Table Examining the Lexicon of ὑπείκω (hupeiko, yield)
This is NOT an exhaustive analysis of New Testament occurrances of the word that equates to hupeiko nor of extrabiblical use; nonetheless, it provides insight. This is all the referenced works in the Lexicon that appear directly with Hebrews 13:17.
A few notes to help with reading this table:
- The first bullet item is Hebrews 13:17 containing hupeiko, (hupeikete specifically).
- The next two bullet items show the index of hupeiko (the second of the two shows where Hebrews 13:17 usage of ὑπείκετε [hupeikete] falls)
- The next bullet item (4th bullet) shows the definition of hupeiko
- The next bullet item (5th bullet) shows some voting about hupeiko
- The remaining bullet items are in pairs with the first being the English followed by the Greek for each of the extrabiblical occurrences of hupeiko
All images link to the lexicon website.
- Lexicon (link to hupeiko in Hebrews 13:17)

- Lexicon (link to hupeiko definition index near top of page where actual hupeiko found, Xenophon, Anabasis, Book 7, Chapter 7, Section 33)

- Lexicon (link to hupeiko definition index middle where actual hupeiko found next to Hebrews 13:17, Plato Apology, 34a)

- Lexicon (link to hupeiko definition)

- Lexicon (link to hupeiko definition with vote)

- Lexicon (link to hupeiko English Sophocles Ajax, 370)

- Lexicon (link to hupeiko Greek Sophocles Ajax, 370)

- Lexicon (link to hupeiko English Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus, 625)

- Lexicon (link to hupeiko Greek Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus, 625)

- Lexicon (link to hupeiko English Thucydides The Peloponnesian War, 127)

- Lexicon (link to hupeiko Greek Thucydides The Peloponnesian War, 127)

- Lexicon (link to hupeiko NotSameGreek English Plato Apology, 32a)

- Lexicon (link to hupeiko NotSameGreek Greek Plato Apology, 32a)

- Lexicon (link to hupeiko NotSameGreek English Xenophon Anabasis Book 7, Chapter 7, Section 32)

- Lexicon (link to hupeiko NotSameGreek Greek Xenophon Anabasis Book 7, Chapter 7, Section 31)