself to the position that belongs to God alone (Exodus 20:3 as well as Exodus 20:4). You tell your "church members" to do this or that. Sin no more, stop teaching wrongfully. I am deeply and genuinely mourning for your soul and the souls of those that hear your teaching week after week. Our Deliverer Lord Jesus said "Watch out and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees" (Matthew 16:6), and the Apostle Paul wrote "a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough" (Galatians 5:9). Clearly, God explains that wrong doctrine spoils entirely, that is, a little falsehood makes entirely false. For something to be true, it must be completely true. May the Holy Spirit grant you Godly sorrow bringing repentance that leads to salvation (2 Corinthians 7:10), and the worldly grief with it's heavy weight of church and burden of authority pass away (1 John 2:17). May you walk in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ that lead to the loving Father in heaven!
"When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance,
"See now that I, I am He,
Because of the absence of "local", "church", and "roster of members" in the Holy Writ, church is heresy (2 Peter 2:1, 1 John 4:1-6, 1 Timothy 1:3-6, 2 Timothy 1:13-14, and Jude 1 [heresy is holding to doctrine and action that contradicts the Word of God]).
There are no denominations of "church" and no "church government" hierarchy among God's Ecclesia in the Holy Writ; therefore, all of the divisive and factious trappings of "church" crumble as non-sequitor, as the tradition of men (Mark 7:8, 1 Corinthians 11, and John 17:22-23)! "Local church" by it's very nature is divisive. Something evil lurks in the halls of the "local church".
The rudiments of "church" include: sordid gain, patronizing people's lusts, authority, stand alone buildings, obligations, formalism, power plays, lust for money, and more. There is HOPE, come out from among them and be separate (Isaiah 52:11, 2 Corinthians 6:17) because persisting in even one of the mentioned rudiments of "church" is sin, and we know that those who practice sin have their part in the lake of fire (Ezekiel 18:4, 1 John 3:4-10, Revelation 20:15, Revelation 21:8). Jesus said to the religious leaders who loved money, "that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God" (Luke 16:15). A "local church pastor" that clings to the unholy fruit of "church" is deceived, and that pastor teaches in opposition to the very words of our Lord Jesus Christ (Please see this sidebar: The Standard of Truth: Our Lord Jesus Said "I AM the Truth"). "Church" is highly esteemed. "Church" is an idol, let's get even more specific, the "local church pastor" is an idol in the form of a man elevated on a pulpit as well as the "church building" treasured in the heart's of so very many! My Lord said, "If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin" (John 15:22). And when the ungodly are ripped from their graves at the sound of the trumpet with the loud voices in heaven, the sheer terror of denying the Living God, Our Lord Jesus Christ will be upon them as the Wrath of God is poured out (Revelation 11:15-18). Church is a massive burden, yet in God's Ecclesia is rest! My Friend Jesus said, "come to Me all you laboring and burdened ones, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). One Man. One God. One purchase. One redemption. One salvation. One Holy communion. If you are caught up in "church", then repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ! Our Lord Jesus Christ is salvation, alone! I urge you to, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship (Romans 12:1).
"All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth" are the words of the Eternal Lord Jesus Christ! He said "All authority"! This is recorded in Matthew 28:18 at the ascension of Jesus Christ to the right hand of the Father in heaven. Let's review Jesus' command that He issued prior to stating "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth", back when Jesus sent out the twelve, as recorded in Luke 9:1, when Jesus gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. Full stop (on that point). Not long after sending out the twelve, Jesus gave authority when he sent out the seventy as recorded in Luke 10:19, Jesus said upon the disciples return, "Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you." Jesus' instruction and commands to the seventy as He was sending them out included for them to "heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, 'The kingdom of God has come near to you'" (Luke 10:9). Full stop (on that point).
In sequential order, we have Jesus giving the disciples authority over all demons, to cure diseases, to tread on serpents and scorpions, over all the power of the enemy, and proclaim the gospel. After that, Jesus declares that all authority has been given to Him.
In no sense does Jesus declare that one disciple has authority over another disciple.
Jesus said "the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth" as recorded in John 4:23, and a mere two verses earlier, King Jesus explains to us that true worship is independent of location (John 4:21).
Again, be comforted, God no longer commands attendance at a building to be in the presence of God because our Friend Jesus said of His Ecclesia that "the Kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21). Every moment, every God-given breath of the believer is God's and in God's presence, so we pray without ceasing (Luke 18:1-8, Matthew 26:41, 1 Thessalonians 5:17).
The Apostle Paul wrote "For as the body is one, and has many members, and all members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ" as recorded in 1 Corinthians 12:12, and again, brother Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write "...gave him to be head over all things to the assembly, which is his body..." as recorded in Ephesians 1:22-23, yet again Paul the evangelist explained "He is the head of the body, the assembly" in the epistle to the Colossians (verse 1:18).
When Jesus said, "Upon this rock I will build my assembly," as recorded by Matthew (16:18) the translators used a word that identifies a building rather than the people. Truly, He said that upon the great truth/rock, Himself being the Truth, confessed by Peter, that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, Jesus would build His assembly, His gathering of redeemed people. The ecclesia (ek, "out of or from," and kaleo, "a calling or to call") is His called out people, not dependent on location, not even time! The ecclesia is Christ's congregation in all times and all places.
Jesus, fully God, did not seek to rise above men according to Paul as well. "But he emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men." (Philippians 2:7-10) A man of no reputation, lowly, meek, humble. His example is perfect, it is about love!
Let's take what Christ Himself said as recorded by Matthew: "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." (Chapter 20:25-28)
you people be persuaded by the ones leading, and you people yield
Now, we need to examine the hard Scripture, certain cornerstone writings about hierarchy, there is an English translated passage that mentions obeying the rulers (clearly referring to the clergy, pastors or bishops or other "church leadership") and submitting to them, so please let us consider the letter to the dispersed tribes, the Book of Hebrews:
(the actual Greek/English interlinear is included below for these verses)
Shortly before these passages in Hebrews, we have the inspired Word of God defining faith as well as providing examples such as "By faith Noah" and "By faith Abraham", in Hebrews 11. This is relevant to Hebrews 13.
A very powerful passage of Scripture is this: For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: (1 Peter 2:21). This following in His steps is relevant to Hebrews 13.
Here is Paul explaining those we should imitate: Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample. (Philippians 3:17)
In the letter to the Ephesians, Paul wrote "Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God" (5:21, submitting is hupotassomenoi [note hupotasso] which is explained shortly). Notice, that in the fear of God every one is to submit to every one within the Assembly of God.
Returning to Hebrews 13:17, when we examine the Greek Interlinear, we find the word translated to "obey" is "peithesthe" (Blue Letter Bible, Strong's G3982; BibleHub, Strong's 3982) which is "be persuaded". Peithesthe is not obey; on the other hand, the Greek word "hupakouó" (Blue Letter Bible, Strong's G5219; BibleHub, Strong's 5219) is the English word "obey" of which hupakouó (obey) does not appear in this passage!
In Hebrews 13:18, the very next verse, we see peitho again! "Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a good conscience, desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things" (Hebrews 13:18). That "we are sure" is peithometha as in "we are persuaded". Belief and faith and persuasion and conviction (convinced) and "are sure" are all intimately related. We find "persuade", that is "peitho", in both verses 17 and 18 because of faith and belief!
Table Examining the Lexicon of πείθω (peitho, persuade): this provides a purview of how this word was used - particularly of interest for Hebrews 13:17. The one time in the lexicon that contains the exact same word as Hebrews 13:17, peithesthe is not obey; on the contrary, peithesthe in the lexicon is "BELIEVE".
In Hebrews 13:7, 13:17, and 13:24, the word "hégeomai" (hEdoumen...) is a verb which in English we would roughly call it a transitive verb in the plural thus meaning "ones-LEADING" in all 3 verses. It appears to be the ones going before, somewhat like some people marking the steps, remember 1 Peter 2:21. The phrase "rule over" does not occur in the Greek, so it can be discarded.
Again, in Hebrews 13:17, the word "submit" is translated from "hupeikete" (Blue Letter Bible, Strong's G5226; BibleHub, Strong's 5226) which according to Strongs 5226 includes "to yield, to submit", yet we find BE-YE-UNDER-SIMULATING for "hupeikete" in the Greek Interlinear; therefore, deeper inspection of "hupeikete" is required. The Greek word "hupeikete" occurs one time in the New Testament which is here in Hebrews 13:17, so examiniation of usage extrabiblically near the time of the writing of the book of Hebrews is helpful.
Hupeikete is composed of two roots, hupo and eikó:
Yes, according to the lexicon and Strong's, there are two words in Greek spelled exactly the same, "eiko", with one meaning "yield" and the other meaning "resemble/imitate". There exists a third word that is nearly the same, "eikon" which means image/likeness/statue; furthermore, eikon should bring reminisence of "icon" for computers - an "icon" represents an entry point for a full computer application program - something smaller pointing at something bigger.
Table Examining the Lexicon of ὑπείκω (hupeiko, yield); this provides a purview of how the hupeikete word was used - and all the extrabiblical instances included in the lexicon used appearing along with hupeikete as in Hebrews 13:17 are "yield".
The term "yield" as extracted from the lexicon, as well as the interlinear's "under simulating", for "hupeikete" is profound when the entire passage is read in context, or even the entire epistle. Notice "hupeikete" is NOT "hupotassó"; moreover, "hupotassó" represents a militaristic ranking as it translates "to place or rank under, to subject, mid. to obey" (Blue Letter Bible, Strong's G5293; BibleHub, Strong's 5293, and since hupo was covered, here is "tassó" meaning "['place in position, post'] was commonly used in ancient military language for 'designating' ('appointing, commissioning') a specific status, i.e. arranging (placing) in a deliberate, fixed order" Blue Letter Bible, Strong's G5021; BibleHub, Strong's 5021). Hupotassó appears in Ephesians 5:21, thus making all the people in the Assembly of God the same rank. Hupotassó does NOT appear in Hebrews 13:17, yet the authority hierarchy definition of hupotassó is wrongly applied to the word hupeikete thus giving the false and deadly illusion that a spiritual leader is being defined. Remember Lord Jesus' words about any person being called a spiritual leader, "Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ" (Matthew 23:10).
A synonym for hupeikete is anachoréite (ἀναχωρεῖτε). This Greek word meaning "yield" could have been used, but why did God have the author use hupeikete? Could it be that God wanted people to see "eiko" in order to see not only the denotation of "yield" but also to be aware of the alternate word of "simulate"? The proximity of the two identical words of "eiko" with the third word of "eikon" are telling; furthermore, there are no "coincidences" with God. After all, imitating the Righteous One, Jesus Christ, is central!
Hupeikete may even be along the lines of yield unto imitation according to the will of God for the purposes of Hebrews 13:17 - consider Hebrews 13:7 with the intervening passage, the Christ said "I gave you an example that you also should do as I did" (John 13:15). Behold, the Lord, the Messiah said "example"! Here is more of the passage to see the SERVANT example as opposed to the AUTHORITY claimed by clergy, the Lord Jesus said "Do you know what I have done to you? You call Me Teacher and Lord; and you are right, for [so] I am. If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you. Truly, truly, I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor [is] one who is sent greater than the one who sent him. If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them" John 13:12-17).
Notice the word "authority" is NOT a word in Hebrews 13:17, no, it does NOT say "submit to their authority" NOR "submit to them" NOR "submit yourselves". Hebrews 13:17 straightforward states "You people be persuaded by the ones leading, and you people yield, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you." The command "and [all of you] yield" means something special. Does the command "yield" apply to a mere man or the Word? Especially consider that the Word, Lord Jesus, said "you are all brothers" (Matthew 23:8) and "One is your Leader, that is, Christ" (Matthew 23:10). Hebrews 13:17 is NOT about men's authority over other men in God's Holy Nation.
Notice also that Hebrews 13:17 reads "as they that must give account" which does NOT say "they will give an account"! Take special note of that "as" in the sentence. This clearly refers to the elder that cares DEEPLY for God's people! This is not an authority.
Is God telling us about authority hierarchy? Is God telling us that we need to join a local church? Is our Redeemer telling us that when we see Godly people, that we are really seeing Christ in them, and thus looking through them at Christ the Lord? Is God telling us about His children turned to Him in the unity of love glorifying Him for all the world to see? The answer to the last two questions are a resounding YES. He established His Ecclesia such that the deep love will bring glory to God and He will use love to bring comfort to His Children (John 13:35). Not only that, but the world will be without excuse on the Day of Judgment (Romans 1:20). Hence His Ecclesia are His hands. His feet... The laborers in the harvest (Luke 10:2).
Jesus said something that is downright revealing when he explained to those He ordained to be the ones-leading, "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you turn and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:3-4)
Let's piece together some of the words and concepts we find from the various verses of Hebrews 13 mentioned above! Based on the Greek text, as opposed to the oppressive authority hierarchy English translation, we see something wonderful and beautiful, this summary seems to convey the message of the verses:
"You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and [their] great men exercise authority over them. It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:25-28)
And, here are Hebrews 13:7,17,24 in the interlinear (with KJV on the right - these are sourced from http://www.Scripture4All.org/):
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon" (Matthew 6:24) declared the Lord Jesus.
"Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves" (Matthew 7:15) warned the Lord Jesus.
Recall from the Other Essential Definitions section, that the false Greek goddess Circe "with a touch of her wand she changed ... some into wolves". The Church (Circe) with men (wolves) claiming authoritative hierarchical structure are in an institution that has etymological basis for a lineage from Circe in Greek!
Drink in the passage in which the Lord Jesus Christ mentions "false prophets" who "are ravenous wolves":
Paraggelló (Blue Letter Bible, Strong's G3853; BibleHub, Strong's 3853) is absent from this passage, and paraggelló is the Greek word which translates to the English word "charge"; therefore, this fact is definitely worthwhile to behold.
Paraggelló (Blue Letter Bible, Strong's G3853; BibleHub, Strong's 3853) is absent from this passage, and paraggelló is the Greek word which translates to the English word "charge"; therefore, this fact is definitely worthwhile to behold.
See there in 1 Peter 5:3, not exercising lordship over Jesus' heritage, rather be a pattern for His Flock, following Jesus Himself in the Holy Spirit. It is about Jesus, not man-made authority and charge here on earth!
"But it is not this way with you, but the one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant" (Luke 22:26). The word leader is hēgoumenos (note the resemblence to Hebrews 13:17's ones-LEADING). That word in Hebrews 13:17 can NOT be an authority because of that which Lord Jesus states here in Luke 22:26!
"Whoever receives this child in My name receives Me, and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me; for the one who is least among all of you, this is the one who is great" (Luke 9:48. Is a churchman that calls himself "pastor" least or great? The answer is self-evident! The Lord Jesus said "they will become one flock with One Shepherd" (John 10:16) - that word Shepherd is poimēn in the Greek which is translated to "pastors" in Ephesians 4:11 - it is audaciously arrogant, prideful, and presumptuous to assume the title of poimēn that the Lord Jesus Christ reserved to Himself - the churchman that takes the name of pastor claims to be great by virtue of God's reservation of the title "pastor" unto the Son of God. It is so very, very sad and scary that "local church pastors" set up a system of idolatry whether intentionally or ignorantly. Examine obedience, Christ Jesus repeatedly spoke of doing the will of the Father in heaven. Obedience to God's authority, not to men's authority within the assembly of God, is part of the core message of the New Testament; therefore, clergy is in open disobedience to God and rebellion to God. God had Samuel say something about that:
The words to abide for the believer as spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ are so very important in this matter, they bear repeating here!
And more words of the Lord Jesus Christ for the believer to abide!
Jesus also spoke this: "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." (Matthew 20:25-28) Here we hear the Lord Jesus clearly proclaiming that the rulers in the world exert authority over their fellows, BUT NOT SO AMONG GOD'S HOLY NATION, HIS ECCLESIA.
There are English translations that talk of "appointing elders". In English, the word "appointing" carries the meaning of selecting or designating to fill an office or a position. One instance is Acts 14:23, where Paul and Barnabas had appointed elders for them in every church, having prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed. Let us look at the Greek word that has been translated to appointing. it is cheirotonEsantes, and it's meaning in the Greek/English Interlinear is HAND-STRETCHing. Could it be that Paul and Barnabas were in the cities of Lystra and Iconium and Antioch, that they stretched out their hand to point out the mature men of God that exhibited the fruit consistent with Spirit led lives, thus it would be confirmed to the babes in the faith whom the elders are?
Another example related to "appointing elders" is "ordain elders" which occurs in English in Titus 1:5 where the Greek word for "ordain" is katastEsEs which narrowly translates to SHOULD-BE-DOWN-STANDING as indicated in the Greek/English Interlinear. Again, this word, katastEsEs, indicates to stand the elders in front of the assembly to confirm that which is already evident, that the elder is an elder.
Please listen, the elders are already elders by the will of God. The description of an elder in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1:5-9 are of fruits; in other words, the men are already elders. The ceremony for an elder is carried out by God Almighty, and it is of value in His court.
As we see from the example of Paul, the Apostle, addressing the elders of Ephesus in Acts 20:17 and Acts 20:28, it is evident that the word elder in English refers to both presbuterous and episkopous. I have read that presbuterous is of Hebrew origin while episkopous is Greek.
Let us consider "appointed" in "When the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord; and as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed" (Acts 13:48). This word "appointed" is the Greek word tetagmenoi which means HAVING-been-SET; meanwhile, the "appointed" in "When they had appointed elders for them in every church, having prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed" (Acts 14:23) is the Greek word cheirotonEsantes which means HAND-STRETCHing. In Acts 13:48, God sets apart. In Acts 14:23, the Apostles pointed out the elders, those same Apostles having prayed with fasting first to God Almighty, the men whom God had set apart as elders.
As we've already examined, what part does the word pastor have in Scripture? The word "pastor" carries a fabricated connotation just like "church". There is a definite distinguishing factor between shepherd (the true meaning of poimen a.k.a. pastor) and "office of pastor".
Under-shepherd is absent from the Holy Scripture; therefore, under-shepherd is a fallacy (fallacy defined - opens to thefreedictionary.com). The Lord Jesus repeatedly expressed Jesus alone is shepherd as a recurring sentiment. He even supplemented with His command to "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves" (Matthew 7:15), and Jesus the King said further "if anyone says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ,' or 'There [He is],' do not believe [him]. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I have told you in advance" (Matthew 24:23-25).
The Creator Jesus plainly stated "I am sending you prophets and wise men and scribes" (Matthew 23:34) and "I will send to them prophets and apostles" (Luke 11:49) and to His disciples "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations" (Matthew 28:19). Focus carefully on the absence of poimen/pastors/shepherds in these lists of whom is sent as provided by the Son of the Living God! In stark, plain, and clear terms, I emphatically state that during His life on earth as revealed by the Word of God that the Lord Jesus never said that He would send pastors.
Our Lord Jesus made it clear that false prophets will come, even claiming to be the Christ (Luke 21:8, Mark 13:5, Mark 13:21-22, Matthew 24:4-5, Matthew 24:11, Matthew 24:23-26). The false prophets will say "look here" and "there". There are pastors that call the church building the Lord's house as well as their requirement to report to the building every Sunday, but look at what Lord Jesus said that false prophets would say "look here" and "there". Those men calling themselves pastors are doing that which the Christ prophesied they would do. Those false pastors give each other hearty approval, slaps on backs, and events such as "sherherding conferences" to make sons to be just like them (Luke 11:48, Romans 1:32). Those pastors are destroyers of peace with God among the churchmen for those pastors know the ordinance of God. Even so, knowing God's righteous judgment, there are pastors that claim to be God's duly ordained pastor in the office, they arrogantly claim to be Christ's representative pastor with consummate authority over the churchpeople here on earth, yet, and this is an indomitable "yet", Our Lord Jesus said "they will become one flock with One Poimen" (that Greek word poimen has been translated to English as pastor and/or shepherd) thus Pastor Jesus is the One True Pastor.
The "local church pastor's" nearly universally constrain their "preaching" to the pulpit. They say "come in" and "bring them in" to the church; opposingly, God said and demonstrates that we saints go out.
There is a fundamental error in this reverse direction practiced by local church pastors. The error is not abiding in Jesus' words. This leads to further error. The message from the pulpit is confused. The "local church pastor's" message format is mixed into something we can barely call a "hybrid" - preaching.
An illustrative event happened some years ago at a church we attended. A fellow that attended the church invited a few of his coworkers to come to church. Those coworkers visited once. Why did they not fall on their faces worshipping God because the secrets their hearts were laid bare (1 Corinthians 14:25)? An unbeliever or an ungifted man is convicted by the prophesy by all. "All" who??? Those in the gathering prophesy. That "all" could certainly mean more that one person prophesying, but in that church those years ago, it was controlled down to the "worship team leader" alloting time instead of orderly with multiple people prophesying with active elders. When the "worship team leader" handed the reigns of the service to the "local church pastor", the "local church pastor" proceeded to preach the sermon that was outlined and included in the bulletin. There were a few visitors from India that day in a room of over 120 people. I suspect that "local church pastor" had a dilemma (if he knew about the visitors). I imagine the dilemma was whether to preach the Gospel to the unsaved or Biblical exhortation of those in church.
Boiling down to the key point, God is right. God tells us to "proclaim" and "herald" to the unsaved, and there is a certain "one way" communication element in this, in that, we are constantly moving the message toward Jesus and His work. God is ever so very right. God tells us saints to dialog when we gather, and there is a certain interactive communication element in this. Put the believers chairs of the gathering in a circle, and watch the power of El Elyon, the Most High God, at work! Watch as the Holy Spirit brings folks to raise holy hands and reverentially to knees in prayer!
Church members "vote" for their preferred pastor.
Does this sound led by the Holy Spirit? Does this sound Scriptural? In Acts chapter one, before Pentecost, we find prayer and the use of lots when Matthias entered the number with the eleven Apostles. In Acts chapter six, we find the Apostles say to the assembly to look among the assembly for seven men of good report, full of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom to serve tables occupied by widows. We find the assembly speaking out to a conclusion (chose [we can do nothing without Jesus Christ in us]) of Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas. The clergy and many theologians use words such as "The Appointment of Deacons" with the associated hierarchical structure of institutionalized church organizations, yet such language does not occur in the New Testament (please see the sidebar Servant Vs. Deacon for a textual examination). In the assemblies, we find elders, according to the Holy Spirit, pointing out elders, who are already elders according to the Holy Spirit, among the assemblies.
And hearing this, the ten became indignant with the two brothers. But Jesus called them to Himself and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
and he said to her, `What wilt thou?' She saith to him, `Say, that they may sit -- these my two sons -- one on thy right hand, and one on the left, in thy reign.'
And Jesus answering said, `Ye have not known what ye ask for yourselves; are ye able to drink of the cup that I am about to drink? and with the baptism that I am baptized with, to be baptized?' They say to him, `We are able.'
And he saith to them, `Of my cup indeed ye shall drink, and with the baptism that I am baptized with ye shall be baptized; but to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give, but -- to those for whom it hath been prepared by my father.'
And the ten having heard, were much displeased with the two brothers,
and Jesus having called them near, said, `Ye have known that the rulers of the nations do exercise lordship over them, and those great do exercise authority over them,
but not so shall it be among you, but whoever may will among you to become great, let him be your ministrant;
and whoever may will among you to be first, let him be your servant;
even as the Son of Man did not come to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.'
Hearing this, the ten began to feel indignant with James and John. Calling them to Himself, Jesus said to them, "You know that those who are recognized as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them; and their great men exercise authority over them. But it is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant; and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
and he said to them, `What do ye wish me to do for you?'
and they said to him, `Grant to us that, one on thy right hand and one on thy left, we may sit in thy glory;'
and Jesus said to them, `Ye have not known what ye ask; are ye able to drink of the cup that I drink of, and with the baptism that I am baptized with -- to be baptized?'
And they said to him, `We are able;' and Jesus said to them, `Of the cup indeed that I drink of, ye shall drink, and with the baptism that I am baptized with, ye shall be baptized;
but to sit on my right and on my left, is not mine to give, but -- to those for whom it hath been prepared.'
And the ten having heard, began to be much displeased at James and John,
but Jesus having called them near, saith to them, `Ye have known that they who are considered to rule the nations do exercise lordship over them, and their great ones do exercise authority upon them;
but not so shall it be among you; but whoever may will to become great among you, he shall be your minister,
and whoever of you may will to become first, he shall be servant of all;
for even the Son of Man came not to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.'
and Jesus having seen the reasoning of their heart, having taken hold of a child, set him beside himself,
and said to them, `Whoever may receive this child in my name, doth receive me, and whoever may receive me, doth receive Him who sent me, for he who is least among you all -- he shall be great.'
Jesus railed against hypocrites. He railed against blind guides. Hear the Word of the Lord (please, read this aloud):
"But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the kingdom of heaven from people; for you do not enter in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you devour widows' houses, and for a pretense you make long prayers; therefore you will receive greater condemnation.
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you travel around on sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.
"Woe to you, blind guides, who say, 'Whoever swears by the temple, that is nothing; but whoever swears by the gold of the temple is obligated.' You fools and blind men! Which is more important, the gold or the temple that sanctified the gold? And, 'Whoever swears by the altar, that is nothing, but whoever swears by the offering on it, he is obligated.' You blind men, which is more important, the offering, or the altar that sanctifies the offering? Therefore, whoever swears by the altar, swears both by the altar and by everything on it. And whoever swears by the temple, swears both by the temple and by Him who dwells within it. And whoever swears by heaven, swears both by the throne of God and by Him who sits upon it.
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cummin, and have neglected the weightier provisions of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness; but these are the things you should have done without neglecting the others. You blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside they are full of robbery and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also.
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness. So you, too, outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous, and say, 'If we had been living in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partners with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.' So you testify against yourselves, that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets. Fill up, then, the measure of the guilt of your fathers. You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?
"Therefore, behold, I am sending you prophets and wise men and scribes; some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city, so that upon you may fall the guilt of all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. Truly I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation" (Matthew 23:13-36).
May the Bright and Morning Star grant that church leaders hear the voice of our Lord Jesus and abide in His Word!
If you are an official church member, then BE SOBER AND ALERT (1 Peter 5:8) because church is a man-made factory. If you are holed up in a "church building" on Sundays and/or Wednesdays, then let us see the Word of God speaking:
nor do they light a lamp, and put it under the measure, but on the lamp-stand, and it shineth to all those in the house;
so let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and may glorify your Father who [is] in the heavens.
feed the flock of God that [is] among you, overseeing not constrainedly, but willingly, neither for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind,
neither as exercising lordship over the heritages, but patterns becoming of the flock,
and at the manifestation of the chief Shepherd, ye shall receive the unfading crown of glory.
In like manner, ye younger, be subject to elders, and all to one another subjecting yourselves; with humble-mindedness clothe yourselves, because God the proud doth resist, but to the humble He doth give grace;
Praise God! Here, right here, we see the description of a God ordained elder that feeds the flock of God. No sordid gain. Not exercising authority over God's heritage. Being patterns for the flock of God. Subjecting one to another in love!
As established earlier, archó, Strong's 757 is the Greek word that equates to the English verb "rule" (to rule), and the related Greek noun word, arché, Strong's 746 corresponds to "ruler". The term "Chief Shepherd" is derived from the Greek word archipoimén (Strong's 750) in 1 Peter 5:4 (above). Notice the "archi" in archipoimén - which "archi" clearly relates to "ruler" because archipoimén is a noun. To build an Undershepherd Doctrine by using "Chief Shepherd" or "Ruling Shepherd" is not only dangerous and blaspheming, it adds to Scripture. Please note, the word undershepherd is not in Scripture.
YHWH is my shepherd, I shall not want (Psalm 23:1).
"I am the good shepherd" (John 10:11).
Hold fast to that which is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21), and the Word of God is the Good News! The Good News is there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5). Listen, there is one Master, and His name is Jesus. There is one Authority, and He is the Author and Perfecter of the faith. Jesus is the Authority, and He assigns to His elders to walk where He walked, and His steps never fade. Let's say it again, Jesus leads and His sheep follow. In His steps.
The ones-leading give until it appears there is no more to give, and God causes the fountain to spring forth even more in abundance, and the elder gives more because of the love of God!
The children of God joyfully follow the ones who walk in the image of the Leader, Jesus Christ. Even into the fire or to the lions, for what more can they do once they have killed the body (Luke 12:4). We, followers of the Way, know the joy to come, and proclaim it in our very lives, and deaths, to share in the sufferings of Christ if He so ordains, that some might be saved from the wrath of God! It is about love for the family, even the one who does not know that they are predestined to be of the family of God (Psalm 119:73, Isaiah 64:7, Matthew 20:23, Matthew 25:34, John 6:37, John 6:39, John 17:2, John 17:6, Romans 9:18-24, Ephesians 2:10, 1 Peter 1:2, Revelation 13:8).
Because of the passionate love among the Father and the Son in the Spirit, and that the Son loves His Bride, so very much love that Jesus bore the shame of the cross! By this everlasting love, His Chosen Bride joins in communion of the deep, deep, rich love of God!
Unity and harmony in the Body of Christ is absolute. A gathering of the Assembly of God meets in a place, yet it is joined by the Spirit of the Living God to every assembly in every place. The Body of Christ is precisely synonymous with the Assembly of God. A Holy Spirit baptized believer is a member of Christ's Body, and the believer gathers according to the Spirit. The believer is set free (2 Corinthians 3:17) of the bondage of worldly memberships (as it is written by the Apostle Peter that we are foreigners and sojourners in this land [1 Peter 2:11]); rather, the believer gathers as part of Christ's Body as led by the Holy Spirit (as it is written in Hebrews [10:25], not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near)! There is One God, One Jesus Christ, and one Body of Christ.
Do not think the issue of "church", "church membership", "local church pastor", "church discipline", etc is trivial. Some people say this does not matter. Know that the prayers of the sinner who turns from God's instruction are not heard (Proverbs 28:9, John 9:31).
"Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain You, how much less this house which I have built!" (1 Kings 8:27)
"Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father" (John 4:21).
"I also say to you that you are Pebble, and upon this Rock I will build My assembly; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it" (Matthew 16-18). Pebble in this statment is translated Peter in many translations, but HELPS Word Studies indicates "4074 Pétros (a masculine noun) – properly, a stone (pebble), such as a small rock found along a pathway. 4074 /Pétros ("small stone") then stands in contrast to 4073 /pétra ("cliff, boulder," Abbott-Smith)." from 4074. Petros).
With this being addressed, it is good to recall, again, the words of the Everlasting God Jesus Christ "I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock with One Shepherd" (John 10:16). Here Yeshua Messiah identifies Himself as the "One Shepherd", "One Pastor", "Heis Poimen" (Heis is Greek transliteration for the English word One). There are no other shepherds appointed by Jesus nor other shepherds with delegated authority by Jesus. Jesus reserved the title, the glory, the authority, and the honor unto Himself as Shepherd! Praise be to God!
Remember what Jeremiah cried out to Jerusalem and Judea! "For I know the plans that I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you," (29:11-14). That is an important passage, but let's jump to another important passage, the passage immediately prior to it: Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, "Do not let your prophets who are in your midst and your diviners deceive you, and do not listen to the dreams which they dream. For they prophesy falsely to you in My name; I have not sent them, declares the Lord." For thus says the Lord, "When seventy years have been completed for Babylon, I will visit you and fulfill My good word to you, to bring you back to this place." (Jeremiah 29:8-10). If the words of a prophet, today as a proclaimer of the Good News, match the Word of God, then the words are good. No variation.
Jeremiah also spoke the words of God when he said:
`And now, I -- I have given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, My servant, and also the beast of the field I have given to him to serve him;
And served him have all the nations, and his son, and his son's son, till the coming in of the time of his land, also it; and done service for him have many nations and great kings.
Danger in Tolerating the Works of the Nicolaitans:
Is it cold and spiteful to say such things? Jesus did not mince words when saying "woe to you" to the pharisees and the scribes (Matthew 23). And, again, "Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?" the words of Lord Jesus (Luke 6:46). Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God (John 3:36, John 5:38). Whoever abides in the teaching of Lord Jesus has both the Father and the Son (John 17:6, John 17:23). If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works (2 John 1:9-11).
Jesus, the Word, commanded that people be consumed by Him, abide His words. At the cross in Love, He brings repentance (2 Timothy 2:25), and He imparts the very faith (Ephesians 2:8-10) moment to moment. We are made to bring pleasure to God as well as to glorify God (Philippians 2:13, Revelation 4:11).
The sad fact of the matter is that many church-goers have a deep seated sense of fear that their salvation is in jeopardy in the face of the local church membership doctrine of men with the ensuing accompanyment of control, power, authority, and money.
Hear the words of the psalmist "Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments" (Psalm 119:73). He declares the Glory of God, that the Grand Creator not only "made" but also "fashioned" which describes the ongoing life in God the Father. And, we see the psalmist crying out to God to "give me understanding". The Christian crys out to Jesus for all things, including understanding the Word of God.
Praise God! See here, the Holy Spirit inspired Apostle John wrote that it is oppostion to the teaching of the apostles to love the first place! Not only that, but the lover of first place does not receive the truth.
The hand of God fashioned Paul as we see in (Acts 9). When Saul was on the road to Damascus, God turned him around. God told Saul to go into the city to await instructions, and God sent Ananias. God did not tell Saul to report to a church, and Saul was with the disciples of Christ. Once converted, immediately Saul went out to proclaim Jesus in the streets, and the followers of the Way were wary of him! There is NO mention of a church nor a church sending him, rather Saul went out according to the Will of God!
Another example of God NOT telling someone to go join a church is the Ethiopian eunuch that was reading the Isaiah scroll (Acts 8:26-40). Philip, the Apostle, explained the meaning to the eunuch, the eunuch asked to be baptized, and after the baptism, God whisked Philip away. And that's the end of mention of the Ethiopian eunuch in the New Testament, with him going on his way rejoicing!
Again, we find that Paul arrived in Ephesus, where he found some disciples that had not heard of the Holy Spirit. Paul proclaimed the Truth, that is Jesus, to them, and they were immersed in the name of the Lord Jesus. Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they began speaking with tongues and prophesying. This is recorded in Acts 19:1-10. Afterward, Paul proclaimed the Kingdom of God in the synagogue. Please note that there is NO mention of telling the disciples to join a church nor start a church. God drew these disciples, and God made them Christ's Body. We know they were together with Paul because it is noted a couple of times as in Acts 19:9 and Acts 19:30. There is no question, this is God's Ecclesia. God assembled them.
We are priests, every one of us believers, proclaiming the excellencies of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:9), our High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek, not according to the order of Aaron, not the Levitical priesthood (Hebrews 7:11), the One spoken of belongs to another tribe, not Levi, but rather Judah, another Priest arose according to the likeness of Melchizedek, according to the power of an indestructible life, forever a Priest, bringing in a better hope through which we draw near to God (Hebrews 7:13-19). Jesus guarantees a better coventant (2 Corinthians 5:5). There were many priests to tend to the sacrifices for the people because those priests were limited by death, yet Jesus is the permanent Priest; therefore He alone is able to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He alone always lives to make intercession for us (Hebrews 7:22-25). We priests have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of our King Jesus "since we have a great priest over the house of God" for He sprinkled our hearts clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope, the Lord Jesus is our hope, without wavering, for He who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:19-23). We have an altar (the altar is NOT the pulpit) from which those who serve the tabernacle (a building) have no right to eat (the body and blood of King Jesus because those who serve the tabernacle are not serving King Jesus). Our King Jesus suffered outside the gate, let us go outside the city also, suffering also for we do not have a lasting city, state, nor nation here, rather we are seeking that which is to come. Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased (Hebrews 13:10-16). Jesus made the way for us believers, and we are all priests with One Eternal High Priest. No pastor, no Roman Catholic priest, no mere mortal person is an authority between us and God, no one, because we believers, by grace, have been claimed by the Author of eternal salvation (Hebrews 5:9). Hear the Word of God, oh, hear Him!
There are zero instances of people being told to become members of a local church nor to plant a local church with membership, authoritative hierarchy, and edifice in the New Testament! There is freedom in this, rejoice like our brother the Ethiopian eunuch!
When a person is baptized by the Holy Spirit, God Almighty joins that new Child of God to the ecclesia, and the new convert is born unto a family that never perishes, that requires no further joining on the part of the convert, that is, no "local church membership". This is consistent with Scripture; otherwise it begs the question "do you crucify Christ again?" and, again, what work have you wrought upon yourself by joining a church? There is no indication that Jesus assumed that we would be committed to a local church, rather He sends out because all authority is His (Matthew 28:18-20). In fact, apostle means "sent out", and from Strong's "especially a man sent out by Jesus Christ Himself to preach the Gospel". We that believe are committed to Christ by Christ.
The devil attempted to use the Word of God against the Lord Jesus in the wilderness after Jesus' baptism; however, Jesus spoke the Word with power, and the devil departed at King Jesus' command. The issue of "local church" and it's implications are profound. It matters whether one serves "local church" or serves God. Our lives are but like grains of sand. Who are any one of us here on earth to try to tell the Grand Creator of heaven and earth, the One who created the sand of the vast Mojave Desert, that God Almighty's high ways are not enough? No man. No man can create a single grain of sand from...nothing.
God's light penetrates the darkness; in other words, we are instruments of mercy that God uses to carry the declaration of the Kingdom of God to people in the culture, so that "cult" people transform into children of God. The children of God recline at table with us, at the spot ordained by our awesome God. We are separate from the world and culture, not touching the unclean thing (that means being a clean witness for Christ without political involvement nor cultural entertainments), and the world does not comprehend us; moreover, we break bread, fellowshipping about His marvels, gathering at a banquet assembling toward that banquet yet to come, which celebrates the consummation of the Son's eternal marriage to His Chosen Bride! We are headed toward a banquet in our Father's house! We know that which we have received from our priceless Redeemer, our great Deliverer, our strong Defender, our faithful Love, our Almighty God, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Let us revisit the first paragraph of this essay:
Some people call this "unchurch" or "dechurched" while some try the label of "home church"; meanwhile, others call it "church free". We believers are the congregation of one heart and soul (Acts 4:32) indwelt by the Spirit of the Living God (2 Corinthians 5:7). I call this followers of the Way (John 10:4, John 14:6). I call this, His ecclesia, Life (John 14:6). I call it the Truth (John 14:6) for God is with us (Matthew 1:23).
While we are here on earth, respecting His ecclesia, it is about the Father's love for His Son, Who dearly loves His bride so very much that He came to serve and claim a rebellious and undeserving people. The Lord Jesus Christ's purchased people are His ecclesia.
God knows His plan for all time. I am just a sheep that fearfully wrote this as led by the Holy Spirit. If my flesh interfered with any of God's desire within this, I apologize to my Loving Father in the Name of Jesus Christ my Lord.
Lord Jesus, please grant sight to all those still yet living, mentioned in this essay, to those that do not know You. I beg You, my King, to bestow Godly sorrow that leads to repentance. I pray that You open their hearts to believe. I ask that You make them children of God, that You add laborers to the harvest. All of this, Lord Jesus, for Your glory! Amen!
Do not put the Lord your God to the test.
It has been asserted to me, as well as articles that I've read, that using the term "church" does not matter in the overall scheme of things, yet let us never forget the immovable words of Lord Jesus when the devil led Him to Jerusalem and had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple, and Satan said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here;
Scriptural Results Of Man's Authority
Some people in "church leadership" do not envision seeking power and authority over men when they first obtain church clergy office, some do. Some are seduced over time. Here are a few Scriptural results of authority in man's hands and other pertinent passages:
Do not be afraid when a man becomes rich,
When the glory of his house is increased;
For when he dies he will carry nothing away;
His glory will not descend after him.
Though while he lives he congratulates himself-
And though men praise you when you do well for yourself-
He shall go to the generation of his fathers;
Man in his pomp, yet without understanding,
Is like the beasts that perish.
"Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full."
"When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full."
What of Apostolic decrees?
Is it written: "Now while they were passing through the cities, they were delivering the decrees which had been decided upon by the apostles and elders who were in Jerusalem, for them to observe." (Acts 16:4)? Our first order of business is to ascertain the original Greek word for decrees, which is dogmata (the definition is included in the "Other Essential Definitions" section of this essay). It is reasonable to seek and determine the decrees referred to in the passage, well, that written message (called decrees in Acts 16:4) is recorded shortly prior to this statement, in Act 15:23-29:
and they sent this letter by them,
having written through their hand thus: `The apostles, and the elders, and the brethren, to those in Antioch, and Syria, and Cilicia, brethren, who [are] of the nations, greeting; seeing we have heard that certain having gone forth from us did trouble you with words, subverting your souls, saying to be circumcised and to keep the law, to whom we did give no charge, it seemed good to us, having come together with one accord, chosen men to send unto you, with our beloved Barnabas and Paul -- men who have given up their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ -- we have sent, therefore, Judas and Silas, and they by word are telling the same things. `For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, no more burden to lay upon you, except these necessary things: to abstain from things offered to idols, and blood, and a strangled thing, and whoredom; from which keeping yourselves, ye shall do well; be strong!'
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
Destructive Division Among People of the Church (Galatians 5:19-21)
Unbiblical Church Membership Convenants and Church Governance
In a fashion similar to Paul pointing out the error of Hymenaeus and Philetus (2 Timothy 2:17-18), Paul identifying Demas' apostasy (falling away from the true faith) (2 Timothy 4:10), and John labeling the grave error of Diotrephes (3 John 1:9-11); I intend to identify the error of human authority within the Church by using some current affairs (these were unknown to me until around New Years of 2018). The reputations and finances of certain people were heavily damaged by publicly identifiable men that call themselves elders and pastors of the church. These events which I am about to mention occurred in a very public manner inside the church and outside the church including some reports at ChristianityToday.com; therefore, naming the names as a matter of illustration is very telling about the state of affairs within church governance as well as local church membership covenants. With very minimal research the following events can be confirmed. To expand to see the detail for each of the next five items, the triangle must be toggled.
Notice, the magnitude and the pervasive nature of the evil - broken trust - abuse of authority - dereliction - theft of power position - the wicked men are not isolated to a single denomination of churches. The evil is deeply disturbing. The evil that men do is abhorrent to the Living God!
An 8 Month Long Ordeal
by Mark Woods posted on May 22, 2015
by Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra, Morgan Lee, and Bob Smietana posted on June 10, 2015
Beneficial Note: A church covenant is a vow by church leaders and church members to stick together no matter what.
To discern the events:
To summarize the events as found in the above articles:
Jordan engaged in child pornography use before he married Karen, throughout his marriage to Karen, and while in seminary.
The Village Church pastor Matt Chandler later admits that his church leadership's countenance toward SIM was perceived as threatening!
On the next two points, it is critical to recall that SIM already found Jordan guilty, and notified the Village Church leadership prior to those leaders's heinous acts.
Karen's request to withdraw from the Village Church membership roster was declined by the Village Church leadership in a severe bought of arrogance.
I ask that The Village Church refrain from any future communication on my behalf to my friends, family, and supporters,
Jordan was off the hook for church discipline with the Village Church leadership - after all, he was submitted to their authority.
Karen nobly indicates her love for children when she spoke out.
Key point: a single day before things became radically public on ChristianToday.com... The parties were at a standstill.
Did the Village Church go outside the church for a licensed sex offender treatment provider to counsel Jordan?
An 8 Year Long Ordeal?
Beneficial Note: A plethora of elders are described in the Bible respecting the Assembly of God, but man has twisted the meaning of elder and pastor by inconsistently and wickedly interpreting office, responsibility, duty, authority, and governance - and "executive elder" as Mars Hill Church leaders did.
To discern the events:
To summarize the events as found in the above articles:
Satan is the father of lies
NDA = secrecy
concealment transparent
This astounds me, that the blind guides, the pastors of Mars Hill Church, are blind to the fact that they integrated the world into their kingdom with a Non-disclosure Agreement.
Date uncertain
Re: Separation and Release Agreement
This letter (-Agreement') sets forth our agreement regarding the terms of your separation of
employment with Mars Hill Church ("Mars Hill n). Both you and Mars Hill desire that your
separation be on an amicable basis and want to permanently resolve and avoid any disputes
concerning your employment with and separation from Mars Hill as well as any other
relationships with Mars Hill> Consequently, we have agreed as follows:
I. Date of Separation. Your last day of employment is a Separation Date").
Effective on the Separation Date you understand you no longer De employed by Mars
2. Severance and Other Consideration, in addition to the payment of any wages and all sums
earned or owed to you as of the Separation Date, as consideration for this Agreement, Mars
Hill will
(a) Pay you an amount equal to your current oros sai v (less applicable deductions and
legally required withholdings) through - *--e "Severance Period"). The
initial payment will occur on aria payments will be made on the 151h and
last day of each month (or sooner it 15- or last day of the month falls on a weekend or
holiday) with your last payment being made on
(b) Until Dr sooner if other coverage from other employment goes into
effect), aiiow you to continue to participate in Mars Hill sponsored medical/dental/long-
term disability/vision benefits, Effective the clay immediately following your Separation
Date, Mars Hill vv II stop contributing to your Flexible Spending Account or Health Saving
Account; however, you may continue to have the option to contribute to the account on a
pre-tax basis. You may be eligible for continuation of benefits for medical/dental/vision
coverage and will receive information explaining continuation of benefits coverage in a
separate document. You will be ineligible to continue your retirement contributions
through Mars Hill's retirement plan effective the day immediately following your
Separation Date.
(c) You acknowledge and agree that said consideration and benefits constitute sufficient
and adequate consideration for the enforcement of all provisions contained in this
Agreement, and that after the Separation Date, you will receive no further salary,
benefits, bonuses, vacation pay, sick pay, severance pay, wages in lieu of notice,
expense reimbursement or similar payments or c rnpensation from a s Hill except and
to the extent set forth in this paragraph 2 above.
Release. In consideration of the above severance payments and consideration, you hereby
on behalf of yourself and your spouse, agents, heirs, executors, estates, representatives,
successors and assigns, irrevocably and unconditionally release and forever discharge Mars
Hill and any and all of its members, elders, deacons, managers, directors, administrators,
employee benefit plans, officers, affiliates, employees, agents, predecessors, successors
and assigns from any and all actions, debts, liabilities, rights, attorneys' fees, costs,
grievances, suits, causes of action, charges, EEOC charges (meaning your right to recover
monetary damages arising out of said EEOC charges) claims and demands, whether known
or unknown. which you have had now have or can shall or may have against them in law
or equity, under federal, state or other law, whether the same be upon statutory or common
law claim, contract, tort or other authority, including attorney fees and costs, for any reason
whatsoever, including without limitation any claims of discrimination, harassment, or
retaliation on any basis including, among others, race, color, national origin, religion, gender,
sexual orientation, age or disability under any law, including but not limited to Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Civil Rights Act of 1991; 42 U.S.C, 1981 and 1982, the
Age Discrimination in Employment Act the Older Worker Benefit Protection Act, the
Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Equal Pay Act, the
Employee Retirement income Security Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Worker
Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, the U.S. Code, Labor, the Washington State Law
Against Discrimination, the Washington State Family Leave Act, and any other federal,
state, or local law or ordinance, public policy, whistleblower, contract, tort, common law or
any law sounding in equity. By its terms, this Agreement includes not only claims arising
before the effective date of this Agreement, but also any and all claims arising after such
date which arise from the then-present effect of acts or conduct occurring before the
effective date of the Agreement.
Indemnification. YOU agree that you will indemnify and hold harmless the parties released
above against loss, including without limitation costs of defense and legal fees incurred by
them, occurring as a result of any actions, causes of action, charges, claims or demands
made or brought by you or on your behalf relating in any way to the claims released above.
You further agree that in the event you breach any of your obligations under this Agreement,
Mars Hill will be entitled to recover all monies paid to you under paragraph 2 above and to
obtain all other remedies, provided by law or equity, including without limitation actual
damages and injunctive relief; and that this clause does not constitute :a liquidated damages
provision such that Mars Hill would not be entitled to damages or other relief in addition to
the recovery of monies paid to you under paragraph 2.
5. Confidential Information.
(a) You and your spouse agree at all tirnes to keep in confidence and trust and not to use,
divulge or otherwise disclose for any purpose any Confidential Information of Mars Hill,
"Confidential Information' means any information pertaining to inventions.
Page 3
improvements, modifications, discoveries, costs, profits. financial information, marketing,
strategy, promotions, projections, estimates, procedures, donor lists or other related
information, products, personnel, employee compensation, operational methods,
concepts, technical processes and applications, members and church guests, including
contribution history, serving records, contact information, appointments made with
pastors, information discussed during meetings or counseling sessions, all personal
information related to Mars Hill elders, employees, and any other business affairs and
methods of Mars Hill and its affiliates, collaborators, consultants, suppliers, and
customers. as well as any other similar information not readily available to the public.
including without limitation any information supplied by third parties to Mars Hill under an
obligation of confidence. Confidential Information may be contained in various media,
including without limitation patent applications, computer programs in object and/or
source code, flow charts and other program documentation, manuals, books, plans,
drawings, designs, technical specifications, supplier and donor lists or membership rolls,
internal financial data and other documents and whether or not in written form and
whether or not labeled or identified as confidential or proprietary, The obligations
specified in this paragraph will not apply to any information that: (i) is or becomes
publicly available without your breach of this Agreement; (ii) is received by you from a
third party without restriction or obligation of confidentiality; or (iii) that the above-,
referenced parties (other than you) make generally available to other third parties without
restriction. You represent and warrant that you have returned to Mars Hill all items
(including electronic copies) containing or embodying Confidential Information, except
that you may keep your personal copies of your compensation records and this
Agreement. You further agree to fully comply with any and all other prior agreements or
applicable law regarding the protection of Mars Hill's confidential information.
(b) You agree that any intentional or unintentional violation of your obligations under this
paragraph 5 will cause irreparable harm to Mars Hill, and not withstanding the provisions
of paragraph 6 regarding mediation and arbitration, that Mars Hill shall have the right to
enforce the provisions of this paragraph in any court of law or equity and to seek all
remedies available to it including without limitation, injunctive relief, monetary damages,
costs and attorneys fees.
Christian Alternative Dispute Resolution, In keeping with 1 Corinthians 6:1-8, all disputes
which may arise under this Agreement shall be resolved by mediation, and if not resolved by
mediation, then by mandatory binding arbitration under the procedures and supervision of
the Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation of the Institute for Christian Conciliation, or
similar faith-based mediation and arbitration group. In the event that the Institute for.
Christian Conciliation ceases to exist during the course of this Agreement or should the use
of the Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation fail to meet the procedural standards
required under state law for mandatory binding arbitration, arbitration under this section shall
be conducted according to the rules of the American Arbitration Association, Judgment
upon an arbitration award may be entered in any court otherwise having jurisdiction, The
parties each agree to bear their own costs related to any mediation or arbitration proceeding
including payment of their own attorneys' fees, Either party may file a motion seeking
temporary, preliminary and permanent injunctive relief from a court of competent jurisdiction
to prevent a breach of this Agreement by the other party in order to maintain the status quo
unto the underlying dispute or claim can be submitted for mediation or arbitration. You
acknowledge that (i) you wish for any disputes between yourself and Mars Hill to be subject
to the alternative dispute resolution procedures, including mandatory binding arbitration,
described in this paragraph 6: (ii) you have access to a copy of the Rules of Procedure for
Christian Conciliation for your review at wvr,v.peacemaker.net and you desire for those
procedures to be used in any mediation or arbitration between you and Mars Hill; (iii) you are
receiving adequate consideration for this provision, (iv) you fully understand the binding
force and effect of tills provision, including without limitation, that with arbitration you and
Mars Hill are giving up the right to a trial by a Court or jury with respect to the matters
covered in this Agi eernent, and (v) you are freely and voluntarily agreeing to mandatory
arbitration of disputes herein.
Non-Disparagement. You and our spouse agree that you shall not make any negative or
disparaging remarks about Mars Hill or its elders, deacons, officers, employees, managers,
ministries or business practices.
(a) YOU represent and warrant that you have made no assignment of any of your claims,
rights or obligations described herein, or any part thereof, to any other person or entity,
(h) You and your spouse agree that you will keep the terms and conditions of this
Agreement confidential,
(c) if any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid or unenforceable, the remaining
portions of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall be enforced. The
language of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole, according to its fair meaning
and not strictly for or against either of the parties hereto.
(d) This Agreement shall at all times be construed and governed by the laws of the State of
Washington and the applicable provisions of the federal laws of the United States.
Venue shall reside in King County, Washington.
(e) Nothing contained in this Agreement shall constitute or be treated as an admission by
you or Mars Hill of liability, of any wrongdoing. or of any violation of law
(f) You agree that except as expressly provided in this Agreement, this Agreement renders
null and void any and all prior agreements between you and Mars Hill regarding your
employment; that this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and
Mars Hill regarding the subject matter of this Agreement; and that this Agreement may
be modified only by a written document signed by you and a duly authorized officer of
Mars Hill. You do not rely on any representation, promise, or inducement. other than
covenants made in this Agreement.
Page 5
(g) You agree that this Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be
an original, but all of which shall together constitute one agreement.
9 Representations. You have the right to consult with an attorney of your choosing, at your
own expense, before signing this Agreement, and you understand and acknowledge that
whether or not to consult with an attorney is your decision. You expressly acknowledge that
you have carefully taken sufficient time to consider this Agreement before signing and that
you fully understand all provisions, covenants, releases and waivers contained in this
Agreement, You are entering into this Agreement knowingly and voluntarily of your own free
will with the intent to be bound hereby, and have not been forced or coerced into entering
into this Agreement. You acknowledge that this agreement is written in a manner calculated
to be understood by you You understand and agree that the amounts and benefits to be
paid and other consideration to be provided to you by this Agreement are in excess of what
you would be otherwise entitled to receive as a separated employee of Mars Hill.
[Signature Page Follows]
The letter to Paul and Bent is brutal. It is brutally honest. It shows the brutality that Paul and Bent underwent.
November 2, 2014
Mars Hill Elders as of October, 2007
-Scott Thomas
-Dave Kraft
-Gary Shavey
-Steve Tompkins
-Brad House
-Phil Smidt
-Mike Wilkerson
-James Harleman
-Lief Moi
-Adam Sinnett
-Jesse Winkler
-Zack Hubert
-Tim Reber
-James Dahlman
-Dick McKinley
Additional Mars Hill Elders as of December 5th, 2007
-Jon Krombein
-Matt Johnson
-Joe Day
The Board of Acts 29 had been the recipients of countless shots and dozens of fires directly linked to Mark Driscoll, and the board considered Mark's actions ungodly behavior. Despite the stated fact that multiple church pastors WITHIN the Acts 29 church network CONFIRMED Mark Driscoll's behavior, the Acts 29 Board PUBLICLY supported Mark Driscoll and by extension the Mars Hill Church leadership. Where is the love of Christ for three years for the members of Mars Hill Church?
Date uncertain, but Warren Throckmorton indicated he received the below letter from several Acts 29 Church Network pastors, and Warren posted it on August 8, 2014
Matt Chandler
Darrin Patrick
Steve Timmis
Eric Mason
John Bryson
Bruce Wesley
Leonce Crump
There is no doubt that something radical happened in this struggle between pastors - even if both the LETTERS in items 7, 8 9, 11, 12, and 13 are discounted.
August 8, 2014
Matt Chandler
Darrin Patrick
Steve Timmis
Eric Mason
John Bryson
Bruce Wesley
Leonce Crump
The Mars Hill Church Board of Advisors and Accountability (BOAA) indicates that they "are making real progress in addressing the serious reconciliation and unhealthy culture issues that have been a part of Mars Hill Church for way too long" in the first paragraph of the letter to the "Men", yet the contradictory fourth paragraph contains "There is clear evidence that the attitudes and behaviors attributed to Mark in the charges are not a part and have not been a part of Mark's life for some time now".
August 8, 2014: Warren Throckmorton indicates the below letter circulated "in the member's weekly email, Mars Hill Church Board of Advisors and Accountability responded to today's news that the church had been removed from the Acts 29 Network".
Chairman, Board of Advisors and Accountability
Board Member
A huge document outlining sin, corruption, violence.
August 21, 2014: Warren Throckmorton article post date.
make it public either.
Statement of Formal Charges and Issues - Mark Driscoll
By: Former Mars Hill Pastors Dave Kraft, Jeff Bettger, Phil Poirier, Jon Krombein, Jesse
Winkler, Mike Wilkerson, Lief Moi, Adam Sinnett, Matt Johnson, Zack Hubert, Andrew Lisi, Kyle
Firstenberg, Phil Smidt, Mark Bergin, Will Little, Matt Jensen, James Noriega, Aaron Mead, Tim
Gaydos, Zach Bolen, Wesley Oaks
To: The Executive Elders of Mars Hill Church and the Board of Advisors and Accountability
Cc: The Full Council of Elders of Mars Hill Church
We love the people of Mars Hill Church, and we are grateful for how Pastor Mark’s ministry has
impacted our lives in positive ways. He has taught us sound doctrine. Many of us have been
connected relationally to Mark and his family, and they have regularly been hospitable, and
generous. Yet we believe that Mark has also impacted us, the church, and the watching and
listening world with a pattern of harmful ways. We feel responsible to submit these charges for
the sake of the gospel, our own consciences and the future well-being of Mars Hill Church. In
addition, we believe that Mars Hill Church, and each and every Christian church worldwide,
belongs to Jesus, not to any one leader, or group of leaders. The reputation of Jesus in our
communities and around the world, and the noble office of elder is to be upheld and respected,
no matter how gifted the leader.
This document contains four main sections: formal charges, examples demonstrating the
disqualifying pattern, supporting materials, and issues. Formal charges are stated with
confidence and with the unified voice of all signers. Issues are questions being advanced for
serious consideration, by some or all of the signers, but not necessarily charges. The answers
to those questions could possibly provide cause for additional charges or further evidence to
establish the current charges.
This document is signed by several former elders of Mars Hill Church. We submit these charges
together and are prepared to stand as witnesses to these charges. In addition to these signers,
there are 21 additional witnesses who stand prepared to testify to various charges when
interviewed by the board. Their names have been omitted from this document for privacy and
safety reasons both for themselves and for Mars Hill Church and/or because they have
previously signed a non-disparagement agreement when exiting Mars Hill employment and are
only prepared to be named within the context of an investigation in an effort to honor their prior
agreement. They want their names and testimonies to be known by the board at the proper
time. Once a proper investigation is opened, according to Article 12 of the Mars Hill bylaws, the
lead investigator may contact Mike Wilkerson to get the names and contact information of these
additional witnesses.
In May 2013, Dave Kraft submitted similar formal charges. To our knowledge, the witnesses
who were at that time prepared to be interviewed during the investigation of those charges were
never interviewed.
At the time Dave prepared these charges, some of the instances of disqualifying behavior to
which the witnesses were prepared to speak had taken place within weeks. They were recent
offenses, demonstrating a current pattern.
Formal Charges
Per Article 12 of the Bylaws of Mars Hill Church, we hereby file formal charges against Pastor
Mark Driscoll, the primary preaching and teaching pastor for the Church that, if investigated and
found to be true, could disqualify him from his position as an elder in the Church, based on the
biblical requirements of an elder. As such, it is our understanding that these charges shall be
referred to the Board of Advisors & Accountability.
We believe that Pastor Mark Driscoll has violated the following biblical qualifications of an elder
as a result of an ongoing pattern of attitude and behavior.
He has personally sinned against some of us in these ways. Some of us have witnessed him
sinning against others in these ways. We have witnessed these sins in the pulpit and other
public teaching settings. And we are aware of similar offenses against others based on credible
reports. We, the signers, are prepared to stand as witnesses to these charges. As such, we
satisfy the biblical standard for multiple witnesses, according to 1 Timothy 5:19 and
Deuteronomy 19:15.
Additionally, we believe that many more, if called upon as witnesses, would confirm these
charges beyond any reasonable doubt.
Furthermore, we believe that letters already submitted to the board in response to the board’s
request in 2013 testify to these charges, including letters written by some of us.
In the biblical passages cited below, we acknowledge that a single instance might not be a
disqualifier from eldership; but an established pattern of such behavior supported and
substantiated by eyewitnesses would be. We believe that Pastor Mark has a long-standing
pattern of violating these eldership qualifications and has done so with dozens of individuals,
including some of us.
1. Self-controlled and disciplined (1 Tim. 3:2, Titus 1:8) Self-control and disciplined are
related and relevant to controlling one’s emotional impulses. The Greek for disciplined is
enkrates, which BDAG describes as “pertaining to having one’s emotions, impulses, or
desires under control, self-controlled, disciplined.”
a. Pastor Mark exhibits lack of self-control by his speech and by verbally assaulting
b. He also demonstrates lack of discipline with his words and the judgmental
comments he makes, and has made, about his own elders and other leaders.
This may be characterized as slander. Scripture condemns speaking
slanderously, or “speaking evil,” of others (Rom. 1:30, 3:8; cf. Tit. 3:2).
If an elder—or anyone else—causes injury to others by speaking ill or evil of them to
anyone, it should be regarded as slander. A single instance of slander might be
confronted, repented of, forgiven, and reconciled. This does not necessarily disqualify an
elder. However, if there were a pattern of slander, we would have to ask: Is this elder
self-controlled with his tongue? It is out of the abundance of the heart, after all, that the
mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). The injury to others is serious. The pattern suggests
something wrong, not only in the tongue, but in the heart of that elder.
2. Not domineering (1 Pet. 5:3): See examples from Sam Storms below, which we believe
describe Pastor Mark’s leadership.
3. Not violent, but gentle (1 Tim. 3:3, Titus 1:7).
a. Pastor Mark exhibits anger and ungraceful ways of dealing with those with whom
he disagrees and who disagree with him. He does this by (among other ways)
putting people down, caricaturing, and dismissing.
b. We believe that the way Pastor Mark leads has created a culture of fear instead
of a culture of candor and safety. People are often afraid to ask questions or
challenge certain ideas.
c. Pastor Sutton in a Full Council Elder’s meeting on January 15, 2013 indicated
that we have a culture of fear. We believe that Pastor Mark is the most significant
contributor to those fears.
d. Pastor Mark is verbally abusive to people who challenge him, disagree with him,
or question him.
e. Pastor Mark uses words to demean, attack or disparage others.
f. We believe that few (including Mark himself) would characterize him as gentle.
Some definitions for plektes, translated “not violent,” include “pugnacious person, bully”
(BDAG), “striker; pugnacious person, bully, quarrelsome person (ANLEX), “a person
who is pugnacious and demanding” (Louw-Nida). Merriam-Webster defines pugnacious
as: “having a quarrelsome or combative nature.
“The degrees of modes of violence that the word might express are numerous (bullying,
verbal abuse, angry pushing, and shoving), and prohibition should be regarded as widely
as possible” (Taken from Philip H. Towner, The Letters to Timothy and Titus.)
It seems unlikely that one could establish a disqualifying charge of “violent” based on a
single instance. The definitions clearly indicate a pattern of life, character traits that show
up in various interactions with people. It’s the pattern that results in disqualification; while
it may well be that no single instance would warrant a disqualifying charge.
4. Respectable (1 Tim. 3:2). We can no longer respect Pastor Mark Driscoll and submit to
his leadership as a result of his persistent sinful behavior toward others. We believe that
an investigation would discover that a significant number of current Mars Hill elders,
leaders, and members have also lost respect for Pastor Mark’s leadership, in addition to
the many who have left Mars Hill Church in the recent past.
5. Not arrogant (Titus 1:7). Pastor Mark has stated in public numerous times that he is
guilty of pride. It is one thing to acknowledge sin, quite another to repent of sin and
experience change through the power of the Holy Spirit.
6. Not quick-tempered (Titus 1:7). Many Mars Hill elders have witnessed quick-temper on
numerous occasions.
Examples Demonstrating the Disqualifying Pattern
While the primary evidences for these charges are the personal experiences and testimonies of
the signers and witnesses, we want to make it clear that these experiences are tied to many
concrete events. The following is a small selection of examples that illustrate a pattern of
disqualifying behavior. The signers of these charges and the additional witnesses are prepared
to provide details for these examples along with many more examples when interviewed as part
of the investigation of these charges.
Please note the recency of the events below. We have selected more recent examples to
challenge a prevalent impression that while Pastor Mark may have sinned in these ways in the
distant past, he has been a changed man in more recent years. To the contrary, we know of
recent evidence that strongly indicates disqualifying patterns having continued into recent times.
Dave Kraft’s formal charges were submitted in May 2013. At that time, several of the examples
listed below were current.
1. April 2010—Bullying and slander of a former Lead Pastor
2. October 2011—Mark said in a meeting that he did not want a certain staff elder (who
was not slim) to take on a certain prominent leadership role because “his fat ass is not
the image we want for our church.”
3. April 2012—Slander of a former Lead Pastor
4. Early 2012—Slander about former Executive Pastor in a Lead Pastor’s meeting
5. Early 2012—In a meeting with Lead Pastors, shaming and bullying of a Lead Pastor to
break his conscience and cuss in front of the group. Sexual harassment of another Lead
Pastor by way of inappropriate comment about his sex life. Threats of termination.
6. April 2012—Threatening and bullying phone call to a staff elder
7. May 8, 2012—In a meeting of the Full Council convened to vote on the slate of
nominees for the new board of advisors and accountability, Mark was explaining to the
elders that under the newly revised bylaws, the Full Council would have the right to
review any changes by the board. One elder corrected Mark with his own understanding
that the new bylaws, in fact, allow the board to make decisions without running it by the
Full Council. Mark’s response to that elder was bullying, with some elders present
recalling language to the effect of: “I don’t give a shit what you think. I’m trying to be
nice to you guys by asking your opinion. In reality, we don’t need your vote to make this
decision. This is what we’re doing.”
8. June 2012—Slander about another former Executive Pastor in a Lead Pastor’s Sync
9. Summer 2012—Domineering and arrogant—In an all-MEDCOM meeting discussing his
displeasure over the way the team had been marketing R12, Mark said, “You think
you’re the Resurgence. But, you’re not the brand. I’m the brand!”
10. Early Fall 2012—Domineering: During a creative meeting with the Executive Elders Mark
explained the brand of Mars Hill. He said that the brand of Mars Hill is a man standing in
the pulpit with a large heavy bible in his hand. He also said that many things will change
at Mars Hill, but one thing will never change: “it's me in the pulpit holding a bible.”
11. Jan 2013—Domineering and bullying: coercing a Lead Pastor to terminate an employee
12. Jan 2013 - Mark, during an EE/Creative meeting, gave feedback to a brand new staff
member, paraphrased, “All of this [what you’ve presented to me about the future of
Resurgence] is fine, but I need to be driving this thing. I can’t have anyone else driving
this thing or else it will go sideways.”
13. Feb 2013 - Domineering - In a personal meeting between a MEDCOM staffer and Mark,
he told the staffer that he now has to give notice to Mark if he "even starts thinking about
looking for another job." He said that he can't have [the staffer] fishing his resume
around unless he knows first.
14. Feb 2013—Slandered an ex-staff member who had been fired by his supervisor.
15. Feb 2013—Told all of MEDCOM that most of the pastors who left MH to plant a church
nearby have been seeing very little growth as a result of leaving MH. “They just don’t
see the baptisms we see.”
16. Feb 2013—In the same meeting, Mark slandered four recently-departed Central staffers
by saying, “They were all working two jobs at once. They’d come in every day to work at
Mars Hill and build their new business while they were here.”
17. March 2013—Bullying and shaming comment to an elder at an elders meeting, where
the elder asked whether Mark has considered sharing the pulpit more, and Mark’s
response likened sharing the pulpit to sharing his wife (“no one else sleeps with Grace”).
18. March 2013—Domineering: manipulating a former Lead Pastor to move out of the Puget
Sound area and threatening him if he didn't.
19. March 2013—Violence: Threatened to tear down a former elder’s church plant, saying
“I’ll tear his church down brick by brick.”
20. May 2013—At a Lead Pastor residency meeting, Pastor Mark spoke strongly likening the
churches to his daughters and Lead pastors to sons-in-law. If you are a good son-in-law,
you will be taken care of, but if not, there would be dangerous consequences. He spoke
as if each church, and thus all of Mars Hill, is his and that if any Lead Pastor left for any
reason they would be betraying the church.
21. April 2013—At a Lead Pastor’s dinner meeting during Spring Training, Mark told the
pastors that the churches are his daughters and the pastors are sons-in-law. Thus,
leaving Mars Hill is effectively divorcing the church and giving his daughter back in
worse shape, making a bigger mess for him to clean up. One of those LPs had been
discussing plans to resign, but had not yet announced a decision. Mark addressed that
LP before his peers in the meeting, saying, “[LP], you’re giving my daughter back.”
22. July 2013—Mark commanded MEDCOM staff to redirect marketing for R13 with the
branding and messaging of his book, “Call to Resurgence.” At least one staff member
fought back on the principle of conflict of interest—Mars Hill, being a non-profit org,
spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to push a book that Mark makes personal
profit from.)
23. December 2013—Gossipped about a current elder from the pulpit. Without using his
name, he described how this elder was apparently not being generous enough, and that
he was the only one out of the full council of elders.
24. March 2014—In a Full Council of Elders videoconference about purchasing a building,
Mark reportedly said: "In all honesty I feel like most of you men use me instead of love
25. May 2014—Mark told elders that he was not aware of the ResultSource agreement but
had chosen to admit knowledge of it for the sake of the team in his letter to the church,
and that others had made the decision to work with ResultSource. He claimed that
another elder and Mark’s publishers made the decision to work with ResultSource
without his knowledge. He insinuated that he had learned about the ResultSource
agreement only after the story broke on World magazine. In fact, Mark agreed to work
with ResultSource on the Best Seller Campaign for Real Marriage as early as July 2011.
Supporting Material
Sam Storms on Domineering
In his April 2011 lectures at Re:Train, Sam Storms provided a list of examples to illustrate what
“domineering” might look like. The following are selected examples from his talk that I believe
are an especially good description of way Pastor Mark has led over many years. (The full list of
Storms’ points are available on Dave Kraft’s web site here:
● A man can “domineer” or “lord it over” his flock by intimidating them into doing what he
wants done by holding over their heads the prospect of loss of stature and position in the
● A pastor domineers whenever he uses the sheer force of his personality to overwhelm
others and coerce their submission.
● A pastor domineers whenever he exploits the natural tendency people have to elevate
their spiritual leaders above the average Christian. That is to say, many Christians
mistakenly think that a pastor is closer to God and more in tune with the divine will. The
pastor often takes advantage of this false belief to expand his power and influence.
● He domineers by building into people a greater loyalty to himself than to God. Or he
makes it appear that not to support him is to work at cross-purposes with God.
● He domineers by short-circuiting due process, by shutting down dialogue and discussion
prematurely, by not giving all concerned an opportunity to voice their opinion.
● He domineers by establishing an inviolable barrier between himself and the sheep. He
either surrounds himself with staff who insulate him from contact with the people or
withdraws from the daily affairs of the church in such a way that he is unavailable and
unreachable. Related to the above is the practice of some in creating a governmental
structure in which the senior pastor is accountable to no one, or if he is accountable it is
only to a small group of very close friends…
[Note: Our point here is not to question the motives of those friends or fellow elders, but
to state that the creation of this governmental structure is an expression of Pastor Mark’s
● He domineers by viewing the people as simply a means to the achieving of his own
personal ends.
● Ministry is reduced to exploitation. The people exist to “serve his vision” rather than he
and all the people together existing to serve the vision of the entire church.
● He domineers by making people feel unsafe and insecure should they desire to voice an
objection to his proposals and policies.
Ed Stetzer Blogs
We believe that Ed Stetzer’s blog series on The Resurgence, “Considering (and Surviving)
Unhealthy Christian Organizations” clearly describes the environment at Mars Hill Church. We
believe this is due to Pastor Mark’s behavior and attitudes as demonstrated in the way he leads.
(These blogs are available here):
1. http://theresurgence.com/2012/09/19/considering-and-surviving-unhealthy-christian-
2. http://theresurgence.com/2012/10/04/considering-and-surviving-unhealthy-christian-
3. http://theresurgence.com/2012/10/18/considering-and-surviving-unhealthy-christian-
Here are some main points from Ed’s blogs on The Resurgence that We think should make you
sit up and take notice:
1. People often know of the glaring character problems of the leader, but no one can speak
truth to power.
2. Many times, the leader gets a pass for the fruit of his/her leadership because of some
overwhelming characteristic: preaching ability, intelligence, ability to woo others, or
3. People rationalize that the good they are experiencing is worth the abuse they are
4. The organization has to be willing to listen to its constructive critics.
5. The organization has to admit that sometimes unhealthy cultures come from unhealthy
We would encourage those considering an investigation to read these three posts by Ed Stetzer
in their entirety.
Mike Wilkerson’s Research Survey on Workplace Bullying
The following are some especially noteworthy points from the research. (Refer to the research
brief for full source citations.)
Examples of bullying:
● Unwarranted or invalid criticism
● Blame without factual justification
● Being treated differently than the rest of your work group
● Being sworn at
● Exclusion or social isolation
● Being shouted at or being humiliated
● Excessive monitoring or micro-managing
● Being given work [with] unrealistic deadlines (Washington State Department of Labor &
● Power differentials. We were constantly reminded of our place. Mark’s statement of
himself as highly elevated over the elders, requiring the need for outside accountability
with folks at his level.
● We have heard multiple reports of Post Traumatic Stress-like symptoms among former
staff members.
● Addressing grievances involving bullying rarely resolves well.
Some key excerpts:
While bullying may be associated with dramatic physical threats, the research shows
that, in fact, “bullying is initially characterized as consisting of highly covert and indirect
behaviors” (Keashly and Nowell).
“The core problem of bullying at work is that it undermines the target’s sense of being a
valuable and competent person living in a safe and caring environment. Distressed and
dissatisfied with themselves, victims may focus on and magnify potential threats from
their surroundings” (Matthiesen and Einarsen).
“[B]ullying often takes the form of subtle and indirect behaviour such as withholding
information and slander. Hence, third parties may be unable or unwilling to perceive and
label something as bullying until it has reached the stage of direct aggression” (Nielsen,
Notelaers, Einarsen).
“Using perpetrators to assess bullying may also be somewhat problematic. One problem
is that some perpetrators do not perceive themselves as such because they may not
understand or wish to admit that their behaviour can be considered bullying” (Nielsen,
Notelaers, Einarsen).
Victims tend to find reasons to blame themselves as an ironic way to retain a sense of
self-worth and rationality as they try to make sense of the violence. In our more
theological parlance, this would be similar to saying that the experience of being bullied
makes one susceptible to believing lies about himself.
“Where national customs and practice allow victims to file a complaint or a grievance,
then any subsequent investigation and/or hearing will tend to be time-consuming and a
drain on organisational resources because of the commitment of all those involved.
Without proper policies and procedures in place, cases can remain unresolved for years,
with organisational indecision and paralysis contributing to partiality and increasing
animosity and internal conflict. However, even in cases where procedures are strictly
adhered to and where cases are brought to a conclusion within a reasonable timeframe,
the process tends to be destructive for all those concerned” (Hoel, et. al.).
If our grievance procedures do not make provisions for mitigating the risks perceived by
complainants, we develop a blind spot as a result of “false negatives”. In this case, “no
news” is not “good news”; it’s “bad news”. It would mean that our problem is so bad that
those who should be speaking up perceive so much risk involved in speaking that they
choose not to do so.
“Among potential organisational outcomes of bullying, turnover has been of particular
interest to researchers, with a number of studies reporting a positive relationship
between bullying and intention to leave and turnover respectively” (Hoel, et. al.).
When employees get the sense that bullies “get away with it”, a “climate of fear” may be
the result. It may be that management knowing about the bullying and failing to correct
worsens the situation.
We would encourage those considering an investigation to read the rest of this research brief.
Dr. Diane Langberg’s Lecture
In a lecture from Diane Langberg, she addresses some personality traits in church leaders and
cultures that are related to the elder disqualifying charges of violence, arrogance, and
We have found that Langberg captures some of our experiences with Mark and Mars Hill with
her descriptions of these traits:
● “...the enduring attitudes: ‘I am bigger. I am better. I am far more superior to you or
anyone else. I have no understanding or interest in grasping my impact on you, except
insofar as how you affect me, feed my ego, or support the beliefs I have in myself.’”
● “He believes these things—[affirmation, approval, success, power, adoration]—are
rightfully his and owed to him. If they are denied, rage or utter disregard will follow.”
● “In [others] he finds limits he cannot face in himself, and he will stop at nothing to make
sure [each one] continually tries to correct those flaws. In actuality, [the other] may be
exceedingly intelligent, but has so fully developed feelings of ineptitude that he is
incapable of believing in his own possibilities.” (Quoted from The Unthinkable Thoughts
of Jacob Green, by Joshua Braff).
● “the shame and humiliation that must be repaired by others, no matter the cost.”
● “One can be easily fooled with emotional language laced with spiritual words, but if you
listen carefully...you can hear that there is no empathy, no understanding of impact, the
attempt to still maintain control and regain what is lost to the [self] image in the
exposure...when people want to orchestrate their own repentance, that's rather the
height of arrogance.”
While our focus in this document is on charges against one individual, we believe that an
unhealthy system has formed around him. In her lecture, Langberg also addresses traits of such
systems, especially churches, including their tendencies to protect the individual at the center of
the system, and for individuals within the system to feel threatened when they perceive the one
at the center to be threatened. This systemic impact on many people heightens our sense of
urgency and informs our beliefs that merely private, personal reconciliation will be inadequate to
bring true healing to the church.
Dr. Langberg's lecture is available here, in five parts:
1. http://globaltraumarecovery.org/narcissism-and-the-system-it-breeds-part-15/
2. http://globaltraumarecovery.org/narcissism-and-the-system-it-breeds-part-25/
3. http://globaltraumarecovery.org/narcissism-and-the-system-it-breeds-part-35/
4. http://globaltraumarecovery.org/narcissism-and-the-system-it-breeds-part-45/
5. http://globaltraumarecovery.org/narcissism-and-the-system-it-breeds-part-55/
Please note that while the term “narcissism” is used in her lecture, we acknowledge that we are
not qualified to diagnose and we do not intend to do so by citing this material. However, we do
find Langberg’s descriptions to be relevant and helpful in understanding our experiences. We
would encourage those considering an investigation to review this video series to see if it might
resonate with your own experiences at Mars Hill.
Letters Submitted by Former Mars Hill Staff
We have reviewed several of the letters submitted to the board in the Summer of 2013 by
former Mars Hill staff members at the invitation of the BoAA. We believe that these letters, along
with further interviews with their authors, will show ample evidence to substantiate these
1. Have the public communications to the church about elders who have recently left
reflected the relevant truth of the matter, or have they covered up significant concerns
and/or details? If the latter, has this been sinfully deceptive?
2. Does the legal document that staff members have been asked to sign upon exit amount
to a “gag order” that perpetuates a cover up?
3. Is Pastor Mark guilty of slander because of the way he’s spoken about John Piper, Tim
Keller, John MacArthur and other Christian leaders in elder meetings?
4. When Mark has been confronted with personal sin by those he’s deeply hurt, has he
expressed genuine repentance and sorrow, and sought their forgiveness? Has he
offered genuine confessions that indicate understanding of his sin, acceptance of
personal responsibility, empathy for the hurt he’s caused, and a means of restitution?
Consider the following material:
● http://theresurgence.com/2014/05/14/the-practice-of-repentance
● http://theresurgence.com/2010/07/05/7-counterfeits-of-repentance
● http://theresurgence.com/2011/06/23/rediscovering-restitution
● http://www.peacemaker.net/site/c.aqKFLTOBIpH/b.958153/k.7417/Seven_As_of
5. With the exceptionally high amount of turnover in recent years at Mars Hill Church
(especially among lead pastors and elders), should this be of concern that something is
not right at the heart of who we are and the way we carry out ministry?
6. Is Pastor Mark a lover of money or greedy for selfish gain (1 Tim 3:3, Titus 1:7)? In
recent months allegations have become public that Pastor Mark has plagiarized.
Additionally, he allowed the ResultSource campaign, which involved hundreds of
thousands of dollars of church funds and deceptive marketing practices. While he has
acknowledged and corrected the plagiarism, and called the ResultSource campaign
“unwise,” he has yet to publicly apologize for either. Rather, he appears to have merely
offered to the internal Mars Hill audience his regret at being caught.
7. Has Pastor Mark’s public teaching, including sermons and writing, demonstrated a heart
condition of his own chauvinism? Regardless of his intent, has his public teaching had
the impact on people—both men and women—that chauvinism would have?
8. Is Pastor Mark guilty of plagiarism? If so, what is an appropriate consequence for him?
9. Is Pastor Mark well thought of by outsiders? Consider the myriad of media outlets that
report on Pastor Mark. Can you say that the predominance of reporting on Pastor Mark
and Mars Hill (which he is for all intents and purposes, a figurehead) are portrayed in a
positive light? If not, is that an area of concern and how serious should those concerns
be taken in light of 1 Timothy 3:7?
10. Is Pastor Mark guilty of sexual harassment in the form of sexual immorality in speech
(Eph. 5:3)? We are aware of a number of credible reports of inappropriate sexually-
oriented comments that Pastor Mark has made to and about other men’s wives,
particularly in casual social settings.
11. Does Pastor Mark habitually fail to rightly handle the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15)? In
recent sermons especially, Pastor Mark has taught in ways that do not seem consistent
with Scripture’s intent, possibly even using Scripture as a pretext for more selfish
objectives. One example was last Fall, during the Ten Commandments series, when he
taught that keeping the Sabbath is the only commandment that no longer applies to
Christians today. Over the years, we have seen Mark advocate an organization based
on meritocracy and it is clear that he is driven by results and perceived success. The
sermon on Sabbath seemed to permit the worship of success as an idol, rather than
leading us to find rest in Jesus. Other examples include recent sermons from Acts and
James where he spent very little time actually addressing the content of God’s word and
instead used Scripture and his platform to lash out against perceived “wolves”, which
seemed to have reference to former elders of the church and Mark’s conflicts with them.
Our bottom line desire in all of this is that the Holy Spirit would convict Pastor Mark Driscoll of
his sin and enable him to genuinely repent, giving way to healing and restoration for himself and
for Mars Hill Church.
These 9 (at the time of the letter's writing) current Mars Hill Church pastors seem to directly contradict item number 10, too.
August 22, 2014 (Warren Throckmorton article post date of August 28, 2014).
Grace and Peace
“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” - 2
Thessalonians 2:2
Fellow elders,
We love you, this church, and the people that Jesus has entrusted to our care.
Pastor Mark, we love you and have been immensely blessed under your preaching, and for
that we are grateful.
Pastor Dave, we love you and we are thankful for the love you show to us and all those in
your care, and also for your calm and clear-headed leadership in tough situations.
Pastor Sutton, we love you and are thankful that you care deeply for Mars Hill Church.
Additionally, we are thankful to the men of the BOAA for the time and energy they have
given to love our church and our leaders well.
We are convicted that as we are all elders, pastors, shepherds, we equally share the
responsibility for the care of the people God has entrusted to us. And it is because of this
conviction and a love for the church that we are compelled to speak up. We are seriously
concerned about the state of our church, especially the state our leadership at the highest
levels and our continued lack of transparency in general. While the current bylaws greatly
restrict our authority, we believe we must act like elders none-the-less. There is information
in this letter that we believe to be important to the future of Mars Hill Church and our
response to it may impact whether or not it will even have a future at all.
Come Into The Light
In John 3:21 we read this: “...whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be
clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.” Brothers, have we been a church
that is characterized by coming towards and loving the light? Do we welcome the light,
trusting God’s grace and mercy when our weaknesses and failures are exposed?
The media has been inundated, especially in the last two years and increasingly in
the past six months, with controversies surrounding Mars Hill and Pastor Mark. While
some of these accusations may be groundless or exaggerated, we believe that in many cases
we have invited these controversies upon ourselves by not seeking the truth and not seeking
to be in the light.
Where there is nothing to hide, there is no fear of being exposed. But, rather than
seeking clarity, we have cloaked ourselves in non-disclosure agreements. We have become
masters of spin in how we communicate the transition of a high volume of people off staff.
We have taken refuge behind official statements that might not technically be lies on the
surface, but in truth are deeply misleading.
At the retreat this week, Pastor Dave spoke about our church’s credibility problem.
Brothers, this credibility problem is directly linked to the fact that we have not loved the
This is not the fault of one person, or even a just a small group of people. We all
share in responsibility for this in one way or another, and we must all repent of it together,
together calling for our church to step into the light.
Exposing The Darkness
It is out of a longing to come to the light that we began to look more deeply into
certain issues when the answers that we were being given — answers that were being given
to our people — continued to not add up. We sought clarity, which has been lacking. We do
not believe that looking for answers, asking questions, and trying to discern the truth is a
divisive or sinful thing. Rather, this is the responsibility we have as elders as we are called to
lead our people and the church from a position of truth and love. To ask us not to do so
would only be to further exasperate the "culture of fear" that we so desperately want to
move away from.
We would like to share with you the following two examples, as they were both
misrepresented this past week at our elder retreat before the Full Council of Elders. We are
not inferring intent or motives, but rather we are attempting to call attention to
discrepancies and to resolve them.
BOAA/EE Statements Claim That We Had No Way to Interview Witnesses
from Dave Kraft’s Formal Charges
We have been repeatedly told that we could not hear from the witnesses mentioned in the
document. This did not add up, since the document clearly states that there were seven
individuals who were willing to testify when called upon, and Dave Kraft stated clearly that
he hoped that they would be called upon.
Through conversations separately with Dave Kraft and Michael Van Skaik, I (Dustin)
finally got clarity on this on Tuesday morning at the elder retreat. The issue was not that the
BOAA “could not”interview the witnesses, but rather that Michael Van Skaik “would
not” open an investigation without Dave Kraft giving him the names first. This seems to be a
completely unreasonable and unnecessary demand when the charges themselves reveal that
the witnesses felt bullied and were afraid of the consequences of releasing their names
outside of the protection of a formal investigation being opened. Mike Wilkerson, who
helped prepare the charges for Dave, confirms that he recommended to Dave that the names
of the witnesses be disclosed only after they were protected by a formal investigation
process. Mike made this recommendation in part due to his perception of the danger and
fear involved for the witnesses, and also because he had knowledge that a prior complaint
had not been handled according to the complainant's expectation of confidentiality,
resulting in further harm to the complainant. Furthermore, this charge was not coming
from an unknown critic, but rather Dave Kraft who is a respected former elder and Christian
leader. Because of his reputation we should have been willing to give greater credence to his
charges and want to hear them out. Regardless of whether this was a wise or helpful
decision by the BOAA, it is clearly misleading to state emphatically over and over that there
was no way to talk to these people and hear their testimony, when clearly there was.
This is no minor issue as we have been consistently misled about the key reason the
Kraft charges were handled the way they were. How can Van Skaik claim that "the formal
charges that were filed were...taken seriously and were not dismissed by the board lightly,”
when he would not even open the case to hear from the actual witnesses? Sending out letters
to former employees in an effort to find these people or others who experienced similar
situations seems to be a failed effort from the start, for the same reason that the 7 would not
release their names unless as witnesses in an official investigation. Because of this refusal, it
is misleading to claim that the charges were taken seriously when the witnesses were never
even interviewed. Michael Van Skaik confirmed this week that no formal investigation was
ever opened in response to Dave Kraft’s charges filed last year.
Public Statements Claim That There Was No Contact Between Mark/BOAA
and A29 Board Prior To A29 Removing MH From Network
We have been repeatedly told that no one from the A29 board talked to Mark or to our
board prior to removing Mark from the network. This is only true if by “talk” you mean “told
us beforehand that they were kicking us out,” and if you dismiss contact between individual
board members with Mark and with each other. The impression created by these statements
was one where it seemed that the A29 board had made their decision having had no
communication with people close to Mark or with Mark himself, with no actual insight into
the situation, and with no care for Mark or Mars Hill. The truth is that multiple members of
both boards had been in direct contact with each other, and with Mark, exhorting and
rebuking him over the course of months and years, and to say or imply otherwise is deeply
misleading. Paul Tripp has confirmed that he specifically was in contact multiple times,
while on the BOAA, with Matt Chandler, Steve Timmis, and Eric Mason about the state of
Pastor Mark’s repentance.
To be fair, when specifically pressed on the issue at the elder retreat, Van Skaik did
admit that he was sure that some members of the two boards had been in contact with each
other individually, and clarified that they had not met together as full boards. But this does
not change the fact that we have not corrected our public statements and rhetoric, nor does
it change the fact that Van Skaik would not have admitted this without being pressed into by
Pastor Miles during our first session at the retreat. As a whole, MH’s communication
surrounding this event is very misleading.
An On-Going Pattern
Beyond these two examples, there is no dearth of examples in the last two years of very
questionable transparency and truth-telling, including the Mars Hill Global Fund, Result-
Source, Strange Fire, ghost-writing/plagiarism, explanations for staff transition, the
resignations of BOAA members, etc. Even this Thursday we put out a statement claiming
that Wilkerson’s formal charges were being “reviewed by the board and the elders.” This is
misleading as it gives people the impression that the elders as a whole are able to take part
in reviewing and adjudicating the case.
There are many problems in our church, but the lack of transparency is itself a huge
problem and keeps us from dealing with all the problems that it covers over. Christians have
a biblical responsibility to speak plainly and clearly.
"Mars Hill Needs To Deal With It’s Sin Or It Will Die" (Dr. Paul Tripp)
This talk of transparency leads us to share some staggering information that was shared
with a number of MH elders by Dr. Paul Tripp.
Before going further, we want to make clear the following three things:
1. Paul did not seek us out, but rather was sought out by us.
2. At every point in our communication with Paul, he was emphatic in expressing his deep
love for Pastor Mark and for Mars Hill Church.
3. At no time did Paul divulge any information from his private interactions with Pastor
Mark, and made clear that he would not do so in the future.
We are very grateful for Paul sticking out his neck to help serve Jesus’ church and to care for
his brother Mark.
Let’s stop for a moment and anticipate what might be an objection here, namely that this is
just the opinion of one man. Why should we listen to Paul Tripp at all?
• He is known internationally as a pastor to pastors.
• He has worked in a similar capacity as he did at Mars Hill with literally thousands of
pastors and ministries.
• He has taught Re:Train.
• He has preached in our Best Sermon Ever series.
• He has taught parenting seminars at Mars Hill.
• We obviously trust him to the point that we elected him to our BOAA and we
recommend and give away his book on what it means to truly means to be a pastor
(Dangerous Calling).
• His book (Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands) is foundational to our biblical
counseling ministry.
• He had a level of access and involvement with the events of the last few months that
exceeds that of anyone reading this email.
• He has absolutely nothing to gain personally by speaking to us on these matters, but
is fully aware of this action potentially causing him much personal hardship.
• Above all continues to deeply love Pastor Mark and wants good for our church,
evidenced by his willingness to continue to help.
All nine elders who were on the phone call were floored by the depth and clarity of the
understanding that Paul had of the culture of Mars Hill and its leadership from his short
time on the board. Below are some samples from our conversation:
When asked about speculations that he might have resigned to protect the reputation of his
ministry, Paul said this: “I am not worried at all at burning my integrity for the real deal,
but I won’t burn it for something that’s not the real deal. I don’t think even now that there
is the recognition of the depth of what Mars Hill Church and Mark is actually dealing
with. This is without a doubt, the most abusive, coercive ministry culture I’ve
ever been involved with.” He continued on to communicate that Mars Hill’s leadership
culture was not shaped by the same grace that it says it believes.
Paul informed us that at one point that during the time when he was setting up the
reconciliation process, the EE, without asking the BOAA, met with their lawyers and added
a slew of legal constraints to the process. Paul was emphatic in telling the EE that this was
unacceptable, but they did not listen, and consequently hindered the process. Paul was
disturbed that anything would be seen as more important in this process than being made
right with man and with God. “If your response to reconciliation is ‘I want to cover my butt
legally, then you’re not interested in reconciliation.’”
Contrary to what we have been told, Paul not only expressed his opinion that the BOAA
structure was flawed, he attempted to present a 9 point plan on how to help it and was shut
down before he finished point 2. He also said that “One of the problems with the BOAA is
that they are getting their information from the people they are supposed to be holding
Paul characterized Pastor Mark’s half hour video message as “defiant.” It was specifically
defiant in light of Mark saying he’s going to be at MH in 30 years when Paul had clearly told
him that he needed to step down. He clarified that this stepping down was “not forever. But
given the depth of the heart issues that Mark needs to deal with, he’ll never deal with
as long as he’s in the saddle. It just won’t happen.”
Paul also said, “I am a man who is living in grief at this whole thing…because Mark is an
enormously gifted man. But he is broken inside. He doesn’t see the world the way he
should see it, and because of that, his message gets a twist to it. There is something amiss
inside that comes out in a destructive way.”
Paul affirmed that he believes that Pastor Mark truly loves Jesus and the church and that if
Mars Hill does what is right, the brightest days for Mark and MH are in the future.
“You can’t have a church culture where you essentially have a very tight
circle and everyone else is your enemy.”
“Sutton is fundamentally unhelpful for Mark. Sutton plays to all of Mark’s weaknesses and
none of Mark’s strengths.” He pleaded with them saying that what Mark needs in an
Executive Pastor is a “55 year-old seasoned godly man who watches over Mark’s soul as he
administrates the church, and who can pull Mark into a room and say ‘you can’t do that in
a meeting’ and you need to call another meeting and ask for forgiveness from the people
you just spoke to. He doesn’t need a man who is his trigger man.” He made it clear that
Sutton lacks the emotional and spiritual maturity to be where he is at in leadership.
From behind the scenes on the BOAA Paul observed that “A statement that comes from
somebody, through Sutton, to you guys, just changes dramatically.” He followed this by
saying that he did not think Sutton intended to be consistently untruthful, but that
regardless he does end up spinning things constantly out of fear.
Paul acknowledged some level of Mark acknowledging wrong and making some progress.
But, he also feels that if Mark clearly saw the depths of his sin and the damage it had caused,
he wouldn’t even be able to preach because he would be so overcome with life-changing
grief. “What happens with leaders often in these situations is that they give you one
paragraph of acknowledgement of wrong, and 6 paragraphs of how they are a victim. If
I’m counselling an adulterous man, and he sits in front of me and all he talks about is his
wife, I know that man is far from confession and repentance. Because once he sees his sin
it is devastating and you cry out for God... You think about your future, you don’t think
about how to manage it. Until you get to that level of brokenness, what you do is
manage a crisis, instead of dealing with the deep personal sin at the bottom of
the crisis.”
I (Dustin) had a follow up call with Paul later to confirm that he was comfortable with us
sharing all of this with the other elders in writing. Additionally, I confirmed that he would
be willing to help us in the future. He confirmed that we could share the above with you,
that he would be happy to fly out and meet with the Full Council of Elders if we asked, and
would be willing to help in any kind of consulting role that we might deem helpful.
The elders on the initial call with Dr. Tripp ended the conversation by asking him what
advice he had for the elders of Mars Hill. He responded, “Do you remember the event where
Mark gave all the guys a couple stones? Find those and use them. This is what God
ordained elders to do. You are going to risk your future - and I’m serious about this - by
standing together and saying ‘It’s done. It’s over. We go no further. We’re done with
skirting issues. We’re done mourning the loss of yet another leader. We are done with all
the public humiliations and accusations. We are going to deal with our stuff and Mark,
that begins with you. We will not continue. We will not plan further ministries. We will not
cooperate with further ministries. We’re done. We’re gonna deal with these issues. And
based on our authority as elders of Christ’s church, we are directing you to step
down. We will fully support you and will do everything we can to restore you. We’re not
divorcing you. We’re not kicking you out of the ministry. Our whole purpose is restoration.
It’s the only way that change is going to happen, and no one is going to make that happen
but the elders of Mars Hill Church.”
In Conclusion
As we bring this letter to a close, we want to again reiterate that we are sending this as an act
of love, not of defiance. Love is not compliance, but rather speaking the truth and seeking to
walk in the light together. Brothers, we know that we do not stand alone in our concerns for
our church. We stand as your brothers, risking our future for the sake of the bride of Christ.
It is time for us as elders to “stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong,” (1 Cor 16:13)
while still letting all that we do be done in love. It is time to take responsibility for our
church, regardless of how much our current bylaws prevent us from exercising that
authority. It grieves us that the only voice that has never been heard in all of this is the voice
of the current elders.
Lead Pastors - you can lead the way and your men will follow.
Volunteer Pastors - you carry more weight than you know.
Staff Pastors - Jesus is good and sovereign and he will take care of you.
It’s been implied that Pastor Mark may be stepping down this week. If he does, then
we can joyfully affirm his decision. If he does not, it will continue to be our belief that is
what would be best for Pastor Mark and the church. But either way we must make the
following clear:
• We, the elders of Mars Hill Church, love Pastor Mark and truly desire his full
restoration to preaching Pastor of this church.
• Whether he were planning to step down or not, we direct that he steps down from
ministry, submitting himself under the authority of the elders of the church, who
will oversee the details of his restoration plan.
• He must step down not only from the pulpit, but from all aspects of ministry and
• He will continue to receive his salary so long as he continues to cooperate with the
restoration plan set before him by the elders of Mars Hill Church.
• Dr. Tripp has agreed to serve us in a consulting role to oversee the restoration plan
for Pastor Mark. We direct the BOAA to retain Dr. Tripp in this capacity, and in
doing so also to agree that Pastor Mark only be restored when Dr. Tripp and all
members of the BOAA and the Board of Elders believe that process to be complete.
• Lastly, we direct that this information (Pastor Mark stepping down in submission to
the authority of the elders) be lovingly but candidly presented to the people of
Mars Hill Church, as we know that this will be helpful in rebuilding their trust in
their leaders and hope for their church.
We will close this letter with a sermon excerpt from Pastor Mark, exhorting the members of
Mars Hill to follow their Jesus and their elders.
Part 3 of 1st Corinthians
1 Corinthians 1:10-17
Pastor Mark Driscoll
January 22, 2006:
...That’s what Paul’s saying. “I don’t remember atoning for the sins of the world. I don’t remember living
a sinless life and dying as a substitute in your place and rising to forgive your sins. Was I crucified for
you? No!” And his third question: “Were you baptized in the name of Paul?” Is your ultimate allegiance
to me, or Jesus? This is so important. I want you guys to respect me, the pastors and the leaders in this
church. I don’t want you to have too low a view of leadership, too high a view of leadership – the
extremes that we see in the church in Corinth. At the same time, your primary and ultimate allegiance is
not to me, and it is not to the pastors in this church. I will say this publicly: I am one of the pastors. They
can out-vote me and fire me. They have total freedom to do so.
And if at any time in the history of this church the elders discipline me, do not be loyal to me. Be loyal to
them; be loyal to Jesus. And if at any point – God forbid – I should say or do something that would
disqualify me from being your pastor – and I have no intentions of, and I do live a life above reproach.
And I’m not a sinless man, but I do love Jesus and I do love my family and I do love you. And if by – I
just shudder to say this, but if I should ever say or do anything that the elders would need to fire me, do
not be loyal to me. Be loyal to Jesus; be loyal to your elders. Be loyal to the pastors in your church. Trust
them. Follow them.
And if you forget, this’ll be archived. Pull it down and listen to it again, and say, “Mark, you told us to
ignore you and follow the leaders in the church and Jesus.” Do that – because at the end of the day,
you’re not baptized in my name. You’re not ultimately loyal to me. You are not ultimately devoted to me.
My job is to point you to Jesus. He was crucified for your sins. He forgives your sins. He is your God and
Savior. He’s the one when you are buried in baptism and raised in newness of life that you are
celebrating and honoring – that the focus and heart and the devotion and commitment and the passion
in the church must be for Jesus; no one else; no one else.
With the love of Christ,
Pastor Dustin Kensrue - Director of Worship / Worship Pastor at Mars Hill Bellevue
Pastor Drew Hensley - Lead Pastor at Mars Hill U-District
Pastor Mark Dunford - Pastor at Mars Hill Portland
Pastor Ryan Kearns - Director of Community Groups / Pastor at Mars Hill Bellevue
Pastor Ryan Welsh - Pastor of Theology and Discipleship
Pastor Adam Ramsey - Director of Student Ministry / Pastor at Mars Hill Bellevue
Pastor Cliff Ellis - Director of Biblical Living / Pastor at Mars Hill West Seattle
Pastor Gary Shavey - Pastor of Biblical Living at Mars Hill Bellevue
Pastor James Rose - Pastor at Mars Hill Ballard
20 years, 700 victims: Southern Baptist sexual abuse spreads as leaders resist reforms
by Robert Downen, Lise Olsen, and John Tedesco published Feb. 10, 2019
by John Tedesco, Robert Downen, and Lise Olsen published Feb. 12, 2019
by Lise Olsen, Robert Downen, and John Tedesco published Feb. 13, 2019
by Meagan Flynn published Dec. 27, 2017
Beneficial Notes:
To discern the events:
To summarize the events as found in the above articles:
Southern Baptist Convention leaders refuse to institute a dynamic organization-wide alert/warning protection mechanism for Southern Baptist members against predatory men that are no better than beasts.
SBC Leadership, where was the love? And, where was the support for the oppressed?
SBC Leadership, where is the love? And, where is the active support for the oppressed?
SBC Leadership Fails to Identify Wolf in Sheep's Clothing To SBC Membership, Another Example.
SBC Leadership Fails to Identify Wolf in Sheep's Clothing To SBC Membership, Yet More Examples
according to Harris County records.
False Prophets Foretold by Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:4-5), Even SBC Leadership at the Top Misleads and Are Destroyers
Spirit of Fear: Hundreds of Sex Abuse Allegations Found at Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches
(not related to Southern Baptist Convention mentioned above)
by Sarah Smith published Dec. 9, 2018
by Sarah Smith published Dec. 9, 2018
by Sarah Smith published Dec. 9, 2018
by Fort Worth Star-Telegram published December 09, 2018 05:30 AM, updated January 03, 2019 09:54 PM
by Star-Telegram published December 09, 2018 05:30 AM, Updated December 11, 2018 08:03 PM
Beneficial Notes:
Spirit of Fear
For decades, women and children have faced sexual abuse while worshiping at independent fundamental Baptist churches around the country. The network of churches and schools has often covered up the crimes and helped relocate the offenders.
Investigative reporter: Sarah Smith
Editors: Steve Coffman, Mike Fannin and Tom Johanningmeier
Visual production: Todd Feeback, Neil Nakahodo, Chris Oschner, Shelly Yang and Julia Wall
Social media editors: Jordan Ray and Sandy Guerra-Cline
Digital presentation: Leah Becerra
Researchers: Kaley Johnson, Katie Bernard, Jenna Farhat, Cortlynn Stark and Sorayah Zahir
Roman Catholic Church Expansive Sexual Abuse Cases
by Michael Rezendes published Jan. 6, 2002
by Sacha Pfeiffer published Jan. 7, 2002
by Morning Edition published March 18, 2019 7:22 AM ET
Beneficial Notes:
Timeline of Spotlight report investigations
1/6/2002: Church allowed abuse by priest for years (Part 1 of 2)
1/6/2002: A revered guest; a family left in shreds
1/7/2002: Geoghan preferred preying on poorer children (Part 2 of 2)
1/31/2002: Scores of priests involved in sex abuse cases
2/24/2002: Church cloaked in culture of silence
2/24/2002: Hundreds now claim priest abuse
3/14/2002: Ex-Mass. bishop accused of ignoring abuse in NYC
5/12/2002: Scandal erodes traditional deference to church
8/20/2002: Ariz. abuse case names bishop, 2 priests
12/1/2002: Archdiocese weighs bankruptcy filing
12/1/2002: Battle over files intensifies
12/4/2002: More clergy abuse, secrecy cases
12/14/2002: Pope accepts Cardinal Law's resignation in Rome
Theodore Edgar McCarrick (born 1930), ordered in 2018 by Pope Francis to a life of prayer and penance until a canonical trial could be held. After a church investigation and trial, he was found guilty of sexual crimes against adults and minors and abuse of power, and was dismissed from the clergy in February 2019. McCarrick is the most senior church official in modern times to be laicized - commonly referred to as defrocking - and is believed to be the first cardinal ever laicized for sexual misconduct.
Dividing People From God
"Children's Church" takes children away from their parents, who should hear EVERYTHING that is being taught to their children, out of the preaching in the church service. They color, they play, they get a short story, and many of them spend more time focused during their public school classroom sessions which demonstrates that they could remain with their family (and they should see their father participating and maturing in the faith).
Matthew 19:5). The Word of God is clear that marriage is a picture of Christ and His Bride (Ephesians 5:22-32). It is further written that which God joins together, let no man separate (Mark 10:9). What does God's Word say about the "church pastor" that officiates the wedding ceremony over a divorced "church member"? Theoretical question, no! I know a "church pastor" held a wedding ceremony for one of his "church members" that is divorced. That "church pastor" attempted to put asunder. That "church pastor" is an accomplice in on-going adultery. That "church pastor" knew that "church member" was gainfully employed. What would happen to the financial contributions of that "church member" if the "church pastor" declared the truth about the situation? Was the ceremony performed for sordid gain?
This reminds me of William Tyndale's conversation with the Roman Catholic Church clergyman, when the priest challenged William about the pope's authority asserting that if the pope's law and God's Law are at variance then it is better to do without God's Law, to wit William replied "I defy the pope and all his laws".
I recall Lord Jesus saying "Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:19).
What has unlawful authority wrought in everything surrounding that marriage which that "local church pastor" performed?
The whole affair is evil, as I know all the parties involved, with the exception of the new bride.
I know of a "local church" where a man on the board of directors of the church said that Jesus' blood is a metaphor in direct denial of the true and present covering of the Blood of Christ Jesus (Matthew 26:28, Genesis 9:4, Hebrews 9:14, Exodus 12:13, 1 John 1:7, 1 Peter 2:24, Ephesians 1:7, Revelation 12:11, Acts 20:28, Revelation 7:14, 1 Peter 1:2).
The unbeliever perceives the church as divided with contradictory denominations, such as Lutheran, Catholic, Evangelical, Mormon, Baptist, Pentecostal, Episcopal, Presbyterian, etc. On occasion, these denominations vie for differing political ends (even within a single denomination, sometimes). Secularists act surprised when outwardly opposing denominations agree on a common objective, sometimes making headlines.
Which "church" did the Lord Jesus say to call "church"? Arguments about doctrine aside, they are all churches (1 Corinthians 1:12-13, 1 Corinthians 3:2-17). To the unbeliever, they all are the Church.
In Fremont, CA, U.S.A. there are more than 80 "local churches"! Which one is the "local church"? Some people travel great distances (more than an hour) from their homes to get to their "local church" "home church"; although, these travelers have "local churches" nearby to their homes in this very large metropolitan area of the San Francisco Bay Area that includes Silicon Valley! Is that local?
Abominations In The Churches
Multiple local churches in this locale have offered yoga classes recently. The advertisement of one yoga class pronounced that congregants could join their "local church pastor" at the yoga class.
The churches are unequally yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14), to say the least.
Word History: The word yoga comes from Sanskrit yogah, "yoking, joining together" and by extension "harnessing of one's mental faculties to a purpose" and thus "yoga." The Sanskrit word descends from the Indo-European root *yeug-, "to join, yoke." In the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family, *yeug- developed into yuk-, represented in Old English by geoc, the ancestor of Modern English yoke. The root *yeug- is continued by words in most of the branches of the Indo-European language family, which indicates that the speakers of Proto-Indo-European used draft animals to pull their plows and draw their wagons.
Does this sound like looking toward the return of our Lord Jesus Christ? Does this sound like the doctrine of Lord Jesus Christ concerning The United States government, the Roman government, any government? The answer can be found in the WHAT DOES JESUS SAY ABOUT WORLDLY GOVERNMENTAL INVOLVEMENT? sidebar above. Which of the debate topics have eternal consequences? Recollect the eternal consequences and patriotic fervor of the church in the account detailed earlier in this essay in the History of the Church Section: The tale of the Caesareum church in Alexandria, Egypt; seriously, compare the church activity over the course of nearly 2,000 years - see the melding/meddling of church and state - see the struggle for worldly power - see that the world's governments are not the Kingdom that King Jesus proclaimed (John 18:36)! Consider "This House should not judge a book by its cover" debate topic has a single correct answer. Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" (Matthew 7:16) meaning that we will know wolves in sheep's clothing by their fruits, but the debating children are not allowed to quote Scripture in the debate. If the father's work all week, and if the debaters and their parents are at the church building all day Saturday for debate, then at the church for Sunday morning's sermon maybe back for an evening sermon, then where is the time to seek out the lost as Christ commanded to His disciples? Each and every one of us believers, young and old, are the Lord Jesus' own flock, and we feel the intensity of His imminent return, so we hunger and thirst for righteousness, even being persecuted for His Name's sake.
A fearful number of churches have brought in the culture to try to make the church palatable to the slaves of sin, and the slaves of sin love that culture that is known to them, so the dead in sin embrace the church culture. Too many churches neglect one or more of Jesus' points, even neglecting the intensity of sin. There are churches that neglect to teach the law; on the other hand, there are churches that teach a person must do some "work", which might include opening their heart to Jesus (contrary to Scripture). Some churches teach to keep the commandments. Some churches teach responsibility and duty (works, covered shortly below in this essay).
Without the law, I would not have known sin (Romans 7:7). God used the law, including the ten commandments, to reveal my despicable, deplorable, desparate, dead condition (Ephesians 2:1). By the law, I came to know what adultery is (Exodus 20:14), by the words of Jesus, I knew that even the thought of adultery in my heart was crime against the Eternal God Almighty (Matthew 5:28, 2 Samuel 12:13, Psalm 51:4). The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3-17) give a picture of righteousness unattainable to people (Romans 8:3), even the first three commandments told me of God's holy nature, and that God's purity demands justice (Romans 12:19).
God is just (Deuteronomy 32:4). God's judgement is true. "The Just Balance Scale Weights Measuring Right And Wrong" sidebar is below. The guilty will not go unpunished (Nahum 1:3); in other words, the criminal must be punished. There are two states of being, either (1) innocent or (2) guilty. Any amount of guilt make a person unholy (1 John 3:9), an object of wrath from God. Lord Jesus said any amount of sin destroys. Every person is guilty of sin, for there is no one righteous, no not one. Every one has sinned, just as Adam sinned (1 Corinthians 15:22). Except, there is One Who knew no sin in Whom is mercy (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Jesus commands, repent (Mark 1:15 [think differently from now on]). Jesus is the propitiation to the one that believes. To propitiate is (1) to conciliate, (2) to overcome, (3) to appease the wrath of God; in other words, propitiation makes peace with God. By God's mercy, God satisfied God's justice by establishing that substitutionary sacrifice conciliates His people to Himself; moreover, God's Son, Jesus Christ, bore the full weight of punishment as the full and complete substitutionary sacrifice (Romans 3:25), there is no more sacrificial deeds necessary to propitiate. That horrific treatment, that suffering, that death, that Jesus endured that day on the cross, that is the only Way for a person to be reconciled away from the consequence of sin, and the consequence of sin is the wrath of God (John 3:36). Jesus paid for me by His loving work, and I am His (1 Corinthians 15:10).
Jesus makes us believers to conform to Him (Romans 8:29) in the Holy Spirit that indwells us (1 Corinthians 6:19). He draws us closer to Himself (John 12:32), and He refines us (Daniel 12:10). He will never break His promise. He does not faint. He does not grow weary of His wonderful plan for us in Christ Jesus the Lord (Isaiah 40:28). Our Lord Jesus is faithful to the end (2 Peter 3:9, 2 Timothy 2:13, Hebrews 13:5).
Church Missions
It is needful to discuss missions, keeping it short, so here are some actual "local church" missions:
A Church Pastor's Email
Nevertheless, you have done well to share [with me] in my affliction.
but ye did well, having communicated with my tribulation;
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10 and Proverbs 1:7), and Christ is the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24). Do you see the imposition of fear in the writing of the "local church pastor"? I fear my God who can destroy both body and soul in hell (Matthew 10:28).
The yellow section is in error. The believer is a member of the Body of Christ at the moment saving Grace came upon the believer, and the local, global, and eternal expression of the Body of Christ includes that saved believer. No further action is required by the newly saved believer to become a member of anything, rather God has done His miraculous work at the very moment God converted the believer (John 3:3-5, Ezekiel 36:26)!
Praise Jesus, the "local church pastor" wrote that "Scripture does not contain an explicit command to formally join a local church"! Yet, he wrote an entire email on the subject attempting to justify "local church" by conforming Scripture to man instead of man to Scripture!
Wait a minute, did not the "local church pastor" just write that "Scripture does not contain an explicit command to formally join a local church"?
without belonging to a local church
is foreign to the New Testament.
Every one of these refers to God drawing people into His Body, His Ecclesia. Note in 5:14 "the more were believers added to the Lord" that they were added to the Lord! Also, note in 16:5 that the assemblies were strengthened in the faith, so these assemblies are gatherings of believers in multiple places yet one Assembly of God, after all, these assemblies were receiving the Apostles dogma (the Greek word, the English word is decrees) which is in accord with the Word of God. Look at 1 Corinthians 5:4 (this is even quoted by the "local church pastor" in this section) where the Apostle Paul wrote that he would be with them in spirit with the power of the Lord Jesus. See here, friend, there is no segregation in the Assembly of God, that Paul being in a different place, physically, was with the believers in Corinth in spirit in the power of God. One Lord Jesus, one Bride of Jesus.
It seems rather selective to leave out Acts 2:46 that states "house to house" not church to church. They were breaking bread. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, doing what? The Lord was adding to their number day by day (Acts 2:47). Therefore, in Acts 2:42 the excitement of the Act of God adding to His Ecclesia's number is expressed!
In a time of severe persecution, of which the Apostle Paul was acutely aware because he was formerly chief among the persecutors of God's Ecclesia (Acts 8:1), would they have been keeping a list? Why don't these purported rosters show up in Scripture or in other historical writings? The "local church pastor" mentions 1 Timothy 5:9 as a list of widows, but they were added to that number. The word for "list" in Greek is katalegesthO, and it occurs once in the New Testament. It has this order of precedence in it's meanings (in the Greek/English interlinear the word's English meaning is LET-BE-beING-DOWN-said):
In a time of severe persecution, not forgetting Paul's involvement as Saul the persecutor, they sent letters identifying one another and praising God's acts in the lives of His Children. They could go from assembly to assembly because they were of the Assembly of God.
Formal local church membership is not indicated in these passages, and claiming such is adding to the Bible (Revelation 22:18-19, Deuteronomy 4).
The next section of One Spirit and One Heart in God titled "Authority in the Ecclesia Defined - By the Word of God" addresses much of the "local church pastor's" statements and assertions about the "The Existence of Church Government" including a crucially important textual analysis of Hebrews 13:17 (the English translation does not state the Greek properly, to put it mildly), but a few points need to be dealt with here.
Calling them to Himself, Jesus said to them, "You know that those who are recognized as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them; and their great men exercise authority over them.
but Jesus having called them near, saith to them, 'Ye have known that they who are considered to rule the nations do exercise lordship over them, and their great ones do exercise authority upon them;
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
and again, Isaiah saith, 'There shall be the root of Jesse, and he who is rising to rule nations -- upon him shall nations hope;'
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
"When they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not worry about how or what you are to speak in your defense, or what you are to say;
'And when they bring you before the synagogues, and the rulers, and the authorities, be not anxious how or what ye may reply, or what ye may say,
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
For Profit Corporation Organizational Chart example
Not For Profit Church Organizational Chart
"Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written:
'This people honors Me with their lips,
But their heart is far away from Me.
But in vain do they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.'
Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men."
'Well did Isaiah prophesy concerning you, hypocrites, as it hath been written, This people with the lips doth honor Me, and their heart is far from Me;
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
"You are experts at setting aside the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition."
'Well do ye put away the command of God that your tradition ye may keep;
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
The person being disciplined is not ostracized, rather they are denied the assembly; furthermore, the Gospel of Grace is proclaimed to them, just like the gentile or the tax-collector!
Who commits who to who (red section)? The Apostle Paul wrote "For it is not he who commends himself that is approved, but he whom the Lord commends" (2 Corinthians 10:18). God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, commits the believer to His Holy Nation, a people preserved unto Himself for His Glory!
As exerted from Philip Schaff, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers ser. 2, vol XII (Christian Classics Ethereal Library): The Book of Pastoral Rule: preface. Please recall Our Lord Jesus Hates the Deeds of the Nicolaitans sidebar.
In the Greek/English Interlinear, we find a couple of the Greek words used for "feed" to translate to "be grazing" or "graze", so we can see this as "be grazing My sheep". Now, couple that with living on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. In Ephesians 4:13, we find God moving each believer from infant to maturity as a full grown man, feeding on the Word of God. God moves every believer toward maturity, to be perfect like our Father in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48). Do you hear the Master, Jesus, telling us to feed on the Word of God? Did you hear the Word, Jesus, say unless you eat His flesh and drink His blood, you have no life in you (John 6:53)? The act of shepherding is a gift of God to the perfection of the saints, and to the elder, it is fruit of salvation in the Living Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ declared Himself the Good Shepherd (poimen is the Greek word). Since Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd, what does that make everyone else? That word Shepherd was not translated Pastor, was it? That definite article "the" does not leave any squiggle room for another person. Let's imagine for the moment that the word Shepherd was translated Pastor, then no other pastor is good. Scary.
"I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep."
'I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd his life layeth down for the sheep;
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
Jesus Christ repeated Himself, because we must listen to Him. The word shepherd in English is poimen in Greek.
"I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me,"
'I am the good shepherd, and I know my sheep, and am known by mine,
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
Master Jesus used that Greek word poimen again, each of these three times referring to Himself, but this time the adjective is "one" instead of "good". Master Jesus said "One Shepherd". He was definitive by saying "One Shepherd". Does this leave any room to squiggle for a mere man as the second poimen? Or, a third poimen? Again, let's imagine for the moment that the word Shepherd was translated Pastor, then any other pastor is an imposter. Yikes!
"I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock with one shepherd."
"and other sheep I have that are not of this fold, these also it behoveth me to bring, and my voice they will hear, and there shall become one flock -- one shepherd."
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
"Therefore, behold, I am sending you prophets and wise men and scribes; some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city,"
'Because of this, lo, I send to you prophets, and wise men, and scribes, and of them ye will kill and crucify, and of them ye will scourge in your synagogues, and will pursue from city to city;
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
"For this reason also the wisdom of God said, 'I will send to them prophets and apostles, and some of them they will kill and some they will persecute;
because of this also the wisdom of God said: I will send to them prophets, and apostles, and some of them they shall kill and persecute,
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
"But do not be called Rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers.
'And ye -- ye may not be called Rabbi, for one is your director -- the Christ, and all ye are brethren;
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
So, in the view of the "local church pastor" there are teachers and leaders in the context of authority, yet not fathers. Interesting that he dismisses Anglican and Roman Catholic and Orthodox church titles, yet he clings to "pastor". More poignant, however, is that the "local church pastor" dismisses the words of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ! The Living Lord Jesus declared "Whoever then shall break one of the least of these commandments and shall teach others the same, he will be called least in the kingdom of the heavens" (Matthew 5:19). Then, He continued with "For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:20). My Master called the Pharisees hypocrites, and for clergy to demand authority is among many things, hypocritical, whether in a congregationalist type governed church or a centralized governed church. His message is precise, never a doubt in the Spirit, that His Glory is defined in the very Word of God!
When He separated the sons of man,
He set the boundaries of the peoples
According to the number of the sons of Israel."
(Deuteronomy 32:8)
And there is no god besides Me;
It is I who put to death and give life.
I have wounded and it is I who heal,
And there is no one who can deliver from My hand."
(Deuteronomy 32:39)
Look to Jesus, the Author of salvation, when He said "Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: 'THIS PEOPLE HONORS ME WITH THEIR LIPS, BUT THEIR HEART IS FAR AWAY FROM ME. BUT IN VAIN DO THEY WORSHIP ME, TEACHING AS DOCTRINES THE PRECEPTS OF MEN.' Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men." and "You are experts at setting aside the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition. For Moses said, 'HONOR YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER'; and, 'HE WHO SPEAKS EVIL OF FATHER OR MOTHER, IS TO BE PUT TO DEATH'; but you say, 'If a man says to [his] father or [his] mother, whatever I have that would help you is Corban (that is to say, given [to God]),' you no longer permit him to do anything for [his] father or [his] mother; [thus] invalidating the word of God by your tradition which you have handed down; and you do many things such as that." (Mark 7:6-13). Lord Jesus called Himself some rather exclusive titles, including, (1) the "One Pastor", (2) "the Teacher", (3) One Teacher, (4) "The Good Shepherd", and (5) The One Leader; additionally, He said "if you abide my word then you are my disciples indeed". Referring to anyone as "father" or "pastor" or "teacher" or "shepherd" or any other sense of spiritual leader name is a tradition of men that speaks denial of the word of God by embracing the tradition of men that has been handed down by churchmen and churchwomen. Love YHWH your God! Be as children. Abide the Word! Love the Good Pastor, hear Him, do as He says, be His alone! The sidebar "The Standard of Truth: Our Lord Jesus Said "I AM the Truth" contains the Scripture references for much of this (this links back to the sidebar).
Authority in the Ecclesia Defined - By the Word of God
Jesus Christ Is the Authority
Jesus Christ Is the Foundation
Integrity of Greek to English Translation of Hebrews 13:17
Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit to their authority
Believe the ones that follow in the steps of the Lord Jesus whether martyred, sleeping, or living, and yield to one another even imitating the steps of the mature follower of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior for the ones walking ahead are vigilant over your souls, not being selfish, as the Word of God releases from their hearts, will give the Word of God with joy, this they do without groaning unprofitably for you in speaking the Word of God.
The author of Hebrews WOULD NOT ISSUE A COMMAND THAT CONTRADICTS THE WORDS OF JESUS! The majority of English translations of Hebrews 13:17 contradict the words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 20:25-28; however, a Spirit-filled examination reveals the Truth. Accordingly, the Greek manuscript of Hebrews 13:17 agree with the words that our Lord Jesus spoke of authority in the Assembly of God in Matthew 20:25-28, and here are His words:
Jesus spoke this: "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me; but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." (Matthew 18:3-6) Think of how children trained up in the Lord LOVE the praise of their father and mother, loving to help because they know to do all as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:17)! King Jesus talks about authority among siblings as well, that is, the absence of authority between siblings. King Jesus reserves authority for His Majesty!
Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn [bushes] nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits. Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven [will enter]. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and [yet] it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell, and great was its fall. When Jesus had finished these words, the crowds were amazed at His teaching; for He was teaching them as [one] having authority, and not as their scribes.
Let's examine a few more passages that have been misinterpreted by man, then made into evil traditions in which "charge" plays an ungodly role! The concept "charge over God's flock" and "rule" is truly absent in the Greek manuscripts. In the context of the English translation of "charge", the clear reality is "feed" as in taking lambs to eat (shepherding) and "walking in steps" as in stepping along after the ones leading ahead that are in the steps of Christ! As you read this, observe God's love for us as it is not dominance, but rather lovingly feeding with heed to the welfare of the assembly of God! The welfare of the assembly of God includes identifying wolves dressed in sheeps clothes!
Matthew 7:13-29
Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.
Take heed, therefore, to yourselves, and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit made you overseers, to feed the assembly of God that He acquired through His own blood,
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness;
feed the flock of God that [is] among you, overseeing not constrainedly, but willingly, neither for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind,
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction,
And we ask you, brethren, to know those labouring among you, and leading you in the Lord, and admonishing you,
1 Thessalonians 5:12 contains proistamenous (Blue Letter Bible, Strong's G4291; BibleHub, Strong's 4291, Tufts University Greek Word Study Tool) which is "have charge" in the NASB and "leading" in the YLT in 1 Thessalonians 5:12 for which the Greek word proistamenous truly contains the English meaning of "pre-standing" that is the person that God stands before leading the way. Obtained from HELPS Word-studies: 4291 proístēmi (from 4253 /pró, "before" and 2476 /hístēmi, "to stand") – properly, "pre-standing," referring to a pre-set (well-established) character which provides the needed model to direct others, i.e. to positively impact them by example.
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
The elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching.
The well-leading elders of double honour let them be counted worthy, especially those labouring in word and teaching,
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock.
neither as exercising lordship over the heritages, but patterns becoming of the flock,
1 Peter 5:3 contains klērōn (Blue Letter Bible, Strong's G2819; BibleHub, Strong's 2819) which is "those allotted to your charge" in the NASB and "heritages" in the YLT in 1 Peter 5:3 for which the Greek word klērōn truly contains the English meaning of "lot" or "portion". The word "charge" does not occur explicitly nor implicitly in 1 Peter 5:3. The English phrase "those allotted to your charge" is an incorrect translation of Greek into English.
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
Has YHWH as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of YHWH? Behold, obedience is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry
Hath Jehovah had delight in burnt-offerings and sacrifices as [in] hearkening to the voice of Jehovah? lo, hearkening than sacrifice is better; to give attention than fat of rams; for a sin of divination [is] rebellion, and iniquity and teraphim [is] stubbornness; because thou hast rejected the word of Jehovah, He also doth reject thee from [being] king.
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
But do not be called Rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ.
And ye -- ye may not be called Rabbi, for one is your director -- the Christ, and all ye are brethren; and ye may not call [any] your father on the earth, for one is your Father, who is in the heavens, nor may ye be called directors, for one is your director -- the Christ.
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
Ye have known that the rulers of the nations do exercise lordship over them, and those great do exercise authority over them, but not so shall it be among you, but whoever may will among you to become great, let him be your ministrant; and whoever may will among you to be first, let him be your servant; even as the Son of Man did not come to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
Appoint: Duality of Meaning in English
(Definition) Set Apart By God
(Definition) Elders Identifying Elders
Undershepherd Doctrine
Jesus was surrounded by rabbis, yet not a one was appointed by Jesus as pastor or shepherd, save Himself (John 10:16). Think all those doctors, professors, leaders, yet not a one did He set apart as leader, except Himself (Matthew 23:10). Not a one of the scribes nor pharisees certified as a teacher, for the Christ is the One Teacher (Matthew 23:8). Not a one of the priests nor religious leaders were ordained as a spiritual "father" for there is only the Father in heaven (Matthew 23:9). Today, there is a great multitude of men declaring themselves and their colleagues as teachers, professors, pastors, and doctors, yet our Lord Jesus Christ did something in humility, and it is diametrially opposed to the traditions of men existing today!
The Good Message: Proclaim and Dialog - or Ambiguous Preach
Let us consider the format for the gathering of the saints as opposed to the evangelizing of the lost. There is a very real distinguishing factor between the "dialog" of the gathering versus the "proclaiming" of the Gospel of Christ. God, infinitely wise, tells us to "go out", to reach out, to proclaim Jesus, to immerse the lost in the Name of Jesus! Thus, the lost are found, the found believer is added to the number in the Assembly of God. Now, the follower of the Way longs to gather for worship of the Living God, prayer with the brethren, and fellowship in love. This is the Holy Father's ordained plan.
Vote and Survey: Selecting A Church Leader, the Pastor
Pulpit Committees organize for the purpose of seeking a pastor/leader for church. Pastoral responsibilities, qualifications, and minimum education requirements are enumerated, and the head hunting begins. The searches can be global in scale, and too often, a stranger is brought into the church.
Stale Church: Because "Local Church Pastor's" Covet Authority
Week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade. Required attendance at the "local church" with guilt poured out by the "local church pastor" for absence. An epidemic of in-grown and stale churches permeate the land as "local church pastor's" cling to their authoritative office. Are the church-goers going out to spread the Gospel of our Dear Lord Jesus Christ? The laborers in the harvest are few, but the church-workers are many. How does the church grow? Babies, becoming those who grow up in the church. Oh, there are people switching from one "local church" to a new "church home", because they are seeking a church to meet "my needs" or more accurately "my wants"! "I need a solid children's program" say some. Others say "I want a young mother's group", or "I need a weekly men's breakfast." Yet others say "I want a singles ministry." See the "I" in these examples, they are self-serving (selfish, and Holy Scripture spends many a word on the matter) rather than seeking first the Kingdom of God (2 Timothy 4:3-4 [ear ticklers seeking in accordance with their own desires defining their own acceptable "doctrine" of a god conformed to them], Matthew 6:33 [seek first the Kingdom of God, of which Jesus' doctrine is inseparable, and the heavenly Father provides for needs]). I've heard less of "everybody is ignoring the senior citizens." Sometimes there is a "church-split" that results in recruiting efforts by the factions. Some claim "revivals" as a source of new church-attendees (by the way, the concept of "revival" is not in the New Testament, we find Life in the New Testament). It is impossible to find a truly God fearing church that is surrounded by the love of God and fully moved by God's Spirit. It is impossible because "church" is illegitimate.
Greatest And Least Includes Authority, Jesus' Words
Here are three distinct times where Jesus did not say "John, you're first and foremost with that aggressive attitude of yours, let's call you senior pastor - that's foreman for all you newcomers, Peter, we'll put you in the office of deaconate - for clarity that is the supervisor responsible for disciplinary investigations and punishment, and all you non-apostles are called lay workers until further notice. James, you are just not quite there yet, so let's revisit this promotion to executive management with a formal review in six months." Preposterous! Absurd, I write! It might be worthwhile to revisit those church organizational charts again to see what man has made it.
Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to Jesus with her sons, bowing down and making a request of Him. And He said to her, "What do you wish?" She said to Him, "Command that in Your kingdom these two sons of mine may sit one on Your right and one on Your left." But Jesus answered, "You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink?" They said to Him, "We are able." He said to them, "My cup you shall drink; but to sit on My right and on My left, this is not Mine to give, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by My Father."
Then came near to him the mother of the sons of Zebedee, with her sons, bowing and asking something from him,
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
James and John, the two sons of Zebedee, came up to Jesus, saying, "Teacher, we want You to do for us whatever we ask of You." And He said to them, "What do you want Me to do for you?" They said to Him, "Grant that we may sit, one on Your right and one on Your left, in Your glory." But Jesus said to them, "You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized? They said to Him, "We are able." And Jesus said to them, "The cup that I drink you shall drink; and you shall be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized. But to sit on My right or on My left, this is not Mine to give; but it is for those for whom it has been prepared."
And there come near to him James and John, the sons of Zebedee, saying, `Teacher, we wish that whatever we may ask for ourselves, thou mayest do for us;'
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
An argument started among them as to which of them might be the greatest. But Jesus, knowing what they were thinking in their heart, took a child and stood him by His side, and said to them, "Whoever receives this child in My name receives Me, and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me; for the one who is least among all of you, this is the one who is great."
And there entered a reasoning among them, this, Who may be greater of them?
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
Hypocrisy and Authority
"Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold, the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye" (Matthew 7:1-5). When a man states "I am an authority with charge over you", that man's standard of measure will be applied to him, for example, the "local church pastor". It is a hypocrite that is the "local church pastor" demanding submission to his office, and he is damned for practicing idolatry and attempting to steal God's exclusive authority. The "local church pastor" walks in a lawless state (notice in the sixth paragraph of the next statement of Jesus, that He says "inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness").
"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
Ye are the light of the world, a city set upon a mount is not able to be hid;
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed, shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness; nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. You younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
Elders who [are] among you, I exhort, who [am] a fellow-elder, and a witness of the sufferings of the Christ, and of the glory about to be revealed a partaker,
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
God's Plan
So, Master Orator Jesus was speaking of the temple of His body (verse 21 above), but there were those that thought He was talking about the Temple in Jerusalem. Now, hear the God that creates His Assembly, Jesus the Lord: "My house shall be called a house of prayer" (Isaiah 56:7, Jeremiah 7:11, Matthew 21:13, Mark 11:17)! In this sentence spoken by the Son of God, Jesus speaks using the future tense (around 30 AD), and Prophet Jesus prophesied the destruction of the temple (prophesy around 30 AD and fulfillment around 70 AD [destruction of temple occured about forty years after Jesus' resurrection from the dead {Second Temple [opens to Wikipedia], The Destruction of the Second Holy Temple [opens to chabad.org]}]). The same Jesus that predicted the temple building radical stone displacement is the same Jesus that declared the "My house" sentence clearly speaking of His Own House, His Own People, the Assembly of God. Jesus did not say that His house would be church buildings permeating each city with shepherds, also known as local church pastors, giving weekly sermons to people silently lined up seated facing those shepherds - even looking up to those shepherds on a stage. King Jesus said "a house of prayer"! A family in a house!
"I have made the earth, the men and the beasts which are on the face of the earth by My great power and by My outstretched arm, and I will give it to the one who is pleasing in My sight. Now I have given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, My servant, and I have given him also the wild animals of the field to serve him. All the nations shall serve him and his son and his grandson until the time of his own land comes; then many nations and great kings will make him their servant.
Thus do ye say unto your lords, I -- I have made the earth with man, and the cattle that [are] on the face of the earth, by My great power, and by My stretched-out arm, and I have given it to whom it hath been right in Mine eyes.
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
The assemblies tolerating the works of nicolaitans fails to satisfy the One who has the sharp two-edged sword (Revelation 2:12). The Lord Jesus said much Life giving words, but let us focus on, 'So you also have some who in the same way hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans. Therefore repent; or else I am coming to you quickly, and I will make war against them with the sword of My mouth. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says' as recorded in Revelation 2:15-17. The Nicolaitans are people that separate into clergy and laity/laymen (see also the Our Lord Jesus Hates the Deeds of the Nicolaitans sidebar above). The warning here is clear, and those that do not hear are destined for eternal destruction by the just God. To those people that have been lied to by the clergy, repent, turn to God by the strength of the Almighty, and abandon the wrongful doctrine of the clergy!
I wrote something to the church; but Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, does not accept what we say.
I did write to the assembly, but he who is loving the first place among them -- Diotrephes -- doth not receive us;
Why two columns? A convention reminder.
Love in the Body of Christ is essential. United in worship and adoration of the Living God! Each member of the body displaying gifts and abiding in the Holy Spirit. The gifts of God include helping, hospitality, evangelizing, exhorting, encouraging, shepherding, praising God, and more. We, the Body of Christ, gather to worship, and that God would exercise the wonderful gifts that He gives. We break bread in our homes, together and united, that is, we eat meals together, conversing, praying, worshipping, and fellowshipping. We gather in homes, markets, and wherever the Spirit leads. We gather at any hour of any day. We are a family that gathers, and our family has one Head, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
God the Father loves the Son of God (John 3:35), Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Son of God loves God the Father (John 14:31), and this communion is in the Holy Spirit of God (1 John 5:6-8)! Perfect Love in one God (John 17:21), Agape! The Father in Heaven's banquet is for His Son, and the purpose of this feast is to celebrate the marriage to His Chosen Bride, and she has the favor of the Father because of the Son (Matthew 22:1-14)! Let us examine His authoritative declaration of His Bride, His Holy Nation (1 Peter 2:9), His Body (1 Corinthians 12:12), the Assembly of God (1 Corinthians 1:2)!
I believe in one eternal God, existing as three distinct and equal persons being Love (Genesis 1:26 [plurality], Isaiah 48:16 [all three mentioned], Romans 1:7 [Father], John 8:58 [Son, referring back to Exodus 3:14], John 15:26 [Spirit], 1 John 4:8 [Love]).
I believe God is Love, God is Light, and God is Good (1 John 4:8, 1 John 1:5, Luke 18:19)!
I believe the Son of God named Jesus is the only Way to God the Father in Heaven. I believe the Truth (John 14:6) is the continually immediate inspiration of the indwelling Holy Spirit of God as the one and only possible means of our love of God (John 13:34, 1 John 4:7). I believe salvation, sanctification, and the Life eternal are all God delivered into the holy ones (saints) covered by the atoning blood of the formerly crucified but now Living Son of the Living God, Jesus Christ, my Savior and my God! (John 14:9, John 14:26, John 15:26, John 17:21, John 17:26)
I love my God, my heavenly Father, Who loves me. I was formerly a slave to sin, dead in my trespasses against the Mighty and Just God, yet now I live for God opened my eyes to see that I was purchased, the ransom for my crimes against God paid by the very blood of His Son, my Lord Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, God with us. God has given me the precious gift of His indwelling Holy Spirit. When the Father in heaven looks at me, I am safe and heard because I am covered by the blood of Jesus! I know God loves me because He disciplines me (Psalm 94:12, Proverbs 3:12, Hebrews 12:6, Revelation 3:19), and in the time of writing this essay was great testing to which my God exercised the Holy Spirit filled loving family that He generously gives me for which I am absolutely grateful and thankful to my Lord Jesus. There is no greater joy than knowing my God, and being known by Him! May I, unworthy as I am yet this Lord's House, be an instrument of peace.
To those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, remember, the promise of God the Father in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the Holy Spirit bringing communion with the Father in heaven. Eternal life is the joy of being with God, and in His lovingkindness He bestows it on His children! Do not grow weary, proclaim the Gospel in Love! Rejoice together in the unity of love, for the day draws very, very near.
Email comments: Kermos <Kermos@JesusDelivers.Faith>
Kermos, Wed Dec 23 14:36:48 PST 2015: A couple of brothers and I went to meet with the "local church pastor" whose email is included above in order to discuss this matter. Early in the meeting, I told him about this essay, and that I wanted to talk with him as well as give a copy of the essay to him (which he said he would not read). He said he would not talk about the fact that local (topikos) nor church (kuriakon) do not occur in Scripture, and the pastor said he would escort us out of his office immediately. At the last moment as we prepared to leave, I told him about my plan to release this essay with his email included, and he said go ahead. We were at his office for only about a couple of minutes. The pastor said something that needs inclusion. When the pastor said that I need to be under the authority of a leader, I responded with the words of Jesus, do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Jesus Christ. The pastor told me I twisted that Scripure! My Lord Jesus Christ was God on earth when He spoke those very straightforward and plain words. My conscience is captive to the Word of God, and I say the Lord Jesus Christ enunciated exactly what he meant!
Kermos, Tue Jun 21 15:00:00 PST 2016: Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ brought a certain Christian into fellowship with us from a city thousands of miles away. He contacted us and read One Spirit and One Heart in God. It was truly a blessing from God. He told us of where he fellowships, at that city, where the Spirit of the Living God led the assembly to move into the same building as well as close houses, even the same house for some. May God the Father shine his countenance upon these holy ones greatly in the love and communion of the Lord Jesus!